Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“I want a guy who’s gonna meet me half way, like the Black Eyed Pea’s song.” I want a girl who doesn’t quote the Black Eyed Peas.

49 Responses

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  1. Shakira says:


  2. Rebecca says:

    i think you’re living below the only girls that would quote the black eyed peas…

  3. Bellatrix Lestrange says:

    could be worse…..they could be quoting britney spears

  4. Kevin Aguilar says:

    for the love of god, please find an android developer to collab with and make a droid app! this is one of the funniest websites i’ve seen in a long time.

  5. Kate says:

    At least they weren’t singing it
    hmmm impromptu dance party?

  6. kaitlin says:

    Better than bieber,no? Charlie your posts make my day. Thanks so much xx

  7. Joestar says:

    Kaitlin, Bieber is tomorrow

  8. Alexander Caliva says:

    Dear Charlie,

    People I know keep asking me if I have a blog about these two girls. I have to admit, when I came here to check it out I was even shocked to see myself staring out from the screen, but it’s not just that. Your manner of dress and pithy remarks are also dead on.

    At first I was convinced you were me from the future, but after seeing a few more pictures I realized we actually don’t look so much alike as it seemed at first, but still!

    Taken just now for your edification…

  9. alexa says:

    off course she would quote one of black eyed peas worst songs

  10. Maddie says:

    At least they’re quoting something, right?

  11. Emily says:

    Charlie, I must admit I have a crush on you.

  12. Kelly M says:

    Charlie, you are my hero. You make my days, yet you haven’t accepted my friend request on facebook. ):

  13. B-rit. says:

    Why hasn’t this site been made into a movie yet?

  14. Hannah P says:

    Damn, I guess I’m out of the running.

  15. Mary S says:

    Well, I am your Mother and I am a little upset cause I love the Black Eyed Peas and I need to talk to you about this!

  16. Amélie says:

    This made me smile.

  17. Jessica says:

    Im not going to lie, this is the funniest website I have seen in a while. I am really happy that somebody else finds what people like these girls say really hilarious. Thank you very much for posting these, Charlie.

  18. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Samantha Nock, Shay'l Rose Hansen . Shay'l Rose Hansen said: 2010-08-20 « Dear Girls Above Me […]

  19. B-rit. says:

    Soooo Charlie, I think you need to get on making this whole thing into a movie. They made Facebook into a movie, and they made “Julie&Julia”, why not DearGirlsAboveMe??? You are hilarious and i would pay to see that movie twenty times over! Thanks for makin this website! It makes me smile everyday =)

    • Jen says:

      it would only be good if charlie was playing himself

    • Lizzie says:

      Personally, although it is a great concept, i dont think the format would translate to the big screen well.

      • vampiresquirrel says:

        I agree. It would be a guy staring at the ceiling and hearing dumb stuff, then typing at a desktop/laptop.
        Sometimes he would dance and fall over.
        Might make for an interesting comic strip, but not necessarily a movie.

  20. Alyssa says:

    These girls seem terribly brilliant. XD I love your blog, Charlie.

  21. Kelsey says:

    Reading these keeps me sane,or at least as sane as I’ll ever be. thanks. :)

  22. Karlin says:

    This makes me feel better about quoting Dr. Seuss..

    • vampiresquirrel says:

      My mom quoted Dr. Seuss when she was going on a tyrade about abortion. And she was being serious.

    • SuperKatie says:

      Dr. Suess is definitely quotable though, he said some amazing stuff in rhyme – some even better stuff just in interviews and such.
      “And will you succeed? Yes! Indeed! (98 & 3/4% guaranteed).
      Kid, you’ll move mountains.”
      I think we all need that in our lives

  23. Rachel says:

    I think what alarms me most about your blog is that you have new material every single day.

  24. Clair says:

    Charlie, it’s Monday afternoon here in Melbourne, Aust, but only 10.45pm on Sunday night in LA…..having GAM withdrawals….surely they say SOMETHING over the weekend? :)

  25. Amy says:

    Charlie, I think I love you.

  26. Jilllllllllllllllllllllllian says:

    You are obviously the funniest person alive :)



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