Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“How do I vote for Best Actor? If Bieber doesn’t win for Never Say Never, I’m done with movies.” Oh God, please be done with movies.

124 Responses

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  1. Jamie Lynn says:

    God yes, please be done with movies.

  2. Charlie McDowell says:

    I almost went “with” them to the movie last night. Kinda pissed I missed such an outstanding performance.

  3. Sheila Renee:) says:

    I don’t like bieber.

  4. Ann C. says:

    Bieber’s portrayal of himself throughout the movie was spot on. I was quite impressed by his acting skills, and the award of “Best Actor” certainly belongs to him. You truly missed out, Charlie, when you decided to not watch Never Say Never with the girls above you.

  5. Christina says:

    Why did he have to go and take over movies?! Like making people’s ears bleed wasn’t enough…

  6. NinaNinaNinaaaaa says:

    The Justin Bieber movie comes out here (england) on friday. We are all goin to throw water bottles at the screen :) xxx

  7. Joyousness says:

    I made a bunch of little girls cry when I asked how come he got a movie while he was stil alive, is he dying?

    • Maggie says:

      How come he has a memoir when he’s only 16?! He MUST be dying…

      • Marilyn says:

        No, his voice is just changing, which means his career is dying.

      • angel says:

        Heh. I’m hoping the death of a career means his death (in the sense that he’ll disappear into obscurity and be forgotten.) But i don’t think that’s gonna happen.

        On another note, hasn’t the industry hit a whole new low? Who gives a 16 year old a biography and a movie biopic? A 16 year old? What life experiences does he have?

      • Tigerr says:

        Haha, Marilyn I agree! The whole world is waiting for him to hit puberty sometime soon…he is 16 ffs! xD

  8. Theresa says:

    YES! That is an amazing idea. :D ninaninaninaaaaa

  9. Alicia says:

    Justin Beiber is an insult to everything musicaly involved. Everyone with me say “I”.

  10. NinaNinaNinaaaaa says:

    I! We R all goin to c the movie as a joke :) I am going to scream everytime he comes on the screen. But in horror, not excitement :D xxx

  11. AmyD says:

    hmmmm I thought these were two adults living above you, now I have to think they’re two emancipate minors. And WHY would they think they get to vote on Best Actor?!?!?! Sometimes I am scared for your safety with them living above you!

  12. Rosie says:

    People spend way too much energy hating Justin Bieber.

  13. Lock says:

    He has a movie now? I just thought that was a CSI thing he did.

  14. Sarah says:

    Aren’t you in your late twenties? How old are they? Aren’t they a little old to obsess over Beiber?

  15. NinaNinaNinaaaaa says:

    Hey Charlie i think one day u should invite the girls above you to a movie night, just to see what films they choose. And to film it so we i can finally put faces to these girls :) xxx

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Very intriguing and very frightening. I don’t know if I could put myself through that.

      • pb says:

        i think it’d be funnier if you selected some obscure subtitled foreign language film, just to see what their reactions would be.

  16. Chelsea says:

    I’ve been waiting for a really good post to put my first comment on, so here I am! I’ve been stalking for a while, but it’s finally time to start commenting. Charlie, I totally agree with you! (S)he does NOT even deserve to be nominated!

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Welcome to the family, Chelsea.

      • Chelsea says:


      • mallory says:

        whats wrong with him charlie? so what if he is young and his voice can be a bit high? he is very talented and i havn’t seen anyone commenting on this winning multiple awards or going to the grammys. and fyi chelsea, dont be smart. he is a he.

  17. Haley says:

    I’m PRAYING she’ll be done with movies!!

  18. Ellie says:

    I was going to see it as a joke, but when i sw it featured Miley Cyrus in the newspaper, i decided it wasn’t even worth thinking about the movie.

  19. alexaluvs says:

    My friend wanted me to go see this with her but I played sick then I got sick the next day, either karma exists or Beiber has spies every where that saw me lie and poisoned me because I refused to bow down to the Beibs

  20. Alessandra says:

    This must hit home too because your family is in the movie business, Charlie. Ouch.

  21. Maggie says:

    Your guys’ unreasonable and idiotic hatred for Justin Bieber is comical. What has he done that’s so bad? Oh right- he’s a young popstar, holy shit call the Navy this is a CRISIS. I think people that hate on Justin Bieber are more moronic than fans of his.

  22. Kamella says:

    Chuck, c’mon, you gotta love the Biebs! Rofl, jk, he’s gay.

    • Chloé says:

      That is extremely rude of you. Not all gay guys have high pitched voices. Whenever people don’t like a guy, they call him gay. You’re making it sound like it’s bad to be gay. Girls don’t call each other lesbians like that, and there really isn’t a difference. Stop being a hater.

      • says:

        My friends often call me a lesbian. Sometimes I get offended, and then my girlfriend reminds me that I am a lesbian.

        But seriously, calling him gay is pretty offensive. If I were a gay man I would hate being compared to Justin Beiber.

      • Kamella says:

        I knew I shouldn’t have written that…

        Anyway, I have nothing against gay people; I’m bi myself. The word I mean is more like metro. Yeah, he’s more metro.

  23. Sonja says:

    i thought he was good before i knew he was a guy…. i think he still is , but listening to him now is just a little odd

  24. Megan says:

    These always crack me up! I love it Charlie! :)

  25. Sarah Lu says:

    I finally decided to grow a set and say how much I <3 this site. =)

  26. Lequia says:

    Oh god, he has a movie?! I was so sure the end of civilization was coming when those horrible “High School Musical” movies kept coming out…but this takes the cake. :/ I thought documentaries (I’m going to call it that because playing oneself on screen doesn’t fit the definition of a “movie”) were usually made AFTER a tragedy–including but not limited to death–in a persons life.

    I don’t hate him like many people, I just find the enormous hoopla about the kid annoying. I’m a bit of a cynic and am more intrigued to see what happens to his career after the “pebbles” drop. *evil smirk*

  27. Chloé says:

    I get it that America loves that “underdog winning despite all odds” type of story, but I think we’ve taken it a little too far. Save the biographies (both movies and books) until after the whole story has played out, not less than half of it.

  28. Fran says:


    • Tony says:

      Hahaha, impressive! ASCII is always fun, but taking it to “Aw not this shit again!” is just, well, awesome.

  29. Cygnus says:

    The DGAM having a vote in the Academy? That is simply too horrific to contemplate. If true, they must be stopped at any cost. Charlie, prepare to put a child proof plastic cover on the inside door knob of their apartment door. That should hold ‘um until after the 27th.

  30. Danielle says:

    If you say “Never say never” isn’t that you saying “Never” twice?

  31. Jessica says:

    That’s just….terrifying. If they’re not done with movies I think I’ll cry.

  32. Paige says:

    If Justin Bieber wins Best Actor, I would cry…not in joy, oh no. I would cry for what this means for the world…total brain washing/zombie apocolypse/Friday the Thirteenth sort of stuff.
    Oh, hi. I’m new by the way:)

  33. Cory says:

    Does no one realize that documentaries aren’t acted? They’re documentaries. Someone’s life on film. Zero acting involved.

  34. Denny says:

    I love you so much for this! hahaha it reminds me of this like page on fb
    Dear Kanye West,
    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    If Justin Bieber wins another award,
    You know what to do…

  35. Sarah says:

    Do you think they liked the Hannah Montana movie, too?

  36. Ellie says:

    Billy ray cyrus said something about “that damn show”ruining his life and tearing his family apart. I always hated that show. everyone on it sounded like they had the iq of a GAM….
    anyway, i won’t be a hater :-D

  37. Ellie says:

    I agree with Candi :-D

  38. Stephy says:

    Oh Dear God. Now they sound like my sister, and she is 10. Let’s hope she ages…and doesn’t end up like DGAM.
    Worst part about my sister though, she looks identical to Hannah Montana with the right clothes, hair color and all o.0

  39. says:

    Did I miss something? I have commented a couple of times, but was I supposed to introduce myself? If so this is me doing it late :) My name is Shelly and I shamelessly advertise (see screen name). :) The Girls Above You love the Biebs.

    • Liz says:

      Hi, Shelly. I’m Liz, and I’ve never officially introduced myself either. I just transitioned from lurker to occasional commenter and sometimes back to lurker again.

      • Lequia says:

        Oh, were we supposed to be doing that?
        Nice to meet you both Shelly and Liz! My name is Lequia (pronounced Leh-key-ah) and I’m also a lurker/part time commenter. :)

      • Louisa says:

        I never introduced myself either, I occasionally phase in and out when I can be bothered to move my fingers enough to type.

        Hi I’m Louisa and I have been on DGAM stalking forever, at least I am not alone in my creeperness.

    • J-Lo says:

      I missed that memo too! I’m Jess, I read way more than I comment!

    • Christina says:

      I never introduced myself either haha. I just began commenting one day when I realised you could.
      Hello, my name is Christina and I too am a lurker/ occasional commenter.
      I feel like I’m at an AA meeting or something XD
      Well, this site really is an addiction…

  40. Mikaela says:

    This isn’t really related to this post. . But I was watching the Key of Awesome’s “Bad Romance” parody, and they said, “Chic, freak, sister fierce, work those bitchy gams.” Bitchy GAMs. I thought of you.

  41. Ellie says:

    Guess i never introduced myself either! I’m Ellie, and I like to drink tea.Yep, that’s all. :-D

  42. Charlie H. says:

    Wow, lots of girls on this site…..

  43. Lexi says:

    I don’t know what makes me face-palm more, the thought of Justin Bieber winning best anything or that the girls above you dont know the difference between a movie and a documentary

  44. Jenn says:

    Hold up, Bieber was nominated?

  45. cinnamon says:

    Shows how sheltered i am. I didn’t realise there was even a movie…

    • Eden says:

      you didn’t? it’s been on tv for at least a month and all over Hulu when it goes to commercials… needless to say I could probably quote ALL OF IT… it played over and over. Whether you were seeing it or not.

  46. Spooxi says:

    Doom on the Bieber freak … death by water bottle, I say!

  47. sunhands says:

    I’m not sure if you actually read these comments but I just want you to know that I found this on StumbleUpon and read every single letter in one sitting, despite it now being 5:20 AM. I’m hooked, and you’re hilarious, especially the video for The Party. Please never stop this blog until you or they move.

  48. Katie says:

    Justin Bieber’s Movie: I was born. The End.

  49. says:

    that’s 1-800-663-idol, once again to vote for never say never dial the number at the bottom of your screen 1-800-663-idol, standard messaging rates may apply

  50. Anna says:

    I’m starting to think they’re on to you, Charlie, and are simply saying ridiculous sh*t just to irritate you. I mean, honestly. Twenty-something year-old girls who actively hope that Justin Bieber is nominated for an Academy Award? No. Just. No. That’s something I can’t imagine even in my worst nightmares.

  51. Eden says:

    Being a teen in this generation definetely cool. I mean we have ipods,iphones and all the really awesome technology. We leave behind the soulja boy,the jerk, and other awesome stuff. Justin Bieber is not one of those things. I just don’t like how over the top hes become… I mean a barbie for gosh sakes?!? But he seems nice…

  52. Veronica says:

    While I must admit I am a recent jbiebs fan because of his movie, I also (thankfully) have the intelligence to realize that it is in no way close to being a cinematic wonder.

    Just started reading, Charlie, and I am such a fan. :)

  53. Lonely Girl says:

    Oh heavens, if that kid wins I’ll throw more than a waterbottle at him. I can’t stand his music

  54. TJ says:

    So have they joined The Academy yet? Because I think they’re running out of time.

  55. Mabrey says:

    Hey, Charlie, don’t worry I hear they’re adding onto it and re-releasing it sometime in March. You have another chance to see it “with” them.

  56. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mrdow123, sgnewsfeed. sgnewsfeed said: 2011-02-16: “How do I vote for Best Actor? If Bieber doesn’t win for Never Say Never, I’m… […]

  57. Tigerr says:

    Beiber? Miley Cyrus? Big Time Rush? I have no hope for the youths (and GAMs) of today. Maybe Global Warming is a good thing…Like Noah’s Ark all over again?

  58. On The Bright Side... says:

    If the world is still sane, then they’ll be done with movies pretty soon.

  59. hellothereI'mTori! says:

    ohh..shizzz…i’m supposed to do an intro? D: Well, I’m Tori! And I’ve stalked this site for quite a while. Like.. half a year. Or so. Give or take a few months.

    Anyways! Onto the post! Um… please dear GOD ABOVE LET THEM BE DONE WITH MOVIES FOREVER.

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