Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“He slammed the brakes and put his arm out to ‘protect’ me. So obvi he wanted to feel the girls.” Saving lives one boob at a time.

91 Responses

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  1. Annie says:


  2. Charlie McDowell says:

    They’ve inspired me to start referring to my penis as “The Child.”

    • Taylor D says:

      The Child?

    • Emily says:

      No, not “The Child”..nobody good wants to do dirty things with something called “The Child”

    • Gretchen says:

      Funny. In my country (Chile), there’s a nickname for it quite similar: “The Kid”. I guess it would be something like a “Mimi Me” thing.

    • Sammi =] says:

      This Is a really good and coincidental post for happy Friday. Love it!

      Who knows what happy Friday is? I wonder who does…..

      • Matt says:

        Is it like happy tuesday where you go around slapping your friends on the ass and saying “Happy Tuesday”

    • Cygnus says:

      If you must, might I suggest “The Wild Child”. Little less creepy, very little less, but when you delve this far into creepy every iota counts!

  3. andrea says:

    umm..Charlie, please don’t!
    There is obviously NO WAY he was protecting her…

  4. Maggie says:

    I have a deep hatred for when people refer to breasts as “the girls”.

  5. Taylor says:

    yeah because when I think I’m about to be in an accident, my biggest concern is “the girls”

  6. Melissa says:

    I love it. He totally pulled a Cosmo Kramer.

  7. Tigerr says:

    I have actually thrown out a genuinely protective arm and caught a friend in the boob once or twice in my life…Not pleasant. :/

  8. Moi says:

    LOL ‘the girls’ Charlie, you should call your manhood ‘the guy below you’ -Side Note- If people get pregoed today, then their baby will be magical (be born on 11/11/11) How cool is that?!

    • Liz says:

      um, 9 months from today (3/11/11) is 12/11/11 not 11/11/11. Plus, babies don’t have to be born exactly 9 months from the date of conception. =)

      • swingsetninja says:

        Technically, women are pregnant for 10 months- as pregnancy is measured in weeks, 4 weeks to a month, 40 weeks to a full term pregnancy!

      • Moomintroll says:

        In that case, the average full term pregnancy is 9.3 months, based on averaging a month at 30 days, as each month doesnt have 28 days, so I kinda have to side with Liz on this :P

        Why I just argued that point I have no idea O_o

  9. Métis says:

    hi Charlie, just wanted to say that these posts always make my day. thanks!
    (also, I’m quite positive I’m the only swede reading this page.)

  10. anjaaa says:

    Nope I’m Swedish. and Finnish. and Norwegian. and Scandinavian.

    • Hale says:

      You mean that you’re Scandinavian because you’re Finnish and Swedish and Norwegian, right?

  11. Ashers says:

    At least she was smart enough to realise he wasn’t actually protecting her. I give her some credit for that.

    • Prosopagnosia says:

      Whoa whoa whoa… Aren’t we possibly talking about the girl who forgot how old she was?

    • Tegan says:

      He might have actually been protecting her and she just assumed that he was copping a feel, because she’s just *that* attractive.

  12. Chelsea says:

    I see they haven’t fixed the flat tire yet.

  13. Jacky Faber: Midshipman, Fine Lady, and Lily of the West says:

    Oh boy…she just get over it. For some people it is a natural reaction.

    • Jacky Faber: Midshipman, Fine Lady, and Lily of the West says:

      *just needs to get over it. Wow, I’m still tired.

  14. Maddyy says:

    You need to post a video of them soon

  15. Sarah says:

    oh my

  16. Livvy says:

    But my uncle always said he was protecting me when he did that…… i always thought it was strange we were never in a car when that happened…….

  17. ASchmalz says:

    narcissistic much?

  18. J-Lo says:

    I’m so sad! I will be gone for the next week. I’m going to have DGAM withdraws!

  19. Charlie McDowell says:

    By the way, my thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan. Such a horrific event. Please help out in anyway you can.

    • Lola says:

      It’s weird to see a completely serious post from Charlie, but yes, absolutely agreed – let our thoughts be with all those affected by it.

    • GinnyPotter says:

      I agree. In a time like this they need all the prayers they can get.

    • Robert says:

      Some friends and are gonna hold a car wash and donate the money to help out over there.

    • Tegan says:

      I know people over there, and while I hate to generalize, if anything can be said for the Japanese it is that they are hard working enough to overcome this.

  20. Allie says:

    I think you should label Claire/Cathy who said it and show a picture of them.

  21. alexis says:

    actually, he’s pulling a frank costanza….either way, hilarious! long time reader, first time commenter! this blog is the best, and i can’t wait for the tv show!!

  22. Marijuly says:

    Where I come from, they put nicknames to their stuff… both boys and girls… I’m from Puerto Rico

  23. says:

    Isn’t that a breast cancer awareness slogan?

  24. Lilly says:

    shameless self promotion…I started a blog and it launched today! It’s not funny but if you like pretty things or are remotely into design, you might like it. At least click on it so I get a small ego boost at the end of the day when I see how many people stopped by :) I’m Charlie’s sister. He’s cool and therefor I’m a little cool by association (right?)

    • Tony says:

      Lilly, you’re totally cool. I like the blog, by the way. This is probably going to be a wonderful place to self-promote, because everyone here seems to have stumbled here or gotten here through my life is awful, so links are fun to these people!

      No offense, Charlie, most of them didn’t know about it before they arrived, but they’re still here for a reason.

      • Alicia says:

        Very intersting blog, Lilly! Keep at it and you’re sure to get more followers. And I totally believe in coolness by association :)

      • CharlotteBewlowYou says:

        My life is awful? MLIA means My life is AVERAGE

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Awesome, Lil! It looks great. Can’t wait to see more.

    • Cygnus says:

      Kiddy pics, everyday beauty and candles designed by direction. Your blog is fantastic, fanciful and a feast for the eye. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    • Bridget says:

      The photos have such a nice peaceful feel to them. ^^ Very nice~~~

  25. thegeek7 says:

    I really hate myself for this, but * brakes. Also, your posts are awesome. They never fail to make me laugh.

  26. Angeleg121 says:

    Darn, thegeek7 beat me to it. Yep, wrong brakes. But otherwise, an outrageous post :D.

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  28. Sammi =] says:

    I posted this up there but I meant for it to be down here anyway:

    This Is a really good and coincidental post for happy Friday. Love it!

    Who knows what happy Friday is? I wonder who does…..

  29. Chloé says:

    New Breast Cancer slogan!

  30. alexaluvs says:

    one time at the beach I accidentally untied my bff’s bikini top and she had her hands over her girls while I fixed her top, there were a bunch of old pervy men looking at us and one was rubbing his stomach and liking his lips…creepy

  31. CharlotteBewlowYou says:

    Hey, Charlie, just wanted to tell you I checked out your Charlie and Eli videos, and laughed my ass off. My friend and I basically quote the sleep over one every time we share a bed. Your dad was awesome in the Get a Job one too. Just thought I’d tell you, you’re hilarious.

  32. Lala says:

    Its good to know that with everything happening in Japan and around the Pacific…….they’re biggest issue is that some guy is trying to cop a feel.

    • Lala says:

      That comment wasn’t meant to be so sassy.
      They make us laugh.
      and laughter is important, especially in the worst of times.

  33. Shleelee says:

    Not related to the post, but, it’s SXSW week! Are you coming to join the party in Austin, Charlie? :D

  34. I ride dragons... so yeah... fear me says:

    wait… so does that mean yes i can join the family?

  35. Lonely Girl says:

    I think the whole “throwing out the arm to protect the person next to you in a car” thing comes from pre-seatbelt days, but I’m pretty sure that none of us are old enough to remember that cause that happened about 60 years ago. (Please correct me if I’m wrong.)

  36. Ocean Love says:

    This post disturbs me. My parents would do this as an automatic reactive to me in the car, when I was younger. I didn’t really have much in the way of girls then. Maybe he was having some sort of father instinct, since they seem dumb enough to be children?

  37. LovelyLauren says:

    Or he knew his air bags weren’t working…unless her girls are just that great? Though I would think their choice in boys, he would just be blunt and grope them without almost causing an accident.

  38. AmyD says:

    I’ve done this if I have to hit the brakes hard and someone is in the front seat, and I can honestly say it’s not cause I wanted to feel anything!

  39. Anna says:

    Long time reader, first comment.

    Wow. Just wow. How sad is this?
    I’m very worried for the GAM, but this is quite hilarious.
    Thank you for making me laugh everyday, Charlie!

    P.S. one of my best friends has your last name. Just thought it was a coincidence worth mentioning

  40. Bri says:

    that aggravates me because maybe her date was just being nice. my boyfriend has done that to me and even my dad and i know HE doesn’t want to cop a feel.

  41. GinnyPotter says:

    where’s alicia?

  42. christymarie says:

    i instinctively put my arm out when i brake too hard while driving… even if it’s only my purse in the passenger seat. instincts die hard.

  43. Pie of Chocolate says:

    First time commenter, long time reader. These posts are like a little ray of sunshine in my day!

  44. Kate says:

    I love how he worded “saving one boob at a time.”
    Could be taken literally (as the GAM thinks) or just as another insult towards her from Charlie ;)
    I love this!

  45. Jackson says:

    is it just me or does the owner of this site look like hte guy out of the black keys clip tigten up, love the site

  46. jon says:

    Thank you for correcting the originally misspelled entry .. it was keeping me up nights!

  47. Alicia says:

    He slammed on his brakes and made her “girls” shake,
    Then he stuck his arm out and on her chest felt about.
    An innocent crime saving one boob at a time.

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