Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“It’s Shark Week AND the gays can finally get married?! Best. Week. Ever.” I’m glad you got your priorities in order.

57 Responses

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  1. Dillon says:

    That’s actually pretty cool of them

  2. Susan says:

    First! (I’ve always want to do that.)

  3. Charlie McDowell says:

    I gotta say congrats to California. I feel much better knowing I could marry the dude who flirts with me every morning at Starbucks.

    • Cassandra says:

      If I were a dude I would flirt with you at Starbucks as well :) I would not mind if you are gay, although I doubt you are based on some of your posts about them.

  4. Charlie McDowell says:

    Also, after posting this on Twitter, I lost a few followers. I don’t get it, do people not like sharks or something?

  5. Angela says:

    Redemption! You’ve attributed to them that ISN’T dumb!!! Long live the GAM!!!!

    Yay for sharks. And LGBT!!!

  6. Emma says:

    Shark week as in… Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week”?! Discovery Channel?! Wow, so there is a small bit of hope for them after all.

  7. Drew says:

    This a huge victory for dolphins everywhere.

    I also might be the only person who thinks that Shark Week is getting a little old. You see the first six and you’ve seen them all. Unless the MythBusters do something, in which case it’s always fun.

  8. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Angela Casarez, Marie Howard. Marie Howard said: 2010-08-05 « Dear Girls Above Me […]

  9. Megan says:

    hahaha i LOVE this website

  10. brenda says:

    Shark week is the BEST! And of course I was happy about gay marriage! GO CALIFORNIA. . . ! my home

  11. vampiresquirrel says:

    Charlie, I looked up your youtube video. Your band sounded pretty good. Congrats on the massive weight loss.

  12. Gabi says:

    Charlie, I was one of your twitter followers before the whole GAM thing started, and I can’t believe how it’s blown up! SO cool! Your tweets definitely make my day.

    Keep up the good work!

  13. Nemo says:

    Are you sure they haven’t changed genders on you? I don’t know many girls who put shark week on the top of the list. Not saying that girls can’t like shark week that it is in my view unusual

    • Falen says:

      I’m a chick and Shark Week beats out all other tv shows for me. Also, ya for California :D I love my state right now.

    • Cassandra says:

      I am a girl, and I absolutely love shark week (I didn’t do anything else the whole week). And gay marriage is also at the top of my list. I was the only one in my English class to do my persuasive essay on something as controversial as that.

  14. Nan says:

    Woot at them! (and bigger woot at gay love)

  15. Cassi says:

    I actually completely agree with them. Best week ever!

  16. Kate says:

    I can’t believe sharks have the right to marry. Gah. What next?

  17. sam says:

    Kanye West is a gay fish…south park anyone?

    swear I’m not crazy.

  18. sammi says:

    YES! there is hope!

  19. Michelle says:

    This proves that they aren’t terrible people :D

    • vampiresquirrel says:

      Being stupid doesn’t make you a morally bad person. Just means your IQ can only rival the simpler things in life. Like wonder bread, scraps of receipt paper, and used dental floss.

  20. Betsy says:

    It’s so nice to see that the sharks are finally using their celebrity to gain basic civil rights for all Americans. Let’s hope all of Sea World takes note of this and steps up to help the masses like all those billionaires…

  21. Emily says:

    Charlie, your posts make me smile even after a rough day.

    Thanks so much for helping me get through the work week!

  22. Lord Voldemort says:

    Wow. Finally. Theres hope for these girls. Ya think one of them will be Mrs.McDowel one day?

  23. Tomato says:

    It’s ironic that you got such a sunshine of a picture.
    And btw there’s a huge queue for “Mrs. McDowell”. He’s way too popular right now.

    • Lord Voldemort says:

      I found my picture just as ironic as you did.
      And there are many potential Mrs. McDowells on this site. Charlie has a lot of options.

  24. courtneyann says:

    My roomie and I ARE the girls above someone… I can only imagine what they here… well actually a former neighbor mentioned something he heard. Who knew his bed was directly below mine. Talk about awkward moments.

  25. Lola says:

    In response to Charlie, yes.. i got the link from MLIA.

  26. Stephanie says:

    Unfortunately, the fact that they like shark week probably has nothing to do with an educational interest, but rather the numerous drinking games associated with it. Although definitely cool that they are for gay rights…

  27. Sasha says:

    wow… I have to give them more credit.

  28. Abby says:

    I’m actually glad that they’re glad for the marriage laws being changed. It shows that there may be some substance under all that vapidness. But I get what you’re saying. They’re putting gay rights at the same level as Shark Week (which is pretty awesome in its own right but really girls?).

  29. Sammiez says:

    Ahhhh this made my day!!! It’s nice to know that they’re supportive of sharks!
    …This is a joke. I always love hearing about allies in the LBGT community.

  30. Stephen says:

    So, just because they support Prop 8 being thrown out, against the majority by the way, they all of a sudden are loving and smart and not so superficial… seriously get real. and don’t give me that bigot bullshit. I’m gay myself. I just happen to have my head screwed on the right way.

    • pinataheart says:

      At “against the majority”: Maybe it was, but not even the majority can start trying to make rules that are unconstitutional, and that was the ruling. It is unconstitutional in California to restrict gay marriage. And if someone supports the finding that it is unconstitutional to prevent gay marriage, then they ARE smarter than those who are against it, because really, going against gay marriage is making citizens who are supposed to be considered equal not have equal rights: IE against every state constitution and the federal constitution. So before any majority anywhere in the USA has the right to go against gay marriage they have to change the rules that the majority instituted before and make it where people aren’t considered equal.

  31. rachael says:

    you probably constantly heard, “ohemgee look at that shark! no like look at that shark!” all week :P

  32. supe-da-loop says:

    ok…now im disappointed. no one has said it yet.

    well here goes;

    “dolphins are just gay sharks”

    I whole heartedly support dolphin marriage!

  33. Carli says:

    Bahahaha supe-da-loop!! I was thinking the exact same thing! When you put gays in a sentence with sharks SOMEONE has to make that comment!

  34. Andrew says:

    Whats so great about gay marriage?



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