Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“Do you think Osama Bin Laden’s ever bored in his cave giving himself a mangina?” No– well, maybe.

73 Responses

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  1. Rina says:

    How does that even pop into someone’s head??

  2. Charlie McDowell says:

    They also were wondering if he “trims his pubes.”

    • Rina says:

      Highly doubt it haha.

    • Leila says:

      Have you ever wondered how we could put their “intellect” to covert use? Would they ever work out as spies? I mean, obviously, they couldn’t know they were spies, but, still…. could it work…?

    • Alex says:

      Haha, interesting theories. Howeve, if he trimmed his pubes, don’t you think he’d trim his beard as well?

    • Emily says:

      I’m so confused by this conversation of theirs…

  3. casey k says:

    the fact that they know who he is shocks me.

  4. Moomintroll says:

    I wonder if they think this is considered a ‘political debate’ …

  5. Tigerr says:

    Hahaha, I love these girls so much. SO. MUCH.

  6. Jas H says:

    I’m scared to google mangina, anyone want to explain?

    • Kate says:

      I googled it. I was in a healthier mental state before I knew the answer.

      • Trippetta says:

        It’s just when a guy puts his penis between his legs, making it look like he has a vagina. Not really that disturbing. Just odd.

    • Stephanie says:

      Think Silence of the Lambs. Creepy serial killer dude looking at himself in the mirror. That scene. There’s your answer.

  7. Joyousness says:

    I didn’t think a person could give themselves a mangina…
    Jas, Mangina basically is calling him a girl

  8. Luke says:

    how would you even begin to…? nevermind. They are hopeless.

  9. GinnyPotter says:

    It makes you wonder what kind of things they decide NOT to say out loud…

  10. LovelyLauren says:

    What brought on this train of thought?

  11. feesh says:

    Just when I think they’ve said it all….but props to them for knowing who Osama Bin Laden was, and not confusing him with the president like so many intelligent people do….

  12. says:

    I thought they were making an “old greg” reference. while cool, made that statement very very confusing.

  13. Sara says:

    I’m totally confused and creeped out by this statement.

  14. Ellie says:

    Oh my God….
    Where does this come from?

    I guess this is more odd than it is dumb, but it could go either way….
    Charlie, have they ever asked someone other than each other something like this? Has anyone ever corrected them?

  15. Kotoka says:

    This explains why you’re covering your ears in the picture…

  16. Deirdre says:

    Yes. Of course. That is exactly what Osama Bin Laden is doing in his cave. It’s not like he’s busy trying not to get caught by the American government or anything.

  17. Kingsley Shacklebolt says:

    Were they watching Silence of the Lambs…? Because I can’t think of any other reason why that thought would pop into anyone’s head.

    If they start talking about fava beans and/or nice chiantis, I suggest you find a new habitation.

  18. Taurie says:

    See, I wanna say their heads are like fishbowls minus the water. But of course, including the aquatic animals. Just…mostly empty.

  19. BlueberryMuffin says:

    Little did we guess
    Our ditzy friends above are
    FBI agents.

    • Dolores Umbridge says:

      You have much to learn, young grasshopper.

      When the girls are bored and blue,
      they say some things that make us say ‘ew’.
      Osama Bin Laden is off in a cave,
      turning himself to Danielle from Dave.
      When it comes to these girls, I think it’d be best
      To trade in Prada for a straightjacket vest.


      • Imogen says:

        Actually, Blueberrymuffins poem was a haiku, I don’t really think you can own people that write haikus, they’re on a higher intellectual plane than the rest of us.

      • Meaghanne says:

        imogen, that is actually not a haiku, its an americanized version of one. haiku are not written based on syllables, it is a common misconception but it also makes your calling out dolores saying blueberry was on a higher intellectual plane is false. now dont you look stupid.

      • Imogen says:

        Perhaps I do, but both you and Dolores are unnecessarily harsh. I think you should apologise to me and stop being such a big meany.

      • Dolores Umbridge says:

        Firstly, thank you Meaghanne, for defending my magical genius. However, I do apologize to Imogen and BlueberryMuffin. I was merely expressing myself teasingly in poem form.

      • Pie of Chocolate says:

        I love how even when one trolls another on this site, it’s still eloquent and polite.

      • Dolores Umbridge says:

        It’s especially amusing if it’s your troll that someone’s trolling.

      • BlueberryMuffin says:

        Meaghanne: fair point that a haiku is determined by moras, not syllables. However, if you know any Japanese you’ll know that it is nearly impossible to perfect an English-language haiku because the structure is so radically different. Traditionally, an English-language haiku will abide by the 17-syllable rule. I’m an English teacher :)

      • Dolores Umbridge says:

        If by “English teacher” you mean “teacher from England,” then so am I.

      • BlueberryMuffin says:

        Umbridge: What part of England? I meant English teacher in the sense that I teach the subject, English Literature, in the United States. But I went to Oxford, so I’m always happy to connect with a fellow teacher overseas!

      • Dolores Umbridge says:

        I am not a teacher, nor am I from England. However, Dolores Umbridge fromm the Harry Potter series *is*. I apologize if that wasn’t clear. I do love literature though. :)

      • Meaghanne says:

        Blueberry, as someone who is not only fluent in English, but also in Japanese and who is also a huge poetry lover I do know what we as english speakers call a haiku. I also know that I think its kind of rude to call what we do haiku. I believe its not our word to use and that if people want to write them, they should learn japanese and do so. Not only would it broaden a few stupid american minds, it would be helping to preserve a language farther down the line, because at the rate the world is changing in 100 years 90% of it will only speak english and every interesting and beautiful language in this world will be dead.

      • BlueberryMuffin says:

        Meaghanne… relax, dear. I speak English, Spanish, Tagalog and a little Mandarin. Don’t overreact.

      • BlueberryMuffin says:

        Umbridge… oh, I was so excited to find another teacher! Well, loving literature is good enough! (I’m guessing the Potter books are at the top of the list.)

      • Dolores Umbridge says:

        The Potter books actually fall third. They’re behind “To Kill a Mockingbird” and the Hunger Games trilogy.

      • BlueberryMuffin says:

        I absolutely love <>. I dressed as Scout Finch for Halloween a few years ago (I was teaching American Lit at the time.) I’ve yet to read the Hunger Games but a few of my students have expressed their undying adoration for the trilogy so I plan to give it a try.

      • Dolores Umbridge says:

        Good Lord, Hunger Games are absolutely incredible. I think I’ve read the series five times. MUST READ.

        I don’t get why people are always hatin’ on To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s so fantastic.

  20. Alex says:

    I wonder what led to this conversation……

    By the way, I won’t be on for a couple of days. I’m going to the coast, where we lack internet. :(

  21. Sammi =] says:

    I knew there was a reason I missed this site so much…

    Although like most others here I really want to know what kind of conversation led to this question…?

  22. Tori says:

    Oh mah bajesus. What led to this?

  23. Meaghanne says:

    do you ever get bored listening to them talk about stupid stuff and give yourself a mangina charlie?

  24. Mephistopheles says:

    The answer is clearly evident as he hasn’t released a video in a while so probably he’s happy.

  25. TJ says:

    I wish I could fly

  26. Robert says:

    I seriously just had a dream that i met the GAM on a plane ride…they told me their names were Claire and Amanda (dont ask me where “Amanda” came from), Claire was blonde with blue eyes, “Amanda” was brunette with green eyes…


  27. L says:

    Are the girls getting smarter or are you getting lazier about posting, Charlie? Since i doubt the former, what is up with the long breaks between posts?

  28. L says:

    Two days, in my defense. Life is just SO hard without the GAM to laugh at..

  29. Matt says:

    Well you got to think that in the end OBL is just a dude. He probably looks at his junk each morning when he takes a 1 and smiles. And you people say these girls are dumb, I find them to be freelance scholars.

  30. Nobody says:

    alright, this begs to ask do they actually know what they are saying or is this another “wrong word” thing…like the pefume instance? and if they do know we are truly curious as to the entire conversation? do they have friends besides eachother? maybe there is a secret “dumb hot chicks” organization the rest of the world isn’t actually in on simply because we can’t imagine it being possible up to this point, and they get together to smarten up…thus explaining how they know who Osama is…Or it could be that all squirels robotic spies for the government! And thus explaining why they are sooo creepy! alchol + group get together usually = interestingly retarded conversations! Like if we are all nicknamed after a condiment which condiment would you be? I’m guacomole btw! ;D

  31. Ash Menon says:

    Well, it WOULD be easier for him to do it. No balls getting in the way.

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