Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“She called me a ‘dumb bitch’ to my face! Okay, sometimes I can be bitchy, but NO ONE thinks I’m dumb.” I might know a few people.

147 Responses

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  1. Melissa says:

    Hee hee. Now that’s funny.

    • Jacky Faber: Midshipman, Fine Lady, and Lily of the West says:

      Totally agree. Heh heh…it got a chuckle out of me. :)

  2. Gennie says:

    Literally just “loled” at this.

  3. Mao says:

    I can’t believe that nobody has called her dumb before…

  4. Team Black. Siriusly. says:

    I’m pretty sure that everyone she has EVER spoken to thinks she’s dumb…

  5. Ryan says:

    I can’t wait until one of their friends who found this via stumble finds out and then lets them know that this site exists.

    • Jas H says:

      I almost want that to happen, but only if we can watch it happen.

    • poilkjmnb says:

      its not like she’d understand that hes making fun of her

      • guy says:

        I don’t know. Could be like a bug with a string around it’s torso. Pissed, but unable to comprehend the situation.

      • Olly says:

        absolutely not! they’d rather think that this was a fansite dedicated to them. well maybe it is, but in a different way…

  6. Jenny says:

    Aww. I’m so tempted to feel bad for her. Just tempted though.

  7. Kat says:

    Yeah, keep thinking that.

  8. Jas H says:

    The fact that she can’t see that EVERYONE probably realizes she’s dumb is just further proof that girl is quite dense.

  9. Jess says:

    Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any better (my midterms are over!!)- I read this. This is amazing. Thanks Charlie!

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Midterms are over?! Best feeling ever. Congrats.

      • Jess says:

        Today just keeps getting better! Thanks again, Charlie! (Plus, I got an A on two of the two exams I had this morning! Just one more class and then Spring Break!)

  10. Stephanie says:

    *Raises hand* Yep. I think they’re dumb.

  11. Sara says:

    Love it. What would she say if she saw this website and all of our comments?

  12. Elizabeth says:

    I laughed out loud right there.
    Charlie, you do know that you pretty much make everyone’s day every day, right? ;)

  13. Lizzi says:

    I know someone who sounds just like this…… Her brother convinced her Long Island is it’s own state, she believed him, and she thinks she’s a genius. No one tells her shes dumb to her face, because it’s way to funny and she’s actually kind of nice.

  14. Bex says:

    this made my day! Im sure no one is cruel enough to tell her how dumb she really is.

  15. Sarah says:

    Can we start a petition?

    PS I’m back!

  16. Kev says:

    at least 50,000 people…

  17. Abby says:

    ……. The entire DGAM family, maybe? Just a guess.

  18. Rayne says:

    I think it’s time for her reality check ._.

  19. Haley says:

    xD really how many people view this site per day?

  20. Leila says:

    I really think this may be one of my all time favorite posts. i’m Serial. I wonder what her parents think…..

  21. Ellen says:

    Oh- she’s that girl…. The one who doesn’t know she’s dumb. That’s awkward.

  22. Chelsea says:

    Please define “no one”.

  23. Kate says:

    Bahahaha this made my day (and it was a really rotten day!)
    Thanks so much :)

  24. Laurie says:

    Maybe they just used words she didn’t understand, like imbecile or degenerate.

    • pb says:

      or they used euphemisms, like
      not the sharpest knife in the draw
      a few sheep short of a flock
      roos loose in the top paddock
      lights are on but no-one’s home
      a few bricks short of a full load…

      i’m sure others can come up with more euphemisms

  25. Meaghanne says:

    is this the same one who forgot how old they were? or the one who doesnt know tires can be changed? or was that the same one?

  26. Ajaie says:

    Well there goes any worry that she might have found this site!!

  27. Cheyenne says:

    Wow. They’re cool. Lol. And Charlie, thank you for this site. It can make me smile and laugh when I’m going through a bad break up. You’re almost as awesome as Matthew Gray Gubler in my book. Almost.

  28. Natalie says:

    Long time reader, first time commenting.

    Can I just say, this is officially one of my most favourite posts. x)

    Also, Charlie, this site is amazing.

  29. Lala says:

    Dear Girls Above Charlie,

    We all think you’re kind of dumb.
    But on the brightside…you’ve created a community of fabulous people who have bonded over your dumbness.


  30. barbara says:

    funny how she is perfectly fine with being a bitch

  31. Matt Moshpitt says:

    I want a poem, NOW!!! Alicia, where are you??
    We need your brilliant mind!

  32. Prosopagnosia says:

    Yep, I’m going to be laughing at this one for the next week or so.

  33. Jenn says:

    God she’s self-aware.

  34. Alana says:

    Charlie, you really need to get them a dictionary!

  35. Dwezel1987 says:

    I really don’t think she is stupid… I know she is.

  36. Manda says:

    “Dear Girls Above Me,

    “She called me a ‘dumb bitch’ to my face! Okay, sometimes I can be bitchy, but NO ONE thinks I’m dumb.” I might know a few people.”

    …like everyone who reads this site?

  37. Emily says:

    I think she’s dumb.

  38. Taylor says:

    one of the best posts yet :)

  39. Savannah says:

    HAHAHAHAHA. Best one yet!

  40. Kaitlyn says:

    There once was a girl above charlie
    who dressed like she was a barbie
    Shes bitchy and dumb
    with her thumb up her bum
    with a face that can look pretty gnarly

  41. Nikki says:

    She needs to meet all of us. We need to go to your house and sit in silence to snicker and there lives.

  42. Shelby says:

    A few people being your entire fanbase.

  43. Grace Marjorie says:

    Bahahahaha. I was having a pretty crappy day, but this definitely made me laugh. :)

  44. Mea-chan says:

    *raises hand shamelessly* Guilty.

  45. Orchidbreezefc says:

    So many times I’ve thought ‘okay, thread over, everybody out, there’s no way they can possibly outdo this one’. And then they always do.

  46. Nicole says:

    *cough cough* *raises hand*

  47. Diana says:

    Win! This is hilarious!

  48. sleptthrulife says:

    I truely feel worried for our future. There’s more than these women who are ignorant. I listened to my neighbor explain to her teenage daughter that ‘its really nothing to worry about, you dont get your cervix until you are about 18 anyway.’ The daughter then said ‘well I don’t really need a cervix do I?’ Her mother agreed…This is our future, sigh.

    • Sara says:

      That’s a mother that shouldn’t have had a daughter….or you need to leave an anatomy book outside their door.

  49. Cygnus says:

    The cameras follow the GAM into the hotel convention center. She thinks she is being offered a position on Justin Beiber’s publicity junket. We are all seated in a huge circle. A kindly man in a tweed suit walks forward.

    “We are all here because we care about you. No one is blaming you for this but we just want a chance to talk with you. This is an Intellectual intervention. Charlie, would you like to share how her ignorance has effected your life?”

  50. Allie says:

    How can she not know that she is stupid? It’s like this girl with a mental disability at my school, she acts like she is the shizznit and doesn’t know about her illness.

    Did you know your page link is on My Life Is Average?

  51. Sarah says:

    Those girls are just too stupid to know they’re dumb.

  52. Madeleine says:

    I believe this proves that they do not know about this site :)

  53. Samantha says:

    This is my favourite one yet Charlie. Thank you for making my day sir.

  54. Jillian says:

    This is too perfect.

  55. Maggie says:


  56. Antoinette says:

    Thank you Charlie for making my very crappy day better. My grandpa died, and I read this and it made me chuckle between sobs. So grateful for this site. You are the best :)

    • Team Black. Siriusly. says:

      Awe :( I’m sorry for your loss! But in the bright side, these girls are finally good for something!!

    • Liz says:

      I’m very sorry for your loss.

      • Antoinette says:

        Thank you both for the comments, but apparently it was a false alarm. One of my family members was mad at me and told me my grandpa died when in fact he DID NOT. I’m so angry right now. WHO DOES THAT

  57. Living on a Prayer says:

    I had a GAM moment where my roomie had to tell me what coffee filters were for, then I found the tire thing and this gem.

    I feel smarter now.

  58. ChelsLynn says:

    Oh… my… Charlie I don’t know how you do it. These are the type of girls that you can actually feel your IQ talking when you talk to them aren’t they?

  59. xath says:

    at least 100 people… that’s not few

  60. Lizzzzzz says:

    My birthday has been really suckish so far, but this made it a little better. Thank you! :)

  61. Holly says:

    Charlie, you remind me way too much of myself. I am always seeming to be caught up with people I cannot stand. I hate it, yet I am able to begin to love it by making silent retorts. Except you, you are just that much better than myself because you have made website based off of your poor, yet good, luck. Thank you for both inspiring me and making me feel less alone. You are the best.

  62. maria says:

    charlie = straight boss.

  63. angel says:

    oh my god. I haven’t commented in a while but I cannot not comment on this post!!! Does she honestly think she doesn’t have even a little bit of dumbness in her?

  64. Leah says:

    Day has been made.

  65. jake says:

    In her defense, I don’t think she’s stupid. Born without a brain maybe, but not stupid…

  66. Max says:

    I really enjoy this blog/site. It’s so funny. I recently created a website. It’s called It’s basically a collection of the dumbest things mankind has ever done. I would really appreciate it if anyone reading this could visit the site and submit something. The site hasn’t really taken off yet, but more submissions would really help. Thank you all so much.

  67. Christina says:

    I wonder what her IQ is

  68. ChelsLynn says:

    Too low. They probably had to make a special low score for her.

    • Lonely Girl says:

      Yeah…I can imagine how that went…
      *A Scientist is grading tests taken by GAM surrounded by his peers* Oh no! These are horrible! We have no level for this stupidity! We must create one! Uhhhh, how about dumbbitchcantbelieveshesthisdumb? *Others nod in agreement*

  69. Gina says:

    This is seriously the best post EVER!!!

  70. DoraTonks10 says:

    Words cannot even describe how I’m feeling about this one.

  71. Jamie Lynn says:

    I do!!!!!

  72. cathyd says:

    ok wtf? what are they doing up there? sniffing glue? cause i can’t think of any other way that two people can become this stupid

  73. ASchmalz says:

    *pause for breath…

    epic. love it.

  74. lizz says:

    i had a crappy day, but this was the first time i laughed :) thank you!!!

  75. Alicia says:

    She claims she’s bitchy, but not dumb,
    I beg to differ with her on this one.
    I write poems about her all the time:
    The dumb stuff she says in a short, catchy rhyme.
    We all come together as a family to make fun,
    So yes, I would say that you’re not too smart, hun.

  76. Great…

    I construct a lot of things….

  77. Nyssa says:

    I’ve been reading this blog for months now, and have never posted, but the irony here requires it.
    I swear these letters mimic my own thoughts as I go through the school day
    IE: A kid in my English class who believed that an “incestuous relationship” meant gay.
    Smart kid.

  78. HellO!…

    Hello! How are you? Want to exchange the trackbacks? I have posted to my blog, you can check! Thanks. :)))…

  79. Charlotte says:

    I would feel all bad-ass-ish and write down the link to the site and slip it under their door…..I wonder what would happen.

  80. Great Websie…

    I loved this good post I saw today….

  81. Lorreina says:

    this means two things first, people like to allow her to believe she’s of average intelligence. second, there are people who might actually consider her smart…. O.o which means we’re doomed as human beings

  82. Daniela says:

    lol ur not dumb or bicthy

  83. Kira says:

    I cannot think of poems on the fly…
    I wanted an impressive first comment.
    Long time reader, first time commenting.
    Hope I’m welcomed to GAM family. (I like harvest chedder sun chips and laughing at stupid people.)
    To think two dumb girls have united so many people.

    GAM is my (hopefully)new family,
    and all because of a guy named Charlie.
    These girls live above him,
    they are not smart,
    they belong on the people of walmart.

    That’s the best I can do right now…hopefully I can post some better ones to redeem myself.

  84. Sarah says:

    The girls are right- they might be rude, but they are intelligent! People have no right to make fun of them this way!

    Alright, I can’t even type that with a straight face XD

  85. Kelly says:

    Thanks again…

    Thank you for posting such relevent blog information on this subject….

  86. Aerosmith song list…

    […]just below, are some totally unrelated sites to ours, however, they are definitely worth checking out[…]…

  87. PorscheLuvr says:

    Charlie, are these girls actually this stu– dumb? If so, they are funny as hell.



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