Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“I know this might sound stupid..” Not again, please no– “But does air have any fat calories in it?” 9-1-1.

161 Responses

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  1. Mikilah says:


  2. Elin says:


  3. Stephanie says:

    Wait…what???? This just beat the “stupid question”. “Do fish, like, drink water?”

  4. Noir says:

    Charlie, you should tell them it their are food particles floating around everywhere and see how long they can hold their breath. Just don’t let them die because then we’d all lose our source of entertainment.

    • Mark says:

      it’s ok, it is impossible for someone to die from holding their breath of their own will. At most, they would pass out, and then their body would continue breathing. Only doing this multiple times or underwater would have fatal consequences…

    • jen says:

      also. you used the wrong “there”. ‘their’ is possesive, as in “their room is above charlie’s”.

      • Bub says:

        Don’t correct peoples spelling or grammar it is totally unnecessary.

      • Nyr says:

        @Bub- You should probably not tell people what to do. Grammar is very important, especially in writing; this is a form of writing. And what if who was corrected really didn’t know? Now they do.

      • Smiles says:

        Wait, I don’t get it. Didn’t Noir use “their” correctly?

  5. Angelica says:

    Oh my God really?!?!??!? …… just …… wow

  6. feedmelaughter says:

    Guys. Y’all are looking at this the totally wrong way. She is obviously an up and coming scientist.

  7. ASchmalz says:


  8. Prismoo says:

    Oh so THAT’S why I am gaining so much weight. Not from lack of exercise, no of course not. How could I not observe the gaining of an ounce every time I breathe??

  9. Kingsley Shacklebolt says:

    Yes, yes it does, dear GAMs. Science books may erroneously state that “O2” represents oxygen, but it really represents those 2 ounces you gain with every breath.

  10. Charlie McDowell says:

    Guys, on a separate note, I saw Never Say Never last night…

  11. Lock says:

    I’ll try really hard to see it from their perspective.
    “Air is mostly oxygen and hydr–” nope, not in their vocab.
    “Air is gaseous- ”
    “Air is a gas, and gas has mas- weight.” Argh, this is hard!

    “Air is a something, and that means it weighs something, so do we, like, gain weight for breathing it in?”

  12. Sonia says:

    Charlie, How was Never Say Never?

  13. Luna says:

    Out of all the things they’ve said/done… they’re worried that THIS will make them sound stupid?

  14. Lequia says:

    Dear God above me…I’m laughing so hard that I’m crying…!!!

  15. Micha says:

    If I hadn’t been whacked in the face by a metal tripod today, I would have face-palmed at this. Someone should tell them that breathing air is as bad as eating something at McDonald’s.

  16. anon says:

    *Whishes he had a time machine to go back and unread that*

  17. Jessica says:

    This has got to top my list of most stupid things I’ve ever heard/read.

    • Amy says:

      My sisters best friend once said, “Bread doesn’t have salt in it, that’s toast!” she was a 100% serious.

  18. TJ says:

    Tell them yes. Who knows, maybe they stop breathing.

  19. Haley says:

    ……. -_-

  20. Sarah says:

    Chaz, you can get in trouble for dialing 9-1-1 with a false emergency

  21. Ash says:

    <__> …….. O_o so is that a no to air having fat calories? Just wondering

  22. Chelsea says:

    Oh, gosh. That’s just pathetic.

  23. Ellie says:

    Oh my. You know it’s exeptionally stupid when even THEY think it sounds dumb.

  24. Prosopagnosia says:

    My mind has been raped by their stupidity.

  25. justme says:

    Just made my day. :) hahahaha

  26. Italy says:


  27. Sarah says:

    ditziest post yet, just in time for my birthday(: I feel honored.

  28. Kamella says:

    An ounce of cum has 7 calories.

  29. sarah says:

    I just had surgery yesterday and wanted to say thank you for making my recovery so much better. I wait for your new posts everyday now. The comments make it oh so much funnier also. Thank you again.

  30. Alicia says:

    I have to share this with you guys:
    Today in my HONORS science class, the teacher goes, “Everyone knows what marsupials are right?” and this kid goes “Aren’t they like, half girls, half boys?” I just stared at him and said, “Think more along the lines of kangaroos and kualas.” Then he says,
    “Ohhhh, so they’re ANIMALS that are half boys and half girls.”

    I’ve met a GAM soul mate.

  31. On The Bright Side... says:

    At least they…they…uh…might…be on to something?

  32. Antoinette says:

    Not that I like the Beebs or anything, but everyone is allowed some guilty pleasures. You go Charlie!

  33. Kayla says:

    I know that nothing they say should surprise me anymore but still… Wow.

  34. Sarah says:

    no. no? I refuse to believe that somebody could legitimately ask that question. Charlie please tell me you are seeing how gullible your followers are by posting something this ridiculous. please?

  35. Morthos says:

    The problem *I* have with the statement is her query about, specifically, FAT calories. Not protein calories or carbohydrate calories – fat calories. I wonder which new diet plan they’re using?

  36. Ellie says:

    I bet next they’ll think a bloodstream is bad for their complexion….

  37. Trina says:

    O___O…Oh my, guess they’re wondering how they gained a few pounds randomly??

    And as much as I don’t care about Justin Bieber, (i like SOME of his songs, but him??? ….Not so much. He’s kinda like a Taylor Lautner in a “ssh-don’t-talk-you’ll-ruin-the-whole-effect kinda way) how was the movie Charlie?? I was thinking about going to see it but I don’t wanna waste 2 hours of my life that I’ll never get back.

  38. Lord Voldemort says:

    Oh. Wow. They dont know? Theres this new thing call the air diet. It has ALL the flavor and none of the calories! Theres air salad, air sandwich, air steak, and air creambruelle! What are the ingredients? Air. Wheres the flavor? Thats the best part! You use your imagination! I tried it, and look at me! Skinny and beautiful! I have no nose….. but im still pretty….right?

  39. Jillian says:

    Only when there are fat people in the room.

  40. Daena says:

    Oh my goodness. It’s hard to believe that there are people on the planet who are this stupid. After reading these posts, I have to say, I am sorry. Lol. Although, I doubt anyone in your situation would have thought of this and turned a misfortune into entertainment for people. XD

  41. christine says:

    No way, I don’t believe it! LOL

  42. says:

    Of course. The simple solution- stop breathing. If you turn purple that means your losing weight faster. And if you black out well, that’s just a side affect.

  43. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Emma Dwyer, sgnewsfeed. sgnewsfeed said: 2011-02-18: “I know this might sound stupid..” Not again, please no– “But does air have any… […]

  44. Dwezel1987 says:

    Not all guilty pleasures are forgivable.

  45. Anonymous says:

    I am so sorry for you. I admire your self-control, I would’ve petitioned to have them removed from the complex already. Or just gone batshit insane and went upstairs with some sort of sharp/bludgeoning weapon.

    • Ellie says:

      I would too! i have some obnoxious neighbors down the street, and more han once I’ve walked up to them and thrown a waterballoon right in their faces….

  46. LovelyLauren says:

    I feel as if this question is a step up from the questions and comments I hear daily from my history class…

    • Antoinette says:

      When I was in high school a girl in my history class asked why they didn’t just shoot Jesus. Her brain was a box of rocks.

      • Bex says:

        There was a guy in my college english lit class who asked if a lampoon is what they killed Whales with and if a cuckold was like cockle shells. He’s probably a GAM soul mate

      • LovelyLauren says:

        For example when we were going over the Napoleon unit, one of the kids in my class asks “Why didn’t they just walk to England from France? It’s better than a boat.”

  47. Ev says:

    Hey, I know I’m kinda late commenting… But I have to say how awesome you people are. That’s all. :D
    Oh, and *in a sarcastic voice* EVERYBODY knows air has calories! Sheesh…

  48. A Knight Who Says NI says:

    Charlie, I have a question…
    What are you going to do if they move?

    Before you answer that I reallly suggest that you just follow them around wherever they go and live under them hahahaha

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Trust me, I’ve thought about it.

      • Theresa says:

        What are you still doing here?! I’m pretty sure you’ve been disowned…..

        Just kidding, we still love you! But I did ponder wanting to stick you in a mental hospital….

  49. Lonely Girl says:

    All right, I now fear for these girls existance.

  50. Laura says:

    I’m wondering if Charlie is just trollin’ and Never Say Never wasn’t good…
    I mean, I can’t really imagine it being a good movie.

  51. Amelie says:

    Long time reader, first time commenter,
    my brain just exploded after reading this,
    they are too stupid for words…

  52. says:


  53. Lala says:

    If she was told “YES” would she try to stop breathing?!

  54. Hannah says:


    Hope Never Say Never was great!!!! :P Enjoy that guilty pleasure, Charlie!!!!

    I will (proudly) say that mine is the Backstreet Boys……

  55. Rose says:

    Well with this never say never business… Now you def have something to talk about with the girls.

  56. TaylorDanielle! says:

    Actually, since a ‘calorie,’ is the amount of the substance is takes to raise one kilogram of water by one degree at 760 mm of mercury, if the ‘air’ was hot enough, it could plausibly have calories.

    … And I’m a sophomore. Juss’ sayin.

    • Rosie says:

      Yeah sophomores who take chemistry.

    • Hannibal lecter says:

      *sneers at last bit* ooh, very impressive. So glad you felt the need to brag to randoms on the inter net. *regrets calling herself a random*

      • TaylorDanielle! says:

        What the flocka, I didnt do anything to you. I didnt do anything to anyone…
        And I wasnt bragging. I go to a Medical HighSchool, I want to be a physical therapist and help people that got hurt in car crashes or in battle. So I take Anatomy… I just took Chemistry earlier..
        I was just saying that Im not in chemistry.
        Sorry if I seemed like I was bragging.. But I truly did not mean it that way. At all.
        I also dont appreciate the judgment you just passed. Really? Was that necessary? I come on this site for laughs, not judgment. Pft.

      • Rosie says:

        It was a little braggy, but it’s okay. My advanced chem class is pretty hard… but I don’t go to medical high school, I go to a snooty private school, so I’m sure your chem class was much better.

      • Kate says:

        I think what she meant was that she is a sophomore in high school and knows that while these girls are obviously our of high school and I assume they are in their mid to upper 20’s? So *in theory* they should know this… yet they don’t.

    • Lord Voldemort says:

      I (the mind behind Lord Voldemort) Am in 8th grade….. and I knew that. I hope you didn’t learn that this year.

      • TaylorDanielle! says:

        Never thought I’d say this, but thank you Lord Voldemort(:
        And Rosie, I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to sound braggy, but I realize now that the,”so yeah,” at the end of it made it seem like I was. My bad! (:

    • Lord Voldemort says:

      Well, Taylor, You are obviously a worthy follower. You are welcome.

  57. TaylorDanielle! says:

    *unit of heat, when a substance is heated(;
    My b , totally skipped a part.

  58. Lauren says:

    gotta watch out for that aerosolized lard

  59. Emily says:


  60. Denny says:

    CHARLIE…..i am…disappointed to say the least D:
    WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!? do you WANT to get sucked into a world of screaming 12 year olds who actually think theyll marry Justin Bieber? -dramatic sigh-
    i just hope it won’t last long D:

  61. Hunter says:

    seriously? California test score standards must be lower than i thought….

  62. Marie says:

    What would she do if someone said it does? Try to stop breathing?

  63. Stephanie says:

    Just because I have to tell the entire world…MY HUBBY AND I JUST FOUND OUT WE’RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!! :D

    Now how to relate this to DGAM…oh, I know. We will not raise our kids to be like the GAM. O.O No way.

  64. Beth says:

    hey charlie. im just wondering… did the GAM learn about us? are they holding you captive? you alright??

  65. Claire says:

    You never answered the question………… If the answer is yes I should really go on a no-air diet………If no…… never read this……

    P.S. Charlies a Belieber too!

  66. Alicia says:

    If it sounds dumb even to you,
    Then it probably isn’t true.
    You won’t get fat from the air,
    So keep breathing so Charlie can share,
    All the dumb things he hears
    From you girls over the years.
    We look foward to it every day,
    Making fun of the things you say.

    (I know that poem was super late, but I’ve been really busy lately.)

  67. B says:

    Next time, please, if you think what you are about to say is stupid, don’t post it online. Otherwise everyone will think you’re stupid.

  68. Thanks for taking the time to share this, I feel powerfully about it and enjoy reading more on this matter. If possible, as you pull ahead noesis, would you mind changing your blog with more information? It is extremely helpful for me….

  69. Rose says:

    One of the girls in my highschool was convinced that everyone in class was stupid but her. Our teacher told us that we couldn’t sense radioactivity. “But I can like, hear the radio!”

  70. Lelly says:

    I have a friend whos father was diagnosed with liver cancer. Upon hearing this she pronounced “Don’t worry dad, you can have one of mine.” I laughed so hard I nearly peed.

    Justin Bieber makes me vomit a little bit in my mouth.



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