Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“So I guess they found Obama Bin Laden pretty much dead at a house in Iraq.” Literally nothing in that sentence was correct.

133 Responses

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  1. hopsonpops says:

    oh my…
    those are really my only words for this. just..oh my.

  2. nightpersonified says:

    Whoasiff… I live around rednecks, and they’re not even this dumb.

  3. Charlie McDowell says:

    At the very least, let us applaud them for knowing something went down last night.

    • Holly says:

      At the very least, let’s applaud them for their subject-verb agreement.

      • Laurie says:

        This is truly mystifying. I’ve been switching between studying for AP tests and editing video segments, locked in my room, and I *still* know exactly what happened.

    • Katleavo says:

      You mean other than one of them? Wow! You’re right, applause is required. Love your wit Charlie.

    • Emily says:

      At least there’s that much, yes.

    • shelbycat says:

      Honestly, when I heard that it had happened my first thoughts were “I wonder what letter will come from this?” and something about manginas.

    • Allison says:

      you can’t applaud them for knowing… it was like an earthquake. The second it happened their was a a facebook page and a million posts

  4. mstdancer says:

    I’m almost impressed at how wrong that comment is. just…wow…

  5. Leine says:

    At least they know Osama’s been found…?

    • Annabélle says:

      except they don’t, because they think it was Obama.

      • Mit says:

        I was saddened last night to see how many people in my news feed announced that “Obama had been found and killed!”

  6. CookiesVs.Cupcakes says:

    Isn’t it weird how last week they said something about Osama Bin Laden being bored in a cave and now hes dead? I think they might be secretly CIA.

  7. andrea says:

    those poor poor girls… lmao

  8. I want a new guitar says:

    check out failblog, there are tonnes of mistakes in the news that state Obama bin Laden, but weird though because before they actually pronounce it right.. i’m sorry but maybe your hearing is getting bad Charlie :(

    • Leila says:

      How would his hearing be going bad when they said Obama bin Laden? They’re the ones saying it incorrectly, not Charlie.

      • Moomintroll says:

        *Pokes Leila with his pointy obvious-stick*
        I think his point was that he may have misheard them, and they actually said Osama not Obama =)

        Oh, and no innuendo intended =P

  9. Savannah says:

    I lol’d.

  10. Ellen says:

    I knew when this happened that the girls would have something interesting to say about it. This is just too funny. And I agree with Charlie, at least they knew something important happened last night.

  11. Sara says:

    They got the Bin Laden part right…and kudos to them for kind of paying attention to what is going on the world.

  12. Katy says:

    That statement is so incorrect I am unable to produce a logical answer…

  13. Lexi says:

    They got bin laden and dead right…
    They just didn’t find him that way.

  14. Tigerr says:

    You know that moment when you realise that The Girls know something big happened and you don’t, Jeez I feel so…incompetent! I’ll google it eventually >.<'

  15. Melissa says:

    I bet those girls found out about this blog early on, and they say things like this so that they can laugh at you making fun of them. Maybe they even have their own blog to make fun of your blog that makes fun of them. Meta.

    If anyone is actually this dumb… maybe the world really will ind in 2012.

  16. Robynnn says:

    Hahahaha this made me laugh because I was reading an article in my newspaper and it said, and I quote, “Bush put down the marker not long after the Sept. 11 attacks, saying he wanted Obama ‘dead or alive.'” Ha!

  17. anja says:

    I wonder if they even found this site, if they would know it would be of them…..

  18. Sarah says:

    was the reply “Oh no! does that mean we have to vote for a new governor?”

  19. me says:

    a girl in my school came in and talked about how sarah palin would become president now…

  20. Jillian says:

    This is just plain hilarious.

  21. Deirdre says:

    My initial response to this post: “…”
    My eventual response: “They’re… They’re actually serious.”

  22. Beth says:

    Wow. Just wow. I literally just laughed out loud at this post. It is so hard to believe that these girls are actually this dumb.

  23. Ashlea says:

    How long do you stare at the ceiling with your mouth open once they’ve said something before you run for the computer to update us all?

    Also, has this time decreased in relation to how long they have been there?

  24. Louisa says:

    I don’t even know where this stupidity materializes…at this point it would be easier for them to be accurate on at least one thing…not only are they dumb they are literally creating never near impossible levels of being so!

  25. LovelyLauren says:

    But do the girls know if he was found with a mangina or not?

  26. Allora says:

    Sadly (or perhaps not so sadly) when I heard he had been killed, one of my first thoughts was “man, I can’t wait to hear what the GAM comes out with on this one.” You’re taking over the world, Charlie, one brain at a time :)

    • christymarie23 says:

      so did i! i was sad it was over the weekend and i’d have to wait a whole day to see what the girls had said

  27. Joyousness says:

    I feel like these Girls just out smarted my sister. To quote, “I thought Osama was our president, why would they be allowed to just kill him?”

    • angel says:

      HAHAHAH. your comment totally made me LOL.

    • alexandria says:

      wowwwwwww thats all i can say just wowwwwwww

    • Ylva says:

      I’m sorry to say it, but I believe your sister might be even more stupid than the GAM. It is a difference in mistaking the name and in actually believing that the President was killed.

      • Liz says:

        Perhaps her sister was watching Fox News, which actually said President Barack Obama is dead.

  28. GinnyPotter says:

    They definitely think the POTUS is a terrorist

  29. Kirst72 says:

    This is just great! Omg… It cracks me up! I agree with Charlie tho at least they new something went down last night….

  30. Sarah Lu says:

    Woww. These girls are a bunch of smarties.

    Side-note: An article about you was in our newspaper today – yay!!

    • Alex says:

      Are you 100% sure it’s about Charlie? And which newspaper?

      • Sarah Lu says:

        Yerppp. It was about him and this site. The article was in The Daily Collegian – Penn State’s newspaper.

  31. Rumbleroar says:

    Ohhhhh my goodness…
    I don’t think an epic facepalm is enough for this…

  32. Rosanne says:

    I was REALLY hoping they’d say something to confuse the president of the united states, and the leader of a worldwide terrorist organization. Thanks for not letting me down, GAM!

  33. Tiny Dancer says:

    Oh wow. Each post I feel like the GAM can’t get any more dumb. Each time I am wrong. How do these poor souls live on their own? Someone needs to help them. Like a lot haha :)

    Check out my blog!

  34. Nessarose says:

    is it bad that right after i heard Bin Laden was dead, one of my first thoughts was “I can’t wait to see what the Girls Above Me say about this”?

  35. Erin :) says:

    Wow… just Wow! They watch the news?!

  36. says:

    Maybe they read my blog and they got confused?

  37. florianna says:

    Statistically speaking, these girls should be right once in awhile.

    Not only are they dumb but they’re also statistical impossibilities….

    • Ohhonestly says:

      Am I the only one who understands that Charlie cherry-picks comments? Naturally he’d only put in things that are funny or amusingly incorrect. The point of the blog is to make fun of the girls; where is the entertainment value of them being right?

      Ergo, those comments would not make it here.

      • Cygnus says:

        so you think their dialogs deconstructing dystopian literature are being harshly repressed?

      • Ohhonestly says:

        @ Cygnus: While I’m a bit dubious about deconstructing dystopian literature goes on, I’m willing to bet they are not the complete droolers they sound like here.

  38. Wikit says:

    On another note, today is the anniversary of Voldemort’s demise!

  39. casey says:

    my brother made literally the same statement. hes 24. tragic.

  40. Alex says:

    Wow. And I thought they couldn’t get any dumber.

  41. Peter says:

    I heard the news about Bin Laden and I knew I had to check DGAM

    • Moomintroll says:

      In Fox New’s case, it’s probably not a mistake. A mistake implies lack of intent. Fox most likely did it deliberately. Word Association for the idiot masses that watch it so they think “Terrorist” when they hear “Obama”.

      Fox is Satan’s Bitch.

      Not that I’m anti Fox or anything =P

  42. Pariah says:

    But was he mid-mangina?

  43. Spencer says:

    This first thing I thought about when I heard the news of Osama was what GAM would say the next day.

  44. A Confuzzled Otter says:

    Charlie, you’ve done it. Found a comment dumb enough for me to give you my email address, in commemoration of their complete unawareness, and my sudden need to commemorate things. Because I guess Obama Bin Laden is dead somewhere in a house in Iraq.

  45. Lala says:

    In there defense they are not the only ones to mix up Osama/Obama.
    I love our President but damnit there names are similar, people were saying obama bin laden all last night and having to correct themselves.

    Im just surprised they didn’t say “So apparently Jack Bauer killed Obama last night.”

  46. Hero of Time says:

    As soon as I heard the news, I thought “Wow, they finally found him.”. A few seconds later, I thought “Wonder what the girls will say about this”

  47. Neo ;) says:

    First thing I thought when I heard this was, I wonder what they’ve said about it….. I think this is an unhealthly addiction :P

  48. Laurie says:

    I just want them to hurt. Let’s drown their flat irons.

  49. Amy says:

    Oh how I adore stupid people.

  50. MsArtemis17 says:

    Ummmk. Niccce. Is this legit?

  51. Sally says:

    this is how rumors get started?

  52. kayli says:

    i’m wondering what alicia will write…

  53. DoraTonks10 says:

    They didn’t even realize that Obama is the President. Obama is not dead nor is he terrorist. Osama however is dead and was a terrorist.

  54. Deirdre says:

    Well, to be fair, the smartest girl I know told me about Osama Bin Laden being killed yesterday morning. She then went on to say that she had never heard of Bin Laden until that morning. At least the GAM kind of know who he was……

  55. Lulu says:

    HAHAHAHAHA love and my apologies for you poor thing. I must say however I would find your apartment very entertaining! DONT MOVE!!

  56. Sarah says:

    Bin Laden, Hitler, and Voldemort all died on the same weekend.

    • fishy says:

      I’ve heard something about there being some sort of Satanic holiday around May 1st; maybe it’s also when all the people who’ve sold their souls lose them for good…

      • herpaderpa says:

        Actually it’s a pagan holiday called Beltane. Not satanic at all. It’s just a festival day to celebrate the returning of life to the Earth and whatnot.

  57. And-ROO says:

    I must say, at least they got the grammar right

  58. GAM Defender says:

    Ah, but your sentence wasn’t correct either. The “Bin” is not supposed to be capitalized. It’s Osama bin Laden or Usama bin Laden.

    • Ylva says:

      OR Osama bin Ladin or Usama bin Ladin. Makes you wonder if he changed his name just to get really many ways of writing it and therefore seem more terrifying.

      • GAM Defender says:

        Actually it’s just because there’s not straightforward translation for his name.

  59. VelvetBlazer says:

    Wait a sec, do you live below me…?

  60. carrie says:

    no way is this real. no way. absolutely not…

    • Cygnus says:

      First comes the denial, then the anger, then the bargaining and finally acceptance.

  61. TJ says:

    I knew there would be something along the lines of an Osama/Obama mixup, and they did not disappoint. Congrats GAM, and congrats Charlie on once again bringing laughter into my life.

  62. Ray says:

    hahahahhaha. prolly the funniest one it a while.

  63. ninzysmith says:

    at least they got his name right…..

  64. Jessyca says:

    When I first read it, it seemed like gibberish. And then when I tried saying it like a bimbo, it suddenly made sense.

  65. Anna says:

    Actually, in Mexico, the news went to interview people off the streets about this. They purposefully said “Obama bin Laden” and asked for the answerers’ level of education. The people who didn’t finish grade school all commented “Oh yeah, that Obama guy was real bad” (only in Spanish). Seeing this post made me laugh. Thank you, Charlie, you made my week! :)

  66. Dita says:

    Hey Charlie,

    I’m from Indonesia. Been reading your blog for a while now.
    I’d come home from a hard and bad day at work, turn on my laptop and go to this site. Then I’d laugh and I’m alright again. Thank you :)

    You rock.


  67. Kiara says:

    hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahah. ha. ha. ha. :D

  68. kaley says:

    your hot by the way. :D

  69. jshea says:

    So, I know the GAM didn’t do it on purpose, but I’m curious how many typos happened due to auto spell check? Like how my phone recognizes one, but not the other and will automatically change it if I’m not careful? Am I the only one who thinks that might be a reason for the discrepancy between what is said and typed???

  70. Prosopagnosia says:

    All I can say is: What?

  71. fishy says:

    I was in the southern tornadoes, with all power out, getting Twitter updates using the last of my phone’s battery- and even I knew what happened.

    Don’t do drugs, kids…

  72. Mephistopheles says:

    Hang about, he was in a house, so ten out of ten for effort, – several billion for not checking the news, literally, every news channel, every radio station, every newspaper, every web page had this, this is a special kind of special.

  73. Courtnom says:

    Anyone notice that the icons beside our posts look like awesome snowflake designs?

  74. Hey {this is a|this can be a|it is a} {real|actual} cool {website|web site}…

    Hey I discovered this website to be actually fascinating! Bookmarked!…

  75. herpaderpa says:

    I call shenanigans on this one, there’s just too much obvious stupidity in it…

  76. MysticShadow25 says:

    Oh you Americans make me laugh. :)

  77. Bipsy says:

    Not *everything*… she said she was guessing :P

  78. Alpha TV says:

    Alpha TV…

    Alpha TV…



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