Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“Oh my God, one of my wheel-tire thingys is flat! What the hell should I do, get a new car?” Seems like your only option.

67 Responses

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  1. EimearIreland says:

    Definitely get a new car & then donate the old one to the ‘homeless’ guy living downstairs :P :)

  2. Ashlea says:

    I hear she’s good at blowing…. Might wanna try that?

  3. anon says:

    well the first would be funny, but if she sold videos of the second, she could pay to have the first fixed :D

  4. Momentie says:

    Well she obviously wouldn’t get much for a trade-in. What with that flat wheel-tire thingy and all.

  5. Emily says:

    Happy Mardi Gras, Charlie!

  6. Hannah says:

    Long time reader, 1st time commenter.
    I love this site, but this one just made me shake my head in sadness. How could she not know that you can replace tires? Surely she must have at least seen it on TV. I’m not suggesting she do it herself, because who knows how much damage she could do but really- it’s a simple concept!

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      I guess I’ll just have to play hero.

      • Bex says:

        I think hat it has to be your civic duty to play hero Charlie

      • Jesse says:

        I can just imagine that lesson on how to change a tire:

        Charlie: “First you jack it up”
        GAM: “I only know how to jack it off”
        Charlie: “Then you loosen the lug nuts”
        GAM: “Nuts” *snicker*
        Charlie: “Then you put the temp spare on but remember you can only go 50 MPH with this on the car”
        GAM: “Even if I floor it, the car will only go 50? That sucks!”

  7. Jessica says:

    Long time reader. Their stupidity on things where knowledge is necessary amazes me.

  8. Maggie says:

    I like this one.

  9. Liz says:

    i shudder to think what would happen if either of these girls wandered into a car dealership. just think, some salesman would wake up not knowing how lucky he was about to get.

  10. NinaNinaNinaaaaa says:

    Haha this made my day :) Btw, Happy Pancake Day!!!

  11. Chelsea says:

    They’re DRIVING?!? NOT good!

    At least they’re off the road f

    • Chelsea says:

      *Ignore the last sentence. I accidentally clicked submit.

      At least they’re off the road for a little while…

  12. Christina says:

    Oh gosh. Really? She actually said this?! *facepalm*

  13. jake says:

    She could always take it in to peep boys

    • Joyousness says:

      LOL Jake you stole my comment, that was the first thing that popped into my head when I read this!

    • On The Bright Side... says:

      Well, I was going to reply something more along the lines of “At least she won’t go to Pep Boys.”

  14. Michelle says:

    These girls have me wondering for the future of humanity…. Let’s hope they don’t ever reproduce.

    • On The Bright Side... says:

      At least if they do reproduce, it’ll greatly help the automobile industry.

  15. Scildecido says:

    I wonder, do you have a bump or some sort of constant red mark from continuously face-palming?

  16. Kate says:

    I think this goes back to the “Peep Boys” incident…

  17. LovelyLauren says:

    They can drive?!?!??? O.o

    Btw, Happy International Women’s Day (real holiday, not just a fake one like national blow bubbles day or something like that).

  18. AmyD says:

    I thought they stopped putting those fake driver’s licenses in the Cracker Jack boxes just because of people like this!!!

  19. sleptthrulife says:

    o hum, I love stupid people. Happy International Women’s Day (btw bubble blowing day is awesome). Charlie did you play hero? Or did the call a lil man to fix the tire and got the reward her anal expetise?

    • Cygnus says:

      This makes me think how very far we still have to go on International Women’s Day. When is the 5th wave of feminism coming. I am ready to play Auntie and cheer on the next generation of fabulous Grrrrls.

  20. Holly says:

    Or try to round it out with some paper mache… I heard it works well on tires!

  21. Rayne says:

    I’d like to know how that drivers test went. I honestly didn’t think they were capable of a three point turn.

  22. Bertie says:

    Oh heavens to Betsy!
    That is truly unfathomable.

  23. Elizabeth says:

    “Wheel-tire thingys”?


  24. Jillian says:

    Sounds about right. That’s what I would do.

    Just kidding. I call Triple A for everything. If my parents are going to pay to have Triple A, then I will make sure we get our money’s worth.

  25. Emily says:

    When I get a flat tire, I just pull a brand new car out of the trunk of my old one. Then my significant other and I drive away without a care in the world.

  26. Madison says:

    do you know what kind of car she drives?

  27. ChelsLynn says:

    Emily — that comment just made my day :D

  28. Camellia says:

    Hi Charlie!
    Long time reader, first time commentor

    This post reminded me of the (slightly) old insurance commercial about the pothole saying the woman’s tire was “all flat and junk.”

    Made my day.

    Keep them coming

  29. Lizzzzzz says:

    Im learning to drive in LA right now, and this makes me a lot more scared about it then i already was…

    • hellothereI'mTori! says:

      Now, remember. A California Stop will be your most important tool. Approach the stop sign, tap lightly on your brake to make it look like you’re stopping, then GO GO GO!!!

      • Lizzzzzz says:

        thank you for the advice tori… although i kinda dont want to get pulled over… ahah.

  30. Bellatrix Lestrange says:

    well, on the bright side, her car is currently out of commission, so driving will be safe until she buys a new car :D

  31. Philip says:

    Considering their lack of knowledge on this simple subject, this makes me wonder how they would handle being on Survivor if they ever tried out.

  32. Lonely Girl says:

    At least the road is safer now…

  33. DoraTonks10 says:

    This really makes me worry about their safety and the safety of people around them! I just head-desked because of this.

  34. Ellin says:

    Never before have I doubted your credibility, Charlie, but this… this just CAN’T be true.

  35. sleptthrulife says:

    It most certainly can! As sad as it is, my neighbors car had a flat, she didn’t drive it for a week. I thought it was possibly because she didn’t have the money to get a new tire…nope, she called the company she bought the car from hoping that it was under the warranty and she thought she would get a new car. She may be one of their moms…

  36. CookiesVs.Cupcakes says:

    I’m kinda wondering how they haven’t found this site… I’m sure they use the internet (online shopping, der).

  37. Alicia says:

    The girls don’t even know what a tire is called,
    Let alone how to change one; I’m appalled.
    If they go to a car repair shop, they’re sure to get scammed,
    Charlie said he’d be the hero, well I’ll be damned.
    They’d probably be afraid of him because he is so hairy,
    They’d run and scream and cry out “Help!” because to them he’s scary.

    • Jess says:

      Good one Alicia, although it doesn’t quite lend itself well enough to the girls’ stupidity or Charlie’s heroic qualities. :P

  38. Emily says:

    Well at least we know her ancestors didn’t invent the wheel…

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