Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


GAM: Hey you, we’re throwing a party tonight. Me: Oh cool, I’ve got no plans– GAM: So if you hear loud music don’t call the cops.

196 Responses

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  1. Lexi says:

    Tell them you’ll just be chillin’ with your roommate Gerard.

  2. Mao says:

    You should wait until the party is at it’s best and then call the cops :D

  3. Charlie McDowell says:

    Whatever, I’m gonna get CA-RAAAAZY down below.

  4. Sara says:

    Video headed our way, Charlie?

  5. Antoinette says:

    You should make another video about your own Charlie Party!

  6. Matess says:

    Hope you’re not deaf yet (Y)

  7. Taylor D says:

    Charlie: ” Don’t worry guys I’m not gonna call the cops.”
    The girls walk away, huge grin comes across Charlie’s face.

  8. Sarah G says:

    Oh no!
    Well you could always come party in Texas with us!

  9. ASchmalz says:

    awww, poor Charlie!

    have to admit tho, this totally made my day!
    and i’d invite you to my party. just sayin.

  10. Alicia says:

    Time to practice the skills!

  11. Taylor D says:

    It’s sad and disappointing that they didn’t even think to invite you to their party, but what’s even more disappointing is that they still refer to you as just “you”.

  12. Cezz says:

    Which is exactly why you should call the cops. Lol

  13. Christina says:

    I’m expecting more awesome dance videos from you now Charlie ;)

  14. AmyQ says:

    I hope they play Party in the USA!! (That was my favorite part in the last video)

  15. Laura says:

    Do you still have the beard? I find facial hair to be a good litmus test for whether people are fun or not. They must not be fun. haha

  16. kristen says:

    It’s okay. It would be your luck that the if you did get invited the cops would bust it anywho :D

  17. Nibblez says:

    I say we just throw a party on here (:

  18. KristenMarie says:

    Aw, that’s mean. Can’t they see you’re a nice guy (besides you posting their stupidity behind their back for the enjoyment of America) and only want to get to know them better? <3

  19. armyguy416 says:


  20. Gennie says:

    Perhaps it’s time to invest in an epic stereo system and blast bluegrass…Or perhaps show tunes…

  21. says:


  22. Taylor P. says:

    A party post on my birthday!

  23. Lequia says:

    Please please PLEASE let us see how your dance skills have improved. :)

  24. Ashers says:

    Lol! May I just say.. You got bouyed =P
    But you should pump up your music to counteract theirs!

  25. AmyD says:

    Charlie, do you ever invite people over just so someone else can hear the incredibly stupid things they say?

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Yes, there are a select few who hate–enjoy them as well.

      • KimeeFace says:

        You should have GAM listening parties. Sell tickets, sell snacks. Like Sunchips. You’d make some cash and share the crazy/stupid things they say with the world all at once.

      • Bridget says:

        And have the sink as a prime seat!

      • AmyD says:

        ok I’m 36 and you replying to my question totally made my WEEK! lol glad you share the love/hate with a select few though!

  26. YogaGurl says:

    awee :(
    you can come party with me and you can help me with my blog about my psycho housemates!!

  27. Courtney says:

    Hahahaha first time commenter but I think you shoulp call the cops. Lol

  28. Sarah says:

    You should have told them that you’re party would be way more wild and make them jealous

  29. Clarissa says:

    you should sneak in and video tape a typical GAM party !

  30. Anna Recsik says:

    Throw a bigger and better party!

  31. Ann C. says:

    It’s time for another Charlie Dance Party!

  32. Kate says:

    I say crash it.

  33. Taylor says:

    awww Charlie :( haha but I agree with Kate. You should crash it

  34. Lock says:

    I’m getting too comfortable here. Normally, I just leave a comment and well, leave. But this is my third!
    I think I could be Alicia’s understudy as the Crazy person who sits outside your door! Just with lack-lustre poetry.

    What I was going to say was, in order to save face, you should have retorted,
    “I’m going to have my own party. I’m inviting 27 people, and they are all going to be wearing fancy dresses. And my friend Gerard is coming too, so *raspberry*.”

  35. Madison says:

    I say counter act their pop songs with something like Johnny Cash as loud as you can. :D

  36. CaseyMacey says:

    Live blog during the party? Please? <3

  37. Maria says:

    aww, you’re invited to my party, Charles.:)

  38. meenbeen says:

    my vote is crash the party in costume…. darth vader? or a teletubby!! or maybe just show up with a bunch of board games (scrabble, pretty pretty princess, dungeons and dragons or that game where you have to make hippos eat things?) and ask who wants to help get that party started……claire and cathy will love you forever :)

    • Lock says:

      Hungry Hungry Hippos! I loved that game, even though we got the cheap, knock-off game with the crappy plastic frogs that would regurgitate their marbles…

      • meenbeen says:

        yes!! thats it, thanks! i started googleing hippo eats and then got distracted when google suggested “hippo eats dwarf……”

      • Death Eater says:

        That game is an epic win! I haven’t played it in years though :(

    • Taylor says:

      Oh my gosh, I always wanted pretty pretty princess, but I never got it :(

      • Liz says:

        i have a picture of my brother (10 at the time) wearing all of my Pretty Pretty Princess jewelry. it was his favorite game, which is what worried me for a very long time. hahaha

    • Sara says:

      Pink Man to crash the party???? C’mon Charlie…

  39. Jesse says:


  40. Kamella says:

    *insert witty comment*

  41. Nicole says:

    Just a thought, what if you hired a male cop stripper to show up at their party? It doesn’t exactly count as calling the cops.

    • Nik says:

      im pretty sure they would enjoy that too much

      • Nicole says:

        I was thinking that too. But it could also be really funny if they actually thought he was a cop at first.

    • Lola says:

      A female cop stripper, then. That would throw them off.

      • KimeeFace says:

        A female cop stripper, and pay her to lie to both of them and say the other hired her.
        To Cathty: Your roomate hired me for you for some fun time.
        [When Cathy isn’t looking]
        To Claire: Yeah, that Cathy girl hired me for you. Says its time for you to come out.

      • Louisa says:

        Lol, Charlie should dress up as the cop stripper and pretend that he thought they were using code to invite him to do that!

  42. Denny says:

    you should definitely try to crash it. and bring a camera (:

  43. Jamie says:

    I wonder if these girls ever found out how famous Charlie has made them…I wonder…Hope this good thing never ends.

  44. Bay says:

    Forever Alone……. I would call the cops. :)

  45. Rose says:

    Get your revenge the next morning. While they are dealing with hang overs play really loud classical music… Perhaps something with bag pipes?

  46. On The Bright Side... says:

    I’d totally invite you to a party.

  47. Jordan says:

    You’re always invited to my parties Charlie :) The only thing is that jy dad might not a 30+ man comming to a 14 year old’s party.

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Settle down, I’m only 27.

      • Death Eater says:

        Yet you think you’re old. Pfft. You’ve got nothing on Voldemort.

      • Savannah says:

        Ha! Owned! Well if it makes you feel any better, she probably meant that your posts are so eloquently executed that it gives you the appearance of wisdom like that of a 30+ year old. Right?

      • Ashers says:

        Lol lucky for you I’m almost 18… you’re very welcome to pop along to mine though it does require you to fly over to the U.K. =D

  48. Cygnus says:

    Please please sprinkle some throw pillows out in the hall. I want to see if you can lure another drunken mumble buddy. The pic of the last one ( I forget what you named him) were hilarious. I picture a little unconscious pile of smeary, bleary party twinks and twinketts littering in you hallway.

  49. Jillian says:

    Woo! Have fun! Party! Woo!

  50. Lord Voldemort says:

    You should have a party! And not invite them! THEN VICTORY WOULD BE OURS! errr yours…..

  51. Lizzy says:

    Party in my dorm room? You can occasionally hear the neighbors but they are not as interesting…

  52. Toemailer says:

    Cool blog! I would just go anyway if there was any attraction to either of them, even if it is very high risk for future sanity.

  53. JustLiz says:

    This might be my first comment. You should definitely make a playlist of police siren sounds and play it loud enough for them to hear. I would love to see how they would react to “invisible” police crashing their party.

  54. KimeeFace says:

    Is it just me, or is there a poem missing?

    • Liz says:

      you’re absolutely right. has anyone sent a search party out for Alicia? I would write a poem, but i’m not good at writing them.

      • Theresa says:

        Don’t worry everyone, as soon as she wakes up I’ll begin the poem harassing.

      • Alicia says:

        The search party found me. I was lost and confused, wandering around the woods by myself because my vampire boyfriend just dumped me. I still managed to write a poem when I got back though.

        The girls led Charlie on,
        Then crushed him and were gone.
        To prepare for their party they went,
        And Charlie to the internet.
        He tells us of what they had done,
        We said dance and have some fun.
        Just try not to fall over this time around,
        I know it’s hard, but keep both feet on the ground.

      • KimeeFace says:

        Vampire boyfirend? Well, don’t be sad.
        Since he’s dead that means he has no blood flow. Which means he can’t get erections.
        I’m sure he wasn’t any fun anyhow.

        Great poem. c:

      • Alicia says:

        Haha I was making fun of New Moon…and thank you.

      • KimeeFace says:

        Yeah, Alicia I got the joke.
        Haha. Sadly, I was an avid Twighlight series fan up until I saw the movies.
        Seeing the movies opened my eyes to the horrible brainwashing Stephanie Meyers was trying to do.
        Now I’m back to surfing interwebs and listening to AVPM and AVPS on my ipod. c:

  55. says:

    Those girls….

  56. Marysia says:

    Charlie, next time just buy a small piece of jewellery from Tiffany. Invitation – for sure, and probably a bonus as well;)
    Even funnier (and mean): buy jew from Tuffany or Tiffony or sth like that;))

  57. Chloé says:

    Time to listen for dumb drunken quotes…

  58. Daphne says:

    aweh! :(( i would invite you to my parties… because you, my dear, are chock full of hilariousness. :))

  59. Ellie says:

    Long time reader, first time commenter.
    I say call the cops and blame whoevers below you!

  60. Sarah says:

    Ouch, charlie, i think you just got burned… by GAM

  61. Giovinota says:

    another vote for calling the cops on them!

  62. Ali says:

    I say throw your ow wild and crazy party and invite everyone from theirs to yours. Then again… Associating yourself with the same people may be incriminating… *Shudders* Bad idea.

    The bees have all had their knees returned. Sadly, most of them stung me and are now dead. Hmmm…

  63. Abby says:

    Poor Charlie! How do they not realize how awesome you are??!

  64. Mike says:

    wow…. that was kinda a burn. Good of them to cover their bases though.

  65. Xtina says:

    You should play classical music REALLY loud and have a music battle!!

  66. Ashers says:

    Can I just say I came upon this site by accident… Now I think it’s just fate! =D

  67. Kayla says:

    I’m watching Step Brothers. The mom seems like a really nice lady.

  68. Laura says:

    Play an artist named Jakewolf SUPER loud.
    You won’t like it either…but it’ll be hilarous.

  69. Keena says:

    college station, texas is where the real parties are at. you should party here charlie!

  70. Mikaela says:

    I can only imagine how excited you were at the prospect of being invited to one of their parties, Charlie; the quotes would have been unparalleled, and the visual experience of their antics would have been worth a life time.

  71. SamC says:

    To cheer you up: Nathan Fillion of Firefly, Castle, and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog follows your tweets. So, you are officially cooler and more legendary than the girls above you.

  72. Ellie says:

    i have annoying neighbors too, but they live down the street so it’s not as catchy. “dear people down the street, thanks ffor inviting the elderly woman next door to your bonfire instead of me…” I’m inviting the woman’s cat instead of them next time i have a party.

  73. Prof. X says:

    Hey Malcolm McDowell Jr. your site is as phony and gay as you.

    • KimeeFace says:

      Oh dear. Asshole alert.
      Once again, I’ll bet anyone twenty bucks that this guy is the exact same troll as the in the other post but he just changed his name. Again.
      Silly trolls.

      • Charlie McDowell says:

        Well then I appreciate you taking the time to come to my homosexual site, fill in your info, and write me such a lovely comment. Please do come again soon.

  74. Nicole says:


  75. Ellie says:

    i bet prof. X is really one of the “girls above me”.

    • Greenkazoo says:

      No, even the girls would be smart enough to see the true beauty and genius in this website.
      Don’t worry Charlie, we all still love you, except for Mr. Troll over there. <3

  76. NinaNinaNinaaaaa says:

    Aww! You could come to my parties any day Charlie (but it may be a bit awkward cause i live in England) :)

  77. Tigerr says:

    Woo England ftw! By the way, is anyone else kinda scared/curious/already amused by tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day post? :P

  78. emmmyyyy:DDDD says:

    charlie please post another quote already :DDDD

  79. Sienna says:

    This has nothing to do with anything, but I just realized that my icon is the color of my name. Weird.

  80. emmmyyyy:DDDD says:

    hey does anyone know how to change the picture thingy on here? just wondering lol

    • KimeeFace says:

      Well, you can have an icon attatched to your email when you have a wordpress account.
      That’s why mine is a picture of me and not one of those funny little square icons.

      • Alicia says:

        I like your hair. I want mine short, but my only option would be an afro…and that’s not happening.

      • Chloé says:

        My brother used to have an afro… It wasn’t pretty.

      • KimeeFace says:

        My hair? Well thank you.
        I only wish it looked like that every day. My hair is very thin and droopy and looks pretty dead. :T
        I think I might prefer an afro.

  81. Joe says:

    I’d be willing to help pay for a couple of strippers dressed as cops

  82. Erin says:

    haha i would like to see this video you guys are talking about! where can i see it?

    • Lizzy says:

      It is an earlier post… You’ll find it if you keep going back. Has some pretty sweet dance moves!

  83. Ellie says:

    My square thing changes every time i comment… first it was white, then blue… hm. Im having a technical GAM moment!

  84. Arista says:

    Dear Charlie,
    I think you are absolutely hilarious. My roommate and I can hear a lot of things that go on in our neighbor’s apartment and after seeing this, we’re kind of inspired to maybe start our own blog: “Dear Boys Next Door”
    And they have parties all the time and they leave notes telling us to not call the cops and never invite us either.
    Keep up the awesome!

  85. Jamie says:

    You should come to NYC. I would love to party with you.

  86. Emily says:

    If it were me, I’d wait until the party really got going and then call the cops. Either that or I’d play my video games with the sound blasting. :D

  87. Reme Ataya says:

    hey Charlie, im having a party tonight, you’re invited!!!

  88. says:

    geez what’s with all the cop calling? nark’s. There are more creative things to do, like make something really offensive smelling in the morning if you want to get back at them.

  89. Myka says:

    Call the cops…or crash it majorly:)

  90. Mere says:

    Hey Charlie,

    What do these girls do for a living? I can’t imagine them as students or holding down a job. I have 6th grade students who are smarter than these two put together. Just wondering…

  91. Itsprettychill says:

    Charlie. I would totally show up at their door pretending to be the catering service or something. Serve pigs in blankets, and then tell them it’s not blankets—it’s pancakes.

  92. Theresa says:

    WTF…I think Charlie died-AGAIN. *facepalm*

  93. AmyD says:

    I’m guessing Charlie has a life.

  94. Liz says:

    Or the GAMs night not be home.

  95. Chloe says:

    Ooooh…I kindof really want to hug you.

  96. Ellie says:

    I remember those videos… I was sad when he ran away after leaving the pillow. i wanted to see them!

  97. John says:

    Can you feel the love tonight

  98. Sarah G says:

    Well now, look at all the people who would love to party with you!
    Waaaay better then the GAMs.

  99. LV Handbags says:

    So instructional and so useful post. Thanks for such informative post. Good job….

  100. Tammy says:

    uhh htey are so mean! =( Come party with us in Denamrk. (Danish drink like fish, you know!) =)))



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