Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“I got a ticket for text driving and I have to go to court! Sorry I’m so popular, asshole.” I think you just mounted your case.

23 Responses

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  1. Grace says:

    I don’t feel safe anymore knowing these girls are licensed drivers.

  2. Esther says:

    i think thats exactly what she should say to the judge

  3. aimee says:

    Text Driving.
    What, did she get on top of a Caslon bold and go drag racing down the strip?

    Her grasp of syntax is quite odd.

  4. Alex the great says:

    This is really, truly depressing.

  5. Momentie says:

    And yet, it was really only a matter of time. I doubt I’m the only one who can say they’re not surprised.

  6. Sienna says:

    I find it funny because she’s a heck of a lot more popular than she thinks, thanks to you. Hopefully she doesn’t find this and realize who it’s about, or it will all go to her head, and the cops might have a real problem.

  7. Megan says:

    I find this hilarious. And also scary. Hilariously scary.

  8. Laurenn says:

    Charlie, can i say from England you are completely amazing.
    a hero, and actually make my day (:
    and also, am i the only one who feels quite attached to Charlie, Cathy and Claire?
    damnn, i wished i lived there :/

  9. Ang says:

    lol, love it…I must say this is a brilliant excuse though…the difference being I suppose that she does not realize it is brilliant. I mean, if you can make people laugh, they soften up towards you. Imagine standing up and with a straight face saying that to a judge…waiting for his reaction, and then let him know you are kidding. I would try it…

  10. Ang says:

    Also Charlie, you really should try to find out the date of this court hearing…I imagine sitting in on it would provide much entertainment. Heck, bring some popcorn and take a date to it!

  11. Nan says:

    LOL, let’s just hope she makes her court date and is popular with the lawyers too!

    • Nan says:

      (forgot to and, and wouldn’t it just suck if DGAM became Dear GIRL Above Me due to one running from court and landing in jail? I’d cry!)

      • Ang says:

        Or we can hope her replacement will provide more fun! what about Jen? That might create some lively drama….on the other hand maybe you’d enjoy a little more peace and quiet Charlie?

  12. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by commonmanfilms, saralicious. saralicious said: 2010-07-29 « Dear Girls Above Me […]

  13. hayley says:

    hahaha. go to tht trial..

  14. Alex says:

    I’m sorry, I thought that my physical life was more important than my social life. I guess I’ve been doing it all wrong this whole time. Hey Charlie, tell those wonderful girls thank you for enlightening me of my stupidity. :)

  15. Maxx says:

    She doesn’t realize how popular she really is because of you :P

  16. Kelly says:

    I don’t want to believe these girls are actually this stupid, but yet, I know people just like them in real life…

  17. Rey Ann says:

    awww. you’re precious! godspeed. I kind of unwittingly CHOSE to live with a girl who says things like this, and now I regret it…

  18. allie says:

    Wow. Normally the stuff they say is just so silly, but this one made me actually angry at her. Sorry paying attention to the road is SO uncool; I mean, she’s got really important stuff to text about; imagine her explaining that to someone she rear ended. “Sorry, I’m just too popular to have seen that red light”

  19. Fascinating Information…

    This site disagrees with you though…



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