Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“It kinda makes me sad that I can never be a teen mom, like that’s not even an option anymore.” Aww, all grown up.

85 Responses

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  1. Kelly says:


  2. Sara says:

    Because being a mom is a totally glamourous and easy job.

  3. RandomLiteraryName says:


  4. AmyD says:

    wow what a tragedy for her. So very very sad.

  5. Nibblez says:

    Yeah, because being a teen mom is so great. One hand for the baby the other for a camera to take a facebook picture.

    • YourMean says:

      That’s not very nice, no matter what age you are, the love you feel for your child is indescribeable. And you ALWAYS have the urge to show everyone how smart and beautiful they are.

  6. Charlie McDowell says:

    I had this same feeling when I realized I couldn’t go to summer camp anymore…as a camper. Once you go beard, childhood is gone forever.

    • Chloé says:

      Unless… You could say you have some kind of skin affliction that causes you to grow abnormally awesome beards at a very young age.

    • Elizabeth says:

      You should be a camp counselor. You’ve got a wealth of stories at your fingertips as it is, no doubt kids would be entertained. XD

      • Gina says:

        I don’t think that the stories Charlie hears should be told to children…

      • Liz says:

        yeah, if he told them some of the stuff the GAM say he might have to register as a sex offender. some 21 year old got in trouble for making a youtube video where it only looked like he sang a sexually explicit song to kids (he didn’t actually sing to them), but parents went nuts and he was charged as a sex offender.

      • Elizabeth says:

        I hadn’t realized my opinion had been submitted for critique xD.

    • facehairishot says:

      once you go beard… Kimbo Slice

  7. ASchmalz says:


  8. ASchmalz says:

    her being a mom is a rather scary thought…

  9. GAM Defender says:

    Maybe she wants to have been able to handle the struggles of raising a child while working hard, maybe not in school… but other places perhaps? She could’ve been an inspiration to other teen moms, a mentor for them.

    • jake says:

      I applaud your optimism

    • Kamella says:

      Nice to have someone trying to keep this generation alive.

      My theories:
      A) She was disappointed because she realized she’s not a teenager anymore.
      B) She realized she didn’t screw enough guys.

      Even so, if she was a mom, hopefully it’d boost her maturity.

      • pb says:

        no, she’d want to be best friends with her kid and, if it were a girl, she’d be wearing the same outfit because, like, that’s like so totally awesome!

  10. says:

    I’m just happy that that “option” is entirely gone. I would fear for her children if she had them as an adult, but as a teen? Holy cow! Especially since if she had one as a teenager it would have been her parents helping out for the most part, I mean come on they raised her….

  11. Lock says:

    Aw, I wished I could have gone to camp. Is it anything like in movies?

  12. jake says:

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is off the beaten path, but I am hungry. Thus I shall make for the place where the wings are succulent, and the potatoes are named after bison excrement – BUFFALO WILD WINGS!

  13. Ashers says:

    Wow… Just Wow……

  14. Joyousness says:

    In the name of all things holy and good, she’s thinking about motherhood!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  15. Louisa says:

    Its like they can’t even get the appropriate level of compassion quite right.

  16. Barbara says:

    I’m so sorry for you that you never had the chance to ask your one night stand: ‘so, there are 3 options: a blow job, breakfast in bed or a hungry, crying baby?

  17. Leila says:

    Why in the world would they want to be a teen mom in the first place?!??! They wouldn’t be able to do half of the shenanegins they do now! Either of them as a teen mom is just a very, VERY scary thought. I can’t imagine what their child would be like….

  18. Ellie says:

    It’d be like Mama Mia, the kid’d have a billion possible fathers…

  19. CookiesVs.Cupcakes says:

    The thought of them being mothers gives me nightmares. Just imagine the baby at 16.

  20. Tori says:

    ..god, the thought of them as mothers at all scares me.

  21. Alex says:

    If this is what she’s like, I shudder to think how her kid will turn out.

  22. Paige says:

    These girls should not procreate…. Ever

    • Paige says:

      Although it would be pretty interesting to see that the fathers would be like

      • Kamella says:

        Cathy/Claire: *points to scrapbook* here’s you’re father!
        Kid: Mom, that’s a picture of a baseball team.
        Cathy/Claire: no, see I only did, him, him, him, him, him, him, him, him, him, him, him ,him, him, him, him, annnnnnd him.
        Kid:… Mom, that’s everyone but two guys. Which one is it?
        Cathy/Claire: um…
        Kid: -.-

      • Chelsea says:

        What are you talking about? She would have done all the guys, and not just the baseball team!

  23. Kamella says:

    I’d hope they’d have sons. Because the sons might have a better chance, and the daughter would be too influenced by them…

    But, then again, the son could end up to be as hopeless as them…

  24. I want a new guitar says:

    i don’t think its the baby that she wants, she probably just want to be in the reality show gaining attention.

  25. Lord Voldemort says:

    Awwww, does this mean you don’t have a chance to be on 16 and pregnant?

  26. Sarah says:

    I don’t know about other teenage girls, but my goal is to not be a teenage mom

  27. KimeeFace says:

    Urgh. She probably just wants to be on that idiotic show, which is rather stupid. I have a friend who tried getting pregnant for that show but couldn’t because as it turns out her boyfriend whose a billion years older than her is shooting blanks.

    • Sara says:

      Please tell me you’re kidding. That’s horrible. Babies are not props….and as a mother, I’m terrified that teenagers are doing things like that.

    • Tegan says:

      As a high school senior, I can assure you that the vast majority of us are not. That’s…frightening. It’s bad enough some of us can drive.

  28. Alessandra says:

    Please assure me one day they wont procreate…

  29. mina says:

    i’ve always been a lurker- but this is toooo much
    so i decided to become a part of the family and express the same emotion we all have for these errrrrrrrrrrr -girls-

    if they ever had kids-i cant even think of what another geeration of them wood b *shudders*

  30. mina says:


  31. Jenna says:

    I agree with Mina…. What a bright girl u r Mina!!!
    But seriously we shouldn’t b teChing youngsters like u (poster) to b a teen mom like yourself
    There are plenty more activities then.. “this” to do in your life.. Like knitting!!! Oh how I love knitting…(:
    Well bye now sweetie!!!

  32. mina says:

    i refered jenna-
    can i get some sunchips??/ hehe

  33. Mea-chan says:

    no comment.

  34. mina says:

    o ummmmm jenna
    the girls dont right this
    charlie does(:
    getcho facts straight (:
    k bye

  35. mina says:

    since this is my frst time commenting i just wanna say- my snowflake is pretty (:

  36. Jenna says:

    O well then… I’m just trying to help the youngsters of our nation…
    Ok? “girlfran” or however ur generation says it…

  37. alexaluvs says:

    never should these to have children

    • Trippetta says:

      Are you referring to the GAM, or to Mina and Jenna, the two girls who posted before you? Because the spelling and grammatical errors, not to mention irrelevance of their posts, scares me as well. They make me think that all four of these girls should not be contributing to the gene pool.

  38. Ellie says:

    couldnt have said it better, tripetta.
    Anyway, we’re all friends here, right? even the illiterate? :-D

  39. Theresa says:

    Well these girls may be posting mobile , like me… Do that may be why there are grammatical errors.

  40. Courtney Lea says:

    Hi Charlie! A little unrelated, but I watched the movie “the proposal” today and I just have to say how much I love your mom! And Betty White. And you too!

  41. Alana says:

    Lets hope she can never reproduce

  42. Amanda says:

    ahahhaha this just brightened my horrible day <3
    these girls watch way too much mtv-not all teen moms get to be on reality shows.

  43. Jillian says:

    My friends and I said this when we turned 20. We were so disappointed. I will never be on an MTV show unless I suddenly become Italian. =[

  44. Denny says:

    LOL i would feel horrible for their babies.

  45. Deirdre says:

    Oh, how these girls amuse me… What do you guys think they would name a baby of either had one?

    • Savannah says:

      Chanel for a girl, now that she can pronounce it correctly. Probably Louis (Vuitton) or Christian (Louboutin) for a boy.

      • Lock says:

        Wow, it’s like you are a Seer or something. I could see that as a definite possibility.

  46. Kelsey says:

    …you know, this could be the next two and a half men if she decides to have a kid.

  47. Sarah says:

    Seriously… I mean, if anyone should be procreating…

  48. Jessica says:

    …since when is being a teen mom something to be desired? Aren’t we supposed to be encouraging teen pregnancy to decrease?? 0.o

  49. Lala says:

    You know what, I was actually just thinking the same thing.
    And how I can never be jailbait again.
    *sigh* those were some good years.

  50. mina says:

    Ummmm im that old yet- i type like this for recreation!! For school, i can be just as good and not make any “grammatical errors” just like u! Really? Im probably like waaay younger then u
    Jenna too

    • ally says:

      *in a non-creepy voice* so how old are you? and does mommy know you’re using her computer?

  51. Arielle says:

    I kinda know what they mean though, just knowing you’re too old to do something makes it sad even if it’s not something you wanted to do.

  52. Ann C. says:

    I guess that she’ll have to build a time machine, travel to the past, and convince her teenage self to have a baby. We can’t have her miss out on her options, can we?

  53. says:

    Maybe she’s just upset she can’t be on “teen mom” on MTV.

    When my life is sad, and nothings going right, I look to my left, tell a friend I made it, I’ll never be a team mom, we high five and life is good again.

  54. mina says:

    1st- u shood have bettr tings 2 doo thn corct meh on mah funnr tim “gramer*; eyE sur doo: bAggs?
    2nd-hoo r u to say whether i shood have kyds

  55. Kira says:

    wow…people should not procreate for attention, or affection, or to get on tv. They should have a child when they are emotionally ready to give their lives completely to their children…

    Being adopted, I kinda have a “mature” viewpoint on children…there should be a test people have to take before they can have kids. for real.

  56. Alicia says:

    Since when is being a teen and pregnant been so glamorous?
    Since the stupid Teen Mom show threw morals under the bus.
    I’m scared of these girls EVER having kids, let alone as teens,
    Society normalizes pregnant girls, featuring them in magazines.
    This generation has no hope in our future years,
    We’re all drowning in this lifestyle afflicted by our peers.

  57. ILikeYouILoveYou says:

    *claps* Alicia, you hit the nail in the head.

  58. Aerosmith discography…

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  59. Cola says:

    The GAY (Girls Above You, HA) grew their big boy hairs.



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