Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“I know we got Bin Laden, but my question is did we ever get the bastards who flew the planes?” This feels like a trick question.

51 Responses

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  1. Tomaz Z. says:

    Bin Laden didn’t die so that your rights could be free. They’re as dead as he is.

    • Alex says:

      I’m not quite sure what you mean by this. Could you elaborate a little bit?

      • Haley says:

        ditto. you’re making no sense.

      • Liz says:

        he’s saying that we don’t have any rights (i.e. our rights are dead). We have lost quite a few rights in the last 10 years, but to say that we don’t have any rights is just a little ridiculous.

    • JKY says:

      “If you think that they hate us because we are free, maybe you should read a book instead of watching TV.”

  2. kelly says:

    …. wow.

  3. Emma says:

    There’s so much wrong with this question, I think my head is going to explode.

  4. Luna Lovegood says:

    I’m surprised they even knew Osama died, not Obama

  5. Sean ಠ_ರೃ says:

    This is the point where I weep for humanity.

  6. Maheen says:

    *sigh* Well, I guess I gave these girls too much credit. I was thinking before Sunday, oh no, I hope there isn’t an excessively stupid 9/11 post. It came and went and there was hope….apparently not…..

  7. Wikit says:

    Ok. I was pretty young when 9/11 happened. About five or six years old. And this is the gist of what I remember:

    Brother: They pulled us out of school because some bad people flew planes into buildings, and it killed a lot of people.
    Five-year-old me: Oh. Did they catch the people who flew the planes?
    Brother:…they’re dead.
    Five-year-old me: Oh. Good.

    Point is: I said this when I was five. These are two GROWN WOMEN. Oy.

    • Lizzie says:

      I dont even remember anything but I was 5 or 6 too. I don’t even know that much about it but there will be NEW terrorist attacks… I think on major bridges (all I know about it)

      • Michael says:

        Dear Girls Commenting Above Me,
        So neither of you know if you were five or six exactly 10 years ago? Apparently they stopped teaching math in grade school after 9/11.

      • Alison says:

        *claps for Michael*

      • Katie says:

        I was 5 and my parents wouldn’t tell me what was going on.

      • pottergirl94 says:

        I was 7 when it happened and they didn’t tell us anything my mom told me when she came to get us from school but i didn’t really understand

      • Courtney says:

        Especially since it’s the TENTH anniversary of the event. i.e. your age now – 10 = your age then.
        I was 8 and they announced what happened in class. I think they even had a moment of silence or something.

      • Liz says:

        my cousin was 8, and if we didn’t live in NYC we probably wouldn’t have told her what was going on either (the smoke was visible from my house in Queens and my aunt had to walk across one of the Manhattan bridges to get home).

        my brother was still in grade school (he was in 7th grade), and his principal told his class and the class ahead of his, but they were told not to tell any of the younger kids because they didn’t want to scare them (but apparently it was okay to scare poor 12 year olds).

    • Leila says:

      That you were that young when 9/11 happened makes me feel so old… I was a sophomore in high school.

  8. pottergirl94 says:

    They need hit with a smart stick a couple thousand times.

  9. ILoveRoryWilliams says:

    wait…. so did they get the bad guys?

    kidding ;)

  10. Maddy says:

    Obama Bin Laden?

  11. Alex says:

    I cracked up laughing in the middle of the (silent) senior study at this. Their stupidity just reached a whole new level.

  12. Amanda says:

    You’d think with all the talk of suicide bombings they’d get the picture even if they didn’t get the logic of, “if plane flies into building killing a whole lot of people it usually means that the people inside the plane died too.”

  13. Colleen says:

    Ohhh this might be my favorite one thus far.

  14. Misty says:

    Oh, dear GAC
    We’ll try to tell you gently…
    When you fly a plane and crash,
    You don’t stand up with just a scratch.
    The foreign men who flew,
    Well, that was the last they were to do.
    The bastards died, GAC.
    Along with thousands whose families and friends they would never again see.

  15. Beth says:

    Oh dear God, please tell me you’re at least kidding on this one?

  16. Hayley says:

    Hahaha. Ooohh my….those poor girls.

  17. abbycadabby says:

    I want to believe that these girls are real, for my own sake. But on this one, I hope that they aren’t real, or at least this post isn’t, for the sake of humanity.

  18. Alleycat says:

    You know at least on this one they were trying and it honestly could have been a lot worse.

  19. Caity says:

    I’m from New Zealand and was just four but I remember seeing planes flying into buildings on television, and then there was fire. I remember a woman screaming “He’s in there, I need to get him” with her daughter and they wouldn’t let her. I remember they were the same buildings as the ones on my dollhouse TV, and I was sad because I could never visit them.

    It is such an awful thing, even I knew that the people in the planes were dead. :(

    • Misty says:

      Oh my God. That just broke my heart.

    • Hannah W says:

      I’m from New Zealand too. I was seven when it happened. I remember getting woken at around 4 in the morning to watch it on the news and seeing the same snippet and craying my eyes out :(

  20. Frein says:

    10 posts intéressants à lire ……

    [En me baladant sur le web, je suis tombe sur cette page …]…

  21. Lovette says:

    So, I was about 7 when it happened. I was in New York visiting my relatives, when all of a sudden our power went out. I started screaming, my little sister crying and my dad ran out to see what was going on. He got out there and we heard him scream. My mom ran outside. I grabbed my little sister and ran for the shelter room… I stayed down there for two days. Good thing it had been packed with food and water.

  22. Eric says:

    After these comments I have come to realize I am the only person over 30 who reads these. I was 23 when it happened. Im going to drink a glass of warm milk , wash my dentures, watch Golden Girls and go to bed before the sun sets.

    • Sarah Arthur says:

      You and me both Eric–except I bet I am still WAY older than you. What do I remember from when I was 7? JFK getting assassinated.

  23. EimearIreland says:

    I was 13, We’d flown from Ireland to visit relatives & had spent a week upstate, We were in a car driving to New York when it happened, we turned around and went back to where we had been staying, I’m almost 24 now & I’ve never made it back to NY. Some day!!!

  24. U.N.Owen says:

    Now THAT is a technical question & a loaded one at that. Yes, Osama died, but he did not flow the planes. There were two planes remember? So, whoever flew those need to be apprehended.

    Tell you what GAM, if the question is bugging you so much, then play this simple game. Take this simple thing, that rhymes with sun. Then put something in it, that rhymes with plate. Touch this thing on your forehead.

    Pull the thing that rhymes with bigger. Voila, the mystery is solved. Next.

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