Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“The psychic said I might have a stalker in my life!” I much prefer “a friend who always listens,” thank you very much.

72 Responses

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  1. Scytheakse says:

    think the psychic reads dgam?? lol

  2. Sissygirl12 says:

    Is this the same physic who told her to have kids for money?? And it’s not stalkin it’s observeing

  3. pottergirl94 says:

    well charlie women always want a man who listens

  4. Michelle says:

    OMG! Could it be? Psychics are legit? …
    Oh my Charlie..she’s done let the cat out the bag!

  5. angel says:

    Well, psychic said “might” so you should still be safe. Time to start covering your tracks though.

    Or you could just change the name of your wifi again. Hahah.

  6. Kendall says:


  7. Kylie says:

    The super natural forces are onto you Charlie….

    And she might be a reader of DGAM, but since nobody knows the actual identity of the girls she could have said “maybe” due to them reminding her of the said girls.

  8. Nancy says:

    Stalker Schmalker, you’re just a friend of theirs that they don’t really know about.

  9. Ellen says:

    The psychic is only partially correct: they DEFINITELY have A LOT of stalkerS.

  10. flare says:

    Looks like you have to kill the psychic so (s)he doesn’t blow your cover.

  11. Sasha says:

    They are catching onto you, Charlie…sorry…

  12. Quinny says:

    it’s not stalking since your home is directly under theirs, you don’t even leave your house to follow them. therefore, NOT STALKING :)

  13. Mea-chan says:

    [insert witty one liner here]

  14. Kelly says:

    Charlie, you are not a stalker. And neither are we. Were more like special friends who are trying to figure out what the HELL is wrong with them.

    BTW- long time reader first time commenter!:) I don’t go a day without reading your posts and i love you for creating this blog. Who knew it was possible for people to be this stupid. Do you ever make any of this stuff up??

  15. Jessica says:

    This made my whole day :) too perfect.

    • Jenn says:

      You beat me to it. Part of me hopes he or they never move because this makes my day too often. :D

  16. GAM Defender says:

    This is the first time I’ve considered the small possibility that psychics are legit.

    • David says:

      IKR?! Either the psychic reads DGAM, or their powers have been confirmed…

    • Lorreina says:

      Well if it’s just might then not a very good psychic also it kinda isn’t just one stalker…the psychic probably thought she was pretty and went “eh its possible”

  17. Beth says:

    Charlie, did this freak you out a little bit when you heard it?

  18. Alex says:

    Bahaha! The psychic’s not wrong is she. And I prefer the term ‘listening from afar’. :) I’m curious, how did the girls react to that? Are they super freaked out or do they think it’s cool?

  19. Katoka says:

    They’re dumb enough to see a phsycic…?

    • IRemainNameless says:

      If you’ve followed this for any amount of time and you are still doubting the fact that these girls are dumb as a bag of rocks, I fear for you! haha :]

  20. Gina says:

    best post yet.
    i hope the psychic doesn’t know your name or give hints about where you live…

  21. Cygnus says:

    You are so busted!! The wild seeress is onto you. TeeHee

  22. Cassie says:

    Hell, I freely admit that if I lived anywhere near them, I would definitely stalk them. How can you NOT want to stalk people so entertainingly idiotic? Wouldn’t you like to follow and see every stupid thing they do? Because we all know they MUST show their brainlessness in interesting public ways at some point xD

  23. Jamie Lynn says:

    Omg! They know!!! LOL

  24. Anonymous1412 says:

    Stalking would require leaving the house to follow them – you just use your talent – eavesdropping. That would explain why the psychic said ‘might have a stalker’.

  25. Elise says:

    HAHAHA….really though thats good…

  26. CookiesVs.Cupcakes says:

    If they ever found out about you Charlie: “Cathy! The homeless guy is stalking me!” Or was Cathy the one who went to the psychic?

  27. Robert says:

    Stalking from your own living room. Easy job, isn’t it?

  28. Heidi says:

    It’s not stalking. It’s more like observing a couple of wild animals in their natural habitat. You’re just using good camoflauge.

  29. Lord Voldemort says:

    THERE ON TO US! *whips cape around and dissapears into the night*

  30. Melinda says:

    I never took psychics seriously, but now I’m not sure how to react!

    …I wonder where this psychic is located anyway…

  31. Macy says:

    Oh man, Charlie! You better watch out!!!

  32. Kelsea says:

    Do you ever wonder if any of their friends, or the girls themselves will find out about this blog?

  33. RaeVynn says:

    Back when I was young, “stalking” was calling “courtship”…

  34. Jillian says:

    Uh oh. I hope their next visit with the psychic doesn’t ruin all the fun for us!

  35. Random Punmaster says:

    This post is too life ending to post a pun.

    Never hire a depressed exorcist – they’re not very good at lifting spirits.

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  37. Misty says:

    I bet they went to Sybil Trelawney…-shakes head- She’s always predicting the worst.

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