Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“Why is everyone saying gas is so expensive? Today it’s only like 4$ and it usually costs me at least 50$!” Per gallon.

74 Responses

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  1. Jas H says:

    First on my birthday:)… Wow they’re slow. never checked the prices before?

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Happy birthday! I don’t think they read the fine print very often: PER GALLON.

  2. Leila says:

    If it only costs them $50 a tank at $4 a gallon, they must have a small tank… ok, I just did that calculation. It would just be a 12.5 gallon tank. Meh, that’s still on the small side. What do they drive? A Prius (horrible, horrible cars)? I would have pegged them to drive Mercedes SUV or BMW X3’s or something like that.

  3. Bertie says:

    This did not make sense at first, but then I realised in Canada we use litres, and $1.28/litre is basically the equivalent to $4/gallon.
    This makes me sound old, but I remember when gas prices went up to 75-80 cents per litre, and my Mom told me we’d have to do less driving. That was like seven years ago?
    Let’s just all buy bikes and somehow get public transit to be cheaper than it is!

    • Walker says:

      When I first got my license gas was only $1.30/gallon. I could fill for 20 bucks.

    • Claire says:

      I remember in Australia when it rose above $1, people were acting like it’s the end of the world! Now it’s at about $1.37 per litre!

    • Jessidotca says:

      I’m from Canada too.. and this may date me… I remember seeing it as low as .59 “sigh”

  4. yelyahh says:

    wow wow wow haha

  5. Jacky Faber: Midshipman, Fine Lady, and Lily of the West says:

    It’s a little under four here! :) But yeah…I feel bad that they do not know the obvi and there mothers should have taught them…ah well. Se la vie.

  6. Louisa says:

    To be fair Daddy is probably paying for it anyways.

  7. LovelyLauren says:

    I remember when a little over a dollar was expensive for gas…now its 3something here. I’d stop driving if gas were 4 dollars. I don’t get to drive until the end of this year, I’m afraid to see what gas prices are then.

  8. Kat says:

    Wait, the state let her have a driving license?

    • Melissa says:

      Oh dear God. Do they even know they are supposped to have a liscence in order to drive a car?

  9. Rachel says:

    I have no need to comment, though I feel as though I will to be stubbornly difficult and brag that the South East (at least where I am) is “enjoying” just under $4.00/gallon. Sorry you have the privilege of listening to their nonsense day in and day out. It must be painfully annoying, yet at the same time quite hysterical to listen to their antics. Have a good day dear readers of DGAM and to Charlie as well, who must endure their whimsical, child like thoughts. :)

    • Leila says:

      I’m in Utah and in Salt Lake, Chevron has just hit $3.50. All the rest are between $3.20 and Chevron.

    • LovelyLauren says:

      New Jersey is about 3.40-3.50 per gallon, and we don’t have to pump our own gas.

    • Tigerr says:

      The UK is currently at £1.40 for diesel, which is apparently alot. I also love how this is like a price comparison website now xD

  10. k says:

    I’m starting to think you’re making these up. there’s just no way a grown woman could be this ignorant.

    • Beth says:

      I would say don’t underestimate the stupidity of some people.

    • Kevin says:

      CLEARLY there is no way for them to mistake this. Charles just makes all of these up for the amusement of other people. It’s great that you have such optimism for individuals, but it is fairly misguided… After some of the things I’ve seen happen just today, this isn’t even close to being implausible.

      • Kayli says:

        the girls exist. he’s got a video of him presenting a hailey duff pillow to them. Whether you believe that they’re really that stupid is up to you, but they exist. I personally believe that what he’s saying is true, but that’s just me. :)

      • Samantha Lynn says:

        CLEARLY you have led a very sheltered life, protected from the blatant lack of intelligence demonstrated by so many members of our species. I’ve met enough people in my time to know that this is completely plausible.

      • Samantha Lynn says:

        Also, you meant “plausible.” Your statement “this isn’t even close to being implausible” means that it is very close to being plausible (double negative), and thus contradicts the meaning of your message.

      • k says:

        I mean… I believe they exist and all…. just every now and again I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a slow day in the way of stupid quotes and he needs to make something up. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met some gut-wrenchingly stupid people in my time but sometimes these come off a bit fabricated.

      • pb says:

        people this dumb do exist. i had to explain about different currencies to a friend yesterday and that $1US does not equal $1AUD does not equal 1 pound, and this friend (although clueless with some really simple things like that) does have a reasonable brain, unlike the gam.

      • Olive says:

        Does it matter?

  11. MacKenzie says:

    Here’s to Jersey and not pumping our own gas!!!! Yeah! I also live in NY (not the city) So buying gas at my dad’s in Jersey is considered cheap.

  12. TJ says:

    I wish they were right about everything. I’d love to fill my tank up for $4.

  13. Tegan says:

    I’m back! Did yall miss me? I was in the hospital, so it’s nice to have a welcome home post :D

  14. Cara says:

    Y’know, I remember thinking this same thing. When I was 8.

  15. Lola says:

    Dollar signs after the numbers, Charlie?…GAM moment?…;)

    • Bertie says:

      Nope, he’s just channeling his inner Frenchie. At least it’s always been my understanding that French do the dollar sign after the number…

  16. Diana says:

    Yeah… I thought that too…… WHEN I WAS 5! Jesús Cristo!

  17. Jacob says:

    $3.50 here!

  18. Erin says:

    oh dear god!

  19. Alex says:

    Why does this not suprise me? And wow, your petrol is expensive. Australian petrol prices are at $1.80 per litre (or something close to that).

  20. Alex says:

    By the way, Charlie. The gaps between your posts seem to be getting farther and farther apart. Is this because you’ve been busy or is it just that the GAM haven’t been saying many stupid things?

  21. sillysquiddy says:

    Wait a sec. In the comments, people refer to the girls as the GAM. But really aren’t they only above Charlie? So to us, they’d be the girls above you, or the GAY?

  22. Jinxed says:

    Since some people seem to be surprised that the GAM pay for their own gas, I have to ask; what exactly DO they do for a living, Charlie?

  23. Lisa says:

    Price of gas: $3.50 per gallon
    Price to fill car: ~$35
    Miles to gallon in car: 22
    Price to fill motorcycle: ~$7
    Miles to gallon in motorcycle: 60

    I encourage everyone to get a motorcycle. They are cheap (to buy, insure, and fill up) and are a lot of fun. :)

    • Leila says:

      And if you’re unsure about a motorcycle, get a scooter!! My hubby and I got two and it’s fun to ride them around town. :)Especially back when mine was sounding like a baby chopper cause the exhaust was loose. The only drawback is that you can’t take them on the highway. But they’re great for starters!

    • Jack West says:

      motorcycles are great, had to sell mine when i moved though

    • Sackonutso says:

      sept for when your brains are splattered all over the highway because someone cut you off…besides that superfun!

  24. HAL-9000 says:

    I remember when it was less than $1 per gallon. those were the days.

    • Lala says:

      ….back in 2001?
      Yup, I remember driving my mom’s Odyssey.
      It had so much space.

  25. Courtney says:

    Gas is $3.85 in Indiana, and is apparently projected to hit close to $5 by summer(?!?!?!).
    BTW, long time reader, first time commenting. Charlie, this site totally makes me appreciate the (relatively) intelligent people around me:)

  26. Tiny Dancer says:

    Milk is cheaper than gas nowadays. It kinda makes you want to find one of those crazy people and have them build you a car that runs on McDonald’s french fry oil.

    Check out my blog!

  27. Caelaa says:

    Up here in Alaska it’s quite expensive also.

  28. Lonely Girl says:

    It’s up to 4$ up there!!! Wow…It’s like 3.50$ where I’m from! *counting my blessings*

  29. Prosopagnosia says:

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  30. Sackonutso says:

    paid 4.12$ a gallon this morning…in So Cal

  31. Holly says:

    Oh wow because I only paid like 120 last night!!!!

  32. Lily Luna Potter says:

    Gas was $1.99 PG when I started driving… two years ago. (Granted it had been five dollars the summer before, but hey, now I get to sound old(er).) ;P

  33. Moomintroll says:

    I’m in the UK and one of the Garages down the road is selling petrol at £1.35 per litre, which is pretty common these days. For you folks in the US that is near enough $2.30 per litre. If you want that in gallons thats $10.35 per UK Gallon and $8.74 per US Gallon. So yeah, we get wallet-raped alot in the UK. Costs me £40.00 / $65.00 to fill my car up, and my car is pretty small.
    If any of my calculations are wrong then meh, brain no worky after coming home from work.

    • LovelyFrances says:

      I’m glad you did the maths. I was thinking the same thing. It keeps going up and up in the UK. The larger cars are £70/$114 dollars to fill up, easily

    • jshea says:

      i didn’t do the math, but i’m pretty sure you’re close on that, based on a conversation I had with someone the other day about how much more expensive gas is in the UK :-) I’m surprised no one mentioned this before now



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