Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“She’s wearing 5″ heels tonight? That bitch! Time to bust out my 5 3/4″ stilettos!” Shit just got real.

46 Responses

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  1. Sidnie Lynne says:

    Wow, that is some serious shit.

  2. Kate says:

    Damn! Shit just got serious.

  3. Bren says:

    She sure showed her.

  4. Meggan says:

    That is very serious! They could hurt themselves, and we will not be able to hear their stupidty!!

  5. Smudge says:

    And what was the advertisement on this page? Shoes. Specifically; heels.

  6. lisa says:

    HOLY SHIT!!!!…they know fractions.

  7. Jen says:

    HA! Lisa I thought the exact same thing! I wonder who they’re competing with anyway…

  8. Alex says:

    Wow… that statement is a whole new level of shallow…

    Maybe I’m just not into shoes as much as the average girl, but does anyone actually notice the extra 3/4 of an inch?

    • Kiki says:

      It really does. I mean, it’s nearly an inch. I’ve had people see me in ordinary street shoes and not think anything of it. Then I take those shoes off and the first thing they say is “Wow, I didn’t realize how short you are”.

    • GuardGirlie93 says:

      Kiki’s right. Most of my friends dwarf me. Even when I’m wearing heels. Except most of my heels that I wear to school are about 3″. 4″ heels are for concert band and 5″ heels are for random times.

  9. Sean ಠ_ರೃ says:

    Please let this lead to a war where in the end they’re wearing stilts….

  10. pottergirl94 says:

    at least she can walk in 5″ heels i would fall and break something.

  11. Sarah says:

    She knows that 5 3/4 is more than 5? She’s been doing her homework.

  12. Leila says:

    I”m surprised they don’t have anything taller….. Cause you know they make them even taller…. And I don’t know how women can walk in heels that tall…. I would break my foot.

  13. Peri says:

    Quite an amazing birthday post.

  14. Ginny says:

    LMAO is shoe hight like male…ahem…”length” for these girls? So amazing, so absurd XP

    • GuardGirlie93 says:

      I guess. Never thought about it that way though :D Girls tend not to brag as much about heel height- it’s more like biggest boobs. Men’s length, however, is a completely different story.

  15. Makoto says:

    I have a pair of seven inch platforms just waiting to be worn….not sure if I’d look GOOD in them, but I’d sure get a kick out of it.

  16. KelliAnn says:

    probably the best statement i have ever heard in my life!!! i loved that xD

  17. Maddie says:

    What’s next? The highest push up bra’s? The straightest hair extensions? Longest fake eyelashes?

  18. Misty says:

    Oh, GAC.
    How I loveth thee.
    With your shoes so tall,
    Your brains so small,
    And your minds shallower than a pond,
    I do hope that thee and Charlie
    Will keepeth your strong, everlasting bond.
    The binding of your connection,
    Consists of humor, and affection.
    Unknown to you,
    But enjoyed by not just a few.
    How much your words brighten a day,
    No matter how much sad, or how little gay,
    Your thoughts always bring a smile,
    And turn the day a little less vile.

  19. Whitney says:

    You KNOW it’s serious when they’re upping the ante by another 3/4 inch!

  20. Katie Grace says:

    I’ll loan her my 6″ if its that important. Haha. Maybe we will hear more on the topic.

    I wonder if one of them has ever stumbled on here, laughed at their won stupidity, and proceeded to go on with their lives, completely oblivious.

  21. Alexandra says:

    She can’t even up it by a full inch. Soft.

  22. Rebi says:

    Aw, HELL NAW!! XD

    Are we going to see fake nails and giant hoop earrings flying? I’d pay to see that…

  23. Ev says:

    Wow. You go, girl… I guess. O_O Maybe she’ll fall and come crashing through Charlie’s celing.

  24. U.N.Owen says:

    First, LABOR Day baby watching. Then, Beverly Hills & housewives thing. And now, they do fractions. What the hell is the world coming to?

  25. GuardGirlie93 says:

    Woooooooooooowwwwwwwwww….. I have a pair of 5″ heels. Right now, it’s the highest I will go. Heels make me taller, and at barely above 5ft, I need the height :D but seriously??? ARE THEY SICK?? THEY JUST DID MATH!!! *runs and hides in a corner*

  26. CarmenGirl says:

    This website is amazing. Good to know people out there recognize the stupidity in teenagers today… Or teenage acting people. Another 3/4 of an inch isn’t going to impress anyone, its going to get your ankle broken. good luck.

  27. Anonymous1412 says:

    Oooh, The fight is on! Tell us what happens, Charlie!

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