Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“There’s a video game for The Bachelor?! It might be time to get one of those Game Boy thingys.” That time was 15 years ago.

119 Responses

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  1. Alice says:

    No comments? What is this people?

  2. Charlie McDowell says:

    Ya, where are my peeps at?! <—- attempt at sounding cool.

  3. Liz says:

    I heard there was this really cool video game with little Italian plumbers that have to save a princess. i don’t think there’s a rose involved, but i guess it could be like The Bachelor.

  4. Kayla says:

    What I want to know is what kind of game this is? You virtually compete to win a virtual man? Life goal right there.

  5. Annabelle says:

    Somehow, I’m not surprised at all.

  6. Ann C. says:

    Apparently the Wii version is going to have a multi-player mode. If they do get a Wii (and this game), will you tell us about it, Charlie?

  7. Sarah says:

    I want a game boy thingy. My little brother broke mine.
    PS If I got that game, I totally hope there’s a make your own boy part so I can make you

    • Stef says:

      I never comment but I thought I would just for how creepy your statement was.

      Make sure you never give away where yu live Charlie, hundreds of girls will come devour you. Steal locks of hair and make voodoo dolls.

      • Sarah says:

        ha! Read the last post’s comments, I’m only doing this because it makes me smile because I’m actually quite upset. My reaction is I bet if I act ridiculous with my online family, I can drown out my real life.

        I’m sorry Charlie, I did not mean to make a “creepy statement”

      • Charlie McDowell says:

        Oh come on, it wasn’t THAT creepy.

      • KimeeFace says:

        In comparison to some things one may find on the internet, not creepy at all.

      • Matt Moshpitt says:

        I must give an honest WTF?!?!?!?! to the above comment.
        Who would make such a site?
        It scared and scarred me T~T

      • Stephanie says:

        Holy shit, another Hetalia fan! XD Gotta love Russia (that’s the character)

  8. Sherona says:

    It’s like boot camp for snagging a husband…? Fo sho. More like booty camp. *shrugs and calls it a day*

  9. feesh says:

    Game Boy thingy…sounds like they named the vibrator?

  10. Justin says:

    Isn’t this just online dating?

  11. Lequia says:

    I have nothing really witty to say today. :(

    Its been a while since I’ve posted. So…
    Hi guys. Missed you all. :p *waves*

  12. Sofa says:

    There’s a video game? Wow….

  13. Alicia says:

    I still have my origional Game Boy somewhere. It’s like a dinosaur.

    • Lequia says:

      Does it work?

    • Lizzi says:

      I still have mine too. I use it for old pokemon games, and because they still sell games at GameStop. :D All of my gamer friends call me old fashioned for not getting a DS.

      • Lock says:

        Oh wow, I’m remembering the really old Gameboys that were huge and grey, and only displayed black and white. The only thing you would see on that was Tetris.

      • Alicia says:

        That’s exactly what I’m talking about! I can remember the games I had, too: Frogger, Super Mario Bros, Tetris, Space Invaders, Centipede, and of course I had Poekemon (Fire version!!). Those were some great times. Can’t beat the classics.

      • Eliza says:

        I still have my Gameboy Advance SP & my brothers Gameboy Advance & a link cable that I also use for Pokemon games.

    • Kayli says:

      i think i still have mine too.
      i was really awesome.
      i owned the ‘a bug’s life’ game.
      and a mulan game. (i never progressed in the levels, i just dressed her up in all the costumes)

    • Lily Luna Potter says:

      I think we recently got rid of a game boy color. But then I couldn’t play the random gameboy color game I still have. Because, you know, I was totally going to.

    • angel says:

      hahaha. sometimes when I get bored (or am procrastinating) I’ll dig out my younger brother’s old game boy advance and play either pokemon or megaman battle network.

      And I think if we search hard enough, we’d probably find my older brother’s really really old classic gameboy!

  14. says:

    15 years ago I was eight

  15. Rosie says:

    Mine was purple. I miss it.

  16. Imogen says:

    I’m sorry but I have to say that you are wrong Mr. Charlie it is always game boy time.

  17. Mikaela says:

    Game Boys were the shit :3 I remember I had a pink Game Boy Advanced, and I still have my Game Boy Advanced SP with a bunch of Pokemon games. I was never cool enough to have a Game Boy Color :P Haha,

  18. April says:

    Oh god, we’re all getting old! D:

  19. Lonely Girl says:

    Even if they got one I don’t think they’d be able to figure out how to play it.

  20. Alice says:

    You honestly have no idea how happy this post made me. Especially since it’s been a rather crappy week…

  21. Kamella says:

    Hey, Chuck.

    On the MLIA blog it said DGAM is going primetime. T or F?

    • HHS says:

      Chuck? Whatever, PLEASE BE TRUE!!! And hello fellow MLIA and DGAM lover :)

      • Kamella says:

        YES AN MILAer! *high fives*

        MLIA is actually how I found DGAM.

      • KimeeFace says:

        Yeah, me too. I saw an MLIA that mentioned this site and despite how skeptical I was about going to a site where a guy listens to everything two girls say I do not regret it.

      • Nina says:

        -fellow MLIAer- I think DGAM was under ‘Average links’, and that’s how I found this.

      • Marie says:

        I found DGAM under average links on MLIA, too. And seeing as everybody on this site is talking about their really old gameboys, am I the only one who’s still a teenager? ’cause I kinda get the feeling that the average age on here is a bit higher than mine.

      • Liz says:

        what is MLIA? i found this site through They featured it in a post on hilarious links.

      • Marie says:

        MLIA is

  22. Samantha says:

    That would make my life. By the way, Charlie, how do we know that they will be able to set up their new game system? …
    …currently taking bets on how long it takes them to give up

    • Lily Luna Potter says:

      I’d bet on how long it would take them to try and figure out how to get it to plug into the tv…

  23. Emory says:

    I used to have a light blue game boy…I think I lost it shortly after I got my Legend of Zelda DS…It’s around here somewhere though and it still works and I still have the charger somewhere

  24. Karen says:

    My old school grey game boy broke after being thrown on the floor after the frustration that was Dr. Mario. The music still haunts me.

  25. Mariposa Betsy says:

    GREAT IDEA *light bulb appears above head* Charlie should leave a flyer advertising Nintendo Wii right about the GAM’s door =P !

    • Eden says:

      I’d be a little afraid of how they’d respond if Charlie suggested that…they’d probably think he was hitting on them and just wanting in their pants… I mean, to dumb girls like them “Wii” does sound kind of like a body part…

  26. Mariposa Betsy says:

    I meant outside!! Unlike these two girls I actually have school work to do so which leaves me tired at the end of a very long day =P

  27. Lisa says:

    Now the girls can have a struggling virtual love life. I wonder if you will overhear them fighting over the pretend bachelor. But then again, they do tend to share their…toys.

  28. yelyah says:

    no poems yet??

    • Alicia says:

      Sorry, I was a little late on today’s.

      Game Boys are from back in the day,
      When Tetris is what kids would play.
      Now there’s a Bachelor game,
      And it sounds really lame,
      Frogger is better, anyway.

  29. Meaggie says:

    Hello. Long time reader, first time commenter. (Although I always read the comments!) Felt I should comment today 1. Because I found DGAM through MLIA. and 2. Because I own a turquoise GameBoy Color, and a pink DS lite. I skipped a few! Lol.
    P.S. I love Sunchips.

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      All perfect reasons to start commenting. Welcome.

    • Chloé says:

      Funny, my Gameboy Color was turqoise as well. My little brother just got a DSI with an extra big screen, and he was complaining because it’s too big. Wow. (I also enjoy sunchips, especially the cheesy ones)

  30. AmyD says:

    15 years ago I was still old too Charlie, don’t feel bad!

    • AmyD says:

      BTW, I just looked up how old you are and you are NOT old yet!!!! Geez, now I feel really old!!!! lol

  31. Sara says:

    I started reading this site because Charlie’s comments were so witty. But now I read it to get to the comments.

  32. Lily Luna Potter says:

    I feel really old with the 15 years ago- but not as old as I felt when I heard the next game boy will be in 3D. I felt like waving my cane around and saying “kids these days- when I was your age we played on a black and white gameboy and were excited to have color!” ;) Even though I am not old, nor do I have a cane.
    Also, I have commented a lot today… and am stopping for now.

  33. Bridget says:

    The only gaming system I had ever had until a couple years ago was my red gameboy advanced Sp. I had one game for it. Last summer, a friend finally forced Pokemon onto me, and now I’m addicted and have to go find all the old games to play, and work my way up the chain. So I can sorta empathize with them for feeling behind…

  34. Alessandra says:

    Ok, last straw! They give girl gamers a bad name!!!!!

    • Bridget says:

      I don’t think anybody would consider them “gamers” so, the title should still be safe. ;)

  35. Shaylah says:

    Actually the bachelor wii game is really hard. I downloaded it for the lulz one day (along with a disney princess game lolol) and gav up five minutes in because its all mini games that are bloody retarded.

  36. Alyssa says:

    A game with virtual men to go along with their vibrator? well… at least they won’t get pregnant?

  37. Eden says:

    Charlie, are you the only one that hears the dumb things these girls say? Or is there other people in the building that just ignore it?

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      I believe I’m the only one.

      • Matt Moshpitt says:

        LUCKYYYYYY!! I wish i had dumb blonde girls living above me so that i could entertain the masses with their rather idiotic remarks! =(
        Oh well, my time will come. I am sure of it.

  38. Chloé says:

    I believe it might also be time for them to learn about technology other than the sparkly smart phones that they don’t know how to use.

  39. AmyD says:

    when I was little there were no hand held game units. The atari was king!!! We had frogger and pac man.

  40. Stephy says:

    -First time comment!-

    I’ve been reading this site on my phone since my internet has been disconnected, and it wouldn’t let me comment, but I enjoy the posts and the comments. I have a silver game boy color somewhere. God knows where

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  43. Ashley says:

    I just want to say that no matter how dumb I feel, this website alway makes me feel smart. Thank you Charlie for making my day!

  44. Sonja says:

    :) im still confused

  45. Sonja says:

    ha! i love my picture thing

  46. Sonja says:

    not confused anymore…

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