Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


Thanks for leaving on the DVD menu to ’27 Dresses’ while you’re out of town. I’ve been meaning to listen to that loop 5,473 times.

82 Responses

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  1. Amywhirl says:

    That loop is the best part of the movie

  2. Liz says:


  3. Grace the Giddy says:

    How did you know it was 27 dresses?

    • Sarah says:

      Because of the lack of a “like” button on here I’m forced to make this comment as a substitution for it.

  4. Ambar says:

    Does she not know what the stop button is for. Or how to turn off a dvd player?

  5. Taylor D says:

    Have a happy Thanksgiving Charlie! Hopefully the rest of the day will be pleasant and noise-free.

  6. Louisa says:

    Surely that is grounds for breaking into their apartment…that has to hold up in court.

  7. Kay says:

    You should get one of those TV-B-Gone remotes :)

  8. Ginny Weasley says:

    That has to be miserable Charlie. Happy Thanksgiving :)

  9. Marie says:

    D: Poor Charlie. Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. Maria says:

    Am i the only one who thinks they did it on purpose?
    They’re onto you, Charlie!

  11. Resa says:

    I’m pretty sure that’s an official torture method in several countries.

  12. Jillian says:

    HAHAHA charlie – too funny! i love it :) happy thanksgiving…i’m thankful you’re sharing the humorous situation you are in because it makes my day!

  13. Matt says:

    It’s got to be better than the dvd loop of ’24’ that my poor neighbors suffered through the entire Christmas break.

  14. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lauren Ashlee Comp, sgnewsfeed. sgnewsfeed said: 2010-11-25: Thanks for leaving on the DVD menu to ’27 Dresses’ while you’re out of town. I’ve… […]

  15. My Name says:

    I’d just kill myself! I hate hearing things over and over again! Well they do have a blonde’s brain I feel really sorry for you. Happy Thanksgiving though! (Just get out when you haven’t gone crazy yet dude!)

  16. Fluffeh says:

    I like how no one noticed the exact number in that.

  17. sally says:

    EXACT same thing happened to me. same movie and everything.
    i feel ur pain.

  18. luxaeterna says:

    … you kept count?

  19. Harry Potter says:

    But that movie is a classic!

  20. Mqrius says:

    Find a way to kill the power in the entire flat. It’s that, or listen to it 5473 times…

  21. Johanna T. says:

    Stunned there are girls like that in the World, completely and utterly stunned. Thought that only happened in bad American movies.

  22. Wyst says:

    This happens to me on a weekly basis.
    I don’t mind it so much now that she has a boyfriend, because it’s a nice reprieve to the sex noises.

  23. Harry Potter says:

    In my opinion, they won’t notice if you break in to their apartment to turn it off.

  24. Dobby says:

    So many Harry’s, but which is my master?

  25. maggie says:

    Imposter Dobby is a free elf he has no masters!

  26. bananaboat says:

    Seriously though. How do you know it’s 27 Dresses?

  27. The REAL Harry Potter says:

    Obviously I am the REAL Potter. Charlie, i grieve for you. Although, maybe, if given the chance, you would actually really enjoy 27 Dresses.. In fact. You could use this as an oppurtunity to strike up conversation with the girls! When they come home (unless they already have), politely knock on their door and tell them that you recently received 27 Dresses as a Thanksgiving present form your sister, and invite them down to watch it!
    Although.. this could also appear to be a rather stalkerish, and creepy proposal so perhaps not.

  28. Nobody says:

    I think half the readers missed that the turned the movie on and hit the repeat button and left! that was if “anyone” broke in, that “anyone” would think someone was home! because they think noone can hear…they are so loud they prolly can’t hear anyone, and oblivious, and sounds like the rest of the neighborhood is quite and good like charlie!…and since (it is their problemso) they wouldn’t call the cops, I bet the think everyone else in the world agrees!

    • Kiersten says:

      It’s a good thing nobody says that, since it makes no sense….
      he said it was the title slide, not the movie. You know, the beginning with the cool animation and cheesy music and pictures of smiling actors? Yeah, that one.

      • Nobody says:

        Y thank you! it really doesn’t tho does it! what I was trying to get out was that they probably think no one can hear them, because they probably don’t hear anyone else…seeing as they are so noisy! and all the other neighbors seem to be quiet and tempered…and since they are so self oriented they probably wouldn’t call the police in case of a robbery for anyone else and therfore assume no one would do it for them! is that better!

      • Nobody says:

        Do you think he went crazy enough to count how many times he listend to it?! lmbo!

  29. Leila says:

    It must be serious amounts of terrible if you kept count, Charlie. You should retaliate somehow…..

  30. Kelly says:

    The only appropriate retaliation is replaying a Porno. Loudly.

  31. Karah says:

    I think you should clear a day invite some friends over and pretend to have an orgy. Go in shifts and make it last. I hope that by now you have memorized their schedule… You wouldn’t be a proper creeper if you didn’t. :D

  32. YouSirAreAnIdiot says:

    Leave “A Series of Unfortunate Events” on it’s menu scree. It’s a great movie, but that ten second song will drive you insane!!!!

  33. Mrs.Weasley says:

    Oh i adore that movie. One of the best things to come out of the muggle world.

  34. trendywendy says:

    Maybe he tried out all the chick flick movie menus until he found the one that matched the musical loop of 27 Dresses.

  35. Alicia says:

    i love how the ad next to his letter was to buy dresses :P cracked me up (:

  36. WeirdFreak says:

    Do they know you have this site? haha

  37. Checkbook Wallet says:

    Thank you for a wonderful post. I enjoyed it.

  38. Luna Lovegood says:

    I feel that that count seems fairly accurate.

  39. Hulda says:

    Loved the post, hope it’s over!
    Oh and btw, what is with all the spam??

  40. Sam says:

    am i the only one that thinks the dvd menu getting burned on to their tv will be punishment enough?

    • Fred says:

      they’ll probably put the TV on the wall, replacing some of the fine art they have in their apartment.

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  42. Dakota says:

    Dude, two words, universal remote control. Okay that was three words.

  43. Joyousness says:

    I feel for you, really I do, our neighbors left “Crazy Bitch” playing on repeat for an entire day and left it on high. My husband went to work singing, “hey you’re a crazy bitch…” and he hates the song.

  44. Deven says:

    HAHAHAH. They should make an auto-shutoff on DVD players.



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