Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“(whimpering) Mom, I wanna come home–oh wait, the sun just came out, never mind.” You should hang out with my 6 month old niece.

119 Responses

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  1. Sophie says:

    wow. just wow.

  2. Jim says:

    These girls have shallow and slutty down to a fine art.

  3. Sara says:

    Wait, I do this same thing and I’m married pregnant 28 year old mom.

  4. Rayne says:

    You should buy them a night light charlie :)

  5. Bekah says:

    The sad thing is, I could see myself saying something along these same exact lines :/

  6. Jacky Faber: Midshipman, Fine Lady, and Lily of the West says:

    Omg…that is so sad. They depend on the sun?! O.o Oy vay, someone shoot me. X.x They really are blonde, brain cell-less and shallow. Who would have ever done or said something like that?! Ugh. And yes…I’m venting. >.<

    • Kara-Kay says:

      Hey now, I’m blonde. I get very insulted when people base stupidity on bondes. :(

      • Kara-Kay says:

        Stupid typo.

      • Emily says:

        He probably means those peroxide, bleach blonde type of girls rather than natural blonde. Natural blonde girls are still capable of being incredibly smart while the peroxide blonde ones… Well, let’s just say I’d be surprised if those chemicals didn’t cause them to drop a few dozen IQ points.

    • GHOST says:

      to be fair, everyone depends on the sun. we need it to live <.<

      • Kara-Kay says:

        Very true! Without it we’d freeze, it would be night forever, plants would die and then we would follow shortly after! Thats uplifting :)

    • Caelaa says:

      You’d be surprised how much people depend on sunlight. Up here in Alaska, during the winter, the sun is only out for 2-3 hours a day. That’s (just for effect) 21-22 hours of darkness. I too, am blonde, and am quite intelligent. Alas I am only in highschool, but in 8th grade, I scored in the top 95% of the nation on my SBAs, and I’ve already taken my SATs (and scored the average of high school graduates). To say blondes are brain cell-less and shallow is a very stereotypical comment. Just thought I’d vent on your venting comment. :)

      • Elin says:

        I was blonde, but people did not believe I was smart. So I did the logical thing and dyed my hair brown.

      • Moomin says:

        Yeah Elin, we know what that’s called – Artificial Intelligence :)
        I did the same thing. But then it went purple. Then orange. Then navy. And brown again!

    • Manda says:

      There actually is a disorder called SAD, seasonal affective disorder. People become depressed when the weather is gloomy. However that usually starts in the fall and goes away in the spring, not by each individual day. I could swear I had a point…

  7. Luisa says:

    Long time reader first time commenter :)
    This actually made me laugh out loud. They would end up killing themselves if they lived here (London) It rains the majority of the time, even in summer

  8. TaylorDanielle! says:

    “THE SUN’LL COME OUT! TOMORROW! TOMORROW! Nevermind, just came out.”

  9. Alicia says:

    They better not ever move to Florida.

  10. Sarah says:

    I’m getting a shot today

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      For what?

      • Sarah says:

        Gardasil. A system of 3 painful shots where if you don’t get them on a certain schedule, you have to start over.

      • Chuck D. says:

        I was hoping you would say something like “For stealing a car and running it into the river.” or something like that.
        Gardasil shots suck.

    • Emory says:

      I had to get those shots. I thought there were four of them though. One of the nurses that was giving me the shots pinched my knee to make me not think of the pain in my arm, but my knee would up getting a bruise. And another one of my nurses hesitated and gave me a fear of shots.

  11. Lou says:

    These idiots sound like every sorority girl I’ve ever met.

  12. DoraTonks10 says:


  13. AmyD says:

    can you say Bipolar? yes, yes you can!

  14. Julia says:


  15. Jessie says:

    Haha :D this post easily made my night.

  16. Lizzi says:

    that….is sad…. they would not survive in NY by lake ontario. we have 3 seasons: winter (5 months), rain(6 months), and sun (2 months)

    • Quin says:

      That’s 13 months, unless there’s an overlap somewhere that I missed.

      • Emory says:

        lol didn’t you get the update? There are now 13 months in a year, and years are now considered unlucky.

      • Lizzi says:

        Theres an overlap with the snow and rain. Slush falling from the sky= not fun. At all.

  17. Quin says:

    What, do they rely on photosynthesis for their energy?

  18. Rachel says:

    don’t take this is a creepy way but, where do you live?

    • Rachel says:

      I mean the city…..

      • Emory says:

        I believe they live in LA.

        I live in California, although more north, and from my experience California only has two seasons: fire and flood.

      • Charlie McDowell says:

        Yep, LA.

      • jshea says:

        Emory, so true!!! I’ve lived outside of LA my whole life, so I hear you there!

        Charlie, I went out Saturday night for a friend’s bday. Not gonna lie, it crossed my mind that I might see them…and that I’d be able to tell, lol. Totally not my usual “scene” so my chances are few and far between :-)

  19. LovelyLauren says:

    They sound like my 7-9 year old campers…

  20. R.S. says:

    Of course they rely on photosynthesis! That’s how they stay so skinny! And you thought they were anorexic…

  21. GinnyPotter says:

    HERE COMES THE SUN, DA-DA DA-DA!! Sorry for my musical outburst. I couldn’t resist :)

  22. Lucie says:

    so what happens when there’s a big thunderstorm? =S

    • Emory says:

      California isn’t too popular for it’s thunderstorms…I wonder if they’re afraid of lightning?

      • Nede says:

        They’d be like dogs cowering in corners. Guarantee when LA has a thunderstorm, Charlie will probably post something revealing even more of their infamous stupidty.

      • Liz says:

        my dad lives in Northern CA, and he has seen people go outside and stare up at the sky during a thunderstorm. one of my friends moved to the East Coast from SoCal, and freaked out the first time she experienced a thunderstorm. it was hilarious!

  23. Kara-Kay says:

    They would never, ever make it here. (Nebraska) The weather changes so often. Yesterday, it snowed. Today it was sunny and 55 degrees. Tomorrow we expect freezing rain! *Sigh*

    • Megan says:

      No complaints from my part of Nebraska! Campus was beautiful today. Maybe the GAMs should move here. They seem like the farming type..

      • Team Black. Siriusly. says:

        omg!!! Fellow nebraskins!! I’ll be damned!! You are totally right. They would never survive here. Snow over the weekend, and now it’s almost gone. Gotta love neb. weather!!

  24. Alicia says:

    The girls felt down in the overcast skies,
    So much that they wanted to go home.
    One called her mom and proclaimed her cries,
    Then stopped because the sun had shone.

  25. Jillian says:

    I totally get that. If my parents lived somewhere where it was sunny, I’d want to go there. Unfortunately, my parents leave nearby, so the weather is equally shitty from place to place.

  26. Antoinette says:

    I feel for the GAM! I hate when it’s not nice out. That’s why I pay a crap ton to live in San Diego. Damn right it should be sunny!

    • Nede says:

      I actually see their point, too. I live in a place where it’s either rainy or overcast 8 months out of the year and more people are depressed (and I’m not using it lightly) in that time than in the summer. I’d whine with the GAM! I wouldn’t call my mother though…

    • KimeeFace says:

      Ahhh. I love it here in SD~
      Though I actually don’t pay a cent to live here. But I hear it costs a lot.

  27. Jalele says:

    So… they depend on sunlight. Do they need to be watered periodically as well?

  28. Madison says:

    I’d probably start blasting a song like ‘Here comes the sun’ by The Beatles to set the mood.

  29. Sarah says:

    Charlie, do you really hate your niece that much?

  30. Helen says:

    They should never move to San Diego. Not that they’d dislike the weather, it’s sunny here, I just don’t want them where I live…I’m worried they’d start a fire with a night light…

  31. Alessandra says:

    They should try school with 5 science courses, 3 science labs schedule with no time to go home for 10 weeks straight with rain. Lets see how they like that!

  32. Katie says:

    bahaha…wonderful way to end my crazy insane awful week of tests and papers :)

  33. Savannah says:

    I live in Minnesota where the weather sucks pretty much all the time. The amount of sunlight is very limited here in the winter. Honestly, I feel for them. I get whiny when the sun isn’t out too. Only this year my phone calls to my mother sounded like this, “Mom, I want to go to Florida – Oh, it’s 20 degrees there too? Nevermind.”

  34. Liza. says:

    Charlie! you are hilarious! this is the best blog on the internet. i want to move in below these girls, sounds like fun.

  35. Meaghanne says:

    should make them come up to sacramento for a few days. havent seen the sun in over a week. but hey, its still california!

  36. Trina says:

    Ahahahaha, this is funny. It’s not one of the best ones but it’s still pretty good, considering that I think a bunch of us (based on the questions) would do this.

  37. Jenn says:

    These posts used to be hilarious and genuine. Now, just disappointing. They are so obviously fake. And really, no one is that stupid.

    • Moomin says:

      Hoi, go rain on someone else’s parade.
      And hope that it doesn’t give them SAD…..

  38. Emmy says:

    Florida’s weather has been completely gorgeous these past few weeks. Gotta love it :D Not a cloud in the sky, probably hitting the beach later. Not to brag, or anything ;)

    • kayli says:

      it’s been really nice where i live too.
      I’m actually going to go swim in a friend’s pool this afternoon.
      this is a pretty memorable day actually, we feel bad for the GAM?

    • Savannah says:

      Oh good! Glad to hear things are back to normal in Florida. I’ll be headed down there soon.

  39. Lonely Girl says:

    Cathy and Clare are solar powered! I knew it! Their evil robots bent on Naaa! (Shut up M. Bison!)

  40. Ashlea says:

    Its been minus 26 C all week here tomorrow we get plus 8 C for the first time since winter started! Tres excite! However, though it has been numbingly cold we have plenty of sunshine to make us feel better. The weather can definitely affect moods!

  41. On The Bright Side... says:

    At least they’ll never want to live in Pittsburgh, where it rains every other day (that’s where I live)

  42. christymarie says:

    Poor girls. The weather was lovely here today, I would have gone to be beach but unlike the girls I had chores and errands to run before work. Gotta love the central coast weather though : )

  43. Claire says:

    The weather in Australia is horrid. It’s the 60-somethingth day over 35 degrees here. And it’s humid, to boot! *dies*

  44. lizzielovesyou92 says:

    Are you saying that their intelligence is equal to that of a 6 month old? (:

  45. Rayne says:

    You know… I wonder if they pay rent or if someone does that for them.

    • Jamie Lynn says:

      I was wondering that too. And if they pay it themselves what kind of job do they have? I want to know so when I move to L.A. next year I know not to apply there. LOL

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