Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“I’d never kiss a guy if he got me something from Kay. But jewelry from Tiffany, blow job fo sho.” I’d like to see that commercial.

112 Responses

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  1. AmyD says:

    ok, now that actually had me laughing out loud. I can see the commercial now!

  2. Anonymous Hippopotamus says:

    How is she going to know the difference if it’s out of the box? What will she do then?

  3. Chloé says:

    Fo sho? Where did that come from?

  4. lauren(: says:

    fo shizzle

  5. Clarissa says:


  6. Myka says:

    You poor man.

    But LMAO!

  7. Savannah says:

    Tiffany & Co.
    The “Co.” stands for “come.”

  8. being nice (well not now) says:

    she sure doesnt have to think that long and hard huh.

  9. Taylor D says:

    It’d probably look like this..

  10. Anna says:

    Darling, hold out for a Harry Winston at least. Tiffany’s is really only worth a hand job.

  11. Laura says:

    Honestly, I bet a LOT more guys would go out and buy jewelry after seeing that commercial than any of the super cheesy romantic ones on tv now. :-)

  12. Louisa says:

    Lol, I wonder how they even got onto that subject!

    • Taylor D says:

      I’d be excited if it meant that they were watching Family Guy, but I think it’s because of the sappy “every kiss begins with K” commercial.

    • Kevin says:

      Well, figure out what she’d do for a klondike bar and slowly up your ante from there!

  13. Emma says:


  14. Alessandra says:

    First off, are there really guys out there that will just buy a girl expensive jewelry just for a blow job? I’d think they’d want more action, or if they were humble, nothing at all. Oh well, both ends of the spectrum…

  15. Taylor says:

    I just burst out laughing and scared my dog :)

  16. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jennifer Lavery, Bruce Andrew Winters. Bruce Andrew Winters said: 2011-02-09 « Dear Girls Above Me […]

  17. Theresa says:


  18. Emily says:

    Charlie, you should leave a Tiffany’s box outside their door and see how they react.

  19. Xtina says:

    These girls are always so classy

  20. Shay says:

    You should patent that.

  21. Sarah says:

    Charlie will you love me? My boyfriend just broke up with me.

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Well he’s an idiot. Send him to this site and we can all yell at him. Unless you cheated on him or something.

      • Sarah says:

        aww I don’t want you to yell at him. Then he’ll never want to talk to me. But thanks for the offer

  22. KimeeFace says:

    Just a blowjob? Hm.
    I really thought they’d be more generous than that.

  23. Kamella says:

    How old are they? Really?

  24. lalalalizzie says:

    For once, I agree with the girls. Definitely would give a blowjob for some Tiffany’s jewelry.

  25. Ann C. says:

    It’s good to know that the girls have standards.

  26. Cygnus says:

    The new Tiffany’s tagline a la DGAM. “Our distinctive blue box guarantees your balls aren’t.”

  27. Sarah says:

    What would they do if their boyfriends got them jewelry from Walmart? You’d probably have some really good fight quotes…

  28. Leisure Muffin says:

    Your comments usually aren’t clever or interesting. Stop trying to be such an ego-fueled hipster, and start to contribute valuable thoughts to the internet.

    • says:

      Why are you here then? We like ego fueled wit-isms. Go away. :)

      Thank you, and have a nice day.

    • KimeeFace says:

      Leisure Muffin by making that comment it shows your an opinionated ass.
      Just because you don’t find this website funny doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t. Pull your head out off your own ass.

      • G.N. says:

        By using the incorrect form of “you’re” you are revealing to the world that you are an uneducated ass. So before you chastise another indivudal, please ensure that your own house is in order.

      • ...mehg. says:

        G.N., you would do well to follow your own advice.

  29. says:

    Truth. not leisure muffin, not sure what crawled up your muffin and died. Just thought the statement was funny.

  30. Lizzzzzz says:

    Leisure muffin, dont be a giant squid of anger (internet troll). He is contributing valuable thoughts to the internet. Seriously, every time ive had a crappy day in the last year i could come on this website and smile. So it might not be curing cancer, but its doing something simpler and much more important. Bringing smiles to people’s faces.

  31. RawrSaidTheDinosaur says:

    I was reading the comments and the ad was for an online jewelry site. Mail-order jewelry… What would that be? Heehee:) As for leisure muffin: If you don’t like this site, you don’t have to look at it. So take your negative comments and go away before a giant narwhal stabs you in the brain.

  32. Public Service Announcement. says:

    Fact: Tiffany’s Jewelry origanally opened with the slogan “So good she will blow you away!” Followed by the slogan “This jewelry will get her to have sex with you!” a slogan that failed to get it’s message of romance across and was eventually changed to something more romantic.

  33. Cory Doctorow says:

    Dear owner of this blog,

    Everything you do is shit and I hope you die of cancer.


    Every single human being on Earth with creative talent

    • Lizzzzzz says:

      Im going to repeat this, dont be a giant squid of anger (internet troll). He is contributing something great to the internet. Seriously, every time ive had a crappy day in the last year i could come on this website and smile. So it might not be curing cancer, but its doing something simpler and much more important. Bringing smiles to people’s faces.

    • kimkardashian says:

      I think bad vibes like that get back to you, bud. I also disrespectfully disagree.

    • KimeeFace says:

      Really? I can bet twenty bucks that Leisure Muffin just changed the name he used on here so that he could pretend that more people hate this website.
      If not, he just brought along a lame friend that is not welcomed. Silly trolls.

      In Soviet Russia, Internet trolls You!

    • Stephanie says:

      Dear Cory Doctorow,

      All this trolling that you do is shit and I hope instead you will spend your time finding a cure for cancer.


      Every human being who visits this site every day for a good laugh.

    • angel says:

      oh come on. Cursing somebody with cancer? that’s a whole new level of meanness, man. and childishness.

      on another note, I can never understand internet trolls. If you really, really, really hate a particular site, why do you bother commenting? Aren’t you just basically perpetuating what goes on, on the site? Of course you could just be really starved for attention. In that case, I kinda pity you. Go get a pet cactus or something.

    • Taylor D says:

      Okay that’s just extremely low.It’s one thing to express that you don’t like the site since you’re entitled to your opinion, even though a lot of people here would disagree with you, but it’s quite another to wish something like that on someone who’s done nothing to you just because you’re not a fan of their work. If you hate the site that much why’d you even bother to read and comment? That was a really terrible thing to say and if you ever do comment again it should be an apology.

      P.S. I don’t think you should speak on behalf of people with creative talent, because I seriously doubt that you have any talent at all.

    • Public Service Announcement. says:

      Fact: Don’t feed the trolls, they’re like cats. Keep feeding them and they will come back for more troll food. Don’t feed them and they will go back to their bridge.

    • Taylor says:

      Really?? You want to spend your time wishing cancer on someone you don’t even know?? That’s messed up.

    • Trina says:

      Whoa there, buddy. If this site offend you so greatly, then please GO AWAY and never ever “grace” our presence again. It’s called America, land of the FREE jerk. And quite honestly, we all have the right to freedom of speech thanks to all of those people who fought and died FOR that right and many more.

      Secondly, WHAT THE HEY. Cancer? I hope that YOU experience the pain of having/knowing a close loved one who has cancer and never knowing if today is their last day.

      What’s your problem? Is this something that’s fun for you?? I hope you actually get a life instead of deciding to just rag on others.


      Um, excusez-moi?? I NEVER agreed to that statement of wishing cancer on poor Charlie. So, I’ll just keep me and my artistic talent right out of that petition, kay thanks.

  34. Brett says:

    I buy Jewelry for my girlfriend from Walmart. I get high fives. I’d prefer that over a blow job any day! :D!

    • KimeeFace says:

      High fives over blow jobs? If I were mean I’d ask if you also wore your own balls for earrings.
      But seriously, I wish my ex boyfriend would have just accepted high fives.

    • GStarr says:


  35. laurad says:

    Brett, you are my fave ;D

  36. Me says:

    Nice vest

  37. Ashton Kutcher says:

    How’s the blog to twitter to book to TV show going? Good? You are one hella funny aspiring comedy writer fo sho! We’ll make millions!

  38. Trina says:

    Hahaha, the Kay commercial IS annoying but “fo sho”?? whaaaat?

  39. pospcr says:

    At least Hilary Duff knows the proper way to respond to an engagement ring.

  40. Ashton Aubrey says:

    The Teacher Next Door…

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  42. sho b. says:

    my name is actually sho. so SUCK IT!

  43. Jingla says:

    She should have said “blow *jo’* fo’ Sho,” because then it would’ve all rhymed!

  44. Ellen says:

    Um, just reading another website and they totally stole this. Darn the internet and its problems with copyright on intellectual property….

  45. Respectable points!…

  46. Sarah says:

    These girls are what’s wrong with the world.

  47. Jason says:

    I’ve seen this same joke on about 50 different sites now. I’m starting to think you live on the top floor and this is all fake.

  48. Jenny says:

    I really do feel sad for my gender after reading all these posts…
    Then again I feel happy for the entertainment they provide.

  49. Ash Menon says:

    This is LA. There have to be cheaper ways to get a blowjob.



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