Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“Honestly, what we need in our lives is a puppy. Can’t you just imagine him running around?!” Please tell me I’m in Inception.

40 Responses

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  1. JustinL says:

    I dont think they would grasp the concept of feeding it and stuff like that

  2. calley says:

    okay, i totally love this site. so i just thought i would say that.

  3. Amber says:

    Oh good God. Charlie, it’s your duty to go up there and confuse them with your good looks. Those girls CANNOT have a puppy.

  4. Bellatrix Lestrange says:

    buy them a stuffed dog and leave it outside their door….they wont even know the difference

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      I’m actually considering this…

      • Janine says:

        Or one of those robot dogs?

      • Bellatrix Lestrange says:

        if you do, take a video of the first time they attempt to take it on a walk. that would be priceless

      • alexa says:

        Hey have you ever scene the site i feel if you were to collaborate with this man you two could create the most entertaining and hilarious thing on the whole damn internet.

  5. Kelli says:

    Yep a puppy! You visit Oz every day and of all things you can ask the Wizard for, you pick a puppy? Me thinks not!

  6. Tucker says:

    On a side note, Inception was a kickass movie.

  7. Charlie McDowell says:

    Is it too early to call animal cruelty?

    • Citylightsgirl says:

      If you direct them to your previous posts I should think that it would be completely acceptable to include animal control in this situation. The whole ordeal reminds me of a bomb threat.

  8. Alexis says:

    Absolutely godly.
    And you really should get them a stuffed dog…

  9. Maddie says:

    …And then post a video of you leaving it for them! Teehee. Just a thought…

  10. Helen says:

    Personally, I can imagine him running…but he’s trying to escape…

  11. Cassandra says:

    I kinda think you are going to be the one taking care of it. You should probably put Animal Control’s number on speed dial… on your phone AND their’s.

  12. Karen says:

    This is the best post I could have asked for on my B-day. Now to go chase my own puppy…

  13. Emily says:

    My puppy, Mr. Bo Jangles, asks you on behalf of canines everywhere to please stop them. He says there is enough animal cruelty in this world already.

  14. Claire says:

    Hmm… If I were you I wouldn’t even leave a stuffed puppy. You’d have to call animal control even for that.

  15. Kate says:

    Oh no….now you will not hear them talk over the yapping puppy!

  16. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Spencer E Holtaway, Benji Davis. Benji Davis said: 2010-08-10 « Dear Girls Above Me […]

  17. SuperKatie says:

    Maybe you should just let them pet your dog. That may satisfy them

  18. katie says:

    just go up to them with your devilishly good looks. It’ll confuse them long enough to forget about a puppy, then you can go back to your apartment, and continue making fun of their hideously hilarious conversations.

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      I’m not quite sure they are seeing these “devilishly good looks” you’re talking about.

  19. vampiresquirrel says:

    You should let an angry ferret loose in their place. Crawl up the fire escape if you have to. Ferrets aren’t noisy and it’d be too intelligent for the girls to ever catch it! They’d leave food out to try to lure it, so it’d be set for nourishment. After a week or so of dealing with a small animal in their place, they might have second thoughts about a puppy. Once you hear this, next time they’re out, go up there and steal the ferret back and leave a goodbye letter from it so they don’t worry.

    • Karen says:

      i really like this idea.

    • Barbara says:

      Just for future reference:
      I found that my ferret (though it may be true for all ferrets, I don’t know) was irresistably attracted to bags (paper, so no light shines in) and pillowcases that were held open on the ground. This would be a quick way to nab the ferret and get out. :)

      I just hope they don’t think it’s a rat and thus ugly and thus needs to die. :( I love ferrets.

  20. Lord Voldemort says:

    After their comment about Cruella De Vil, I feel like is a very bad decision.

  21. Beauty__is_truth says:

    I feel like the dog might raise the IQ in the apartment

  22. Libby says:

    I know… I’ll let them take my ‘puppy’ for a day. Nothing like letting them adopt a 100 pound German Shepherd who won’t let a man near them to talk them out of the ‘puppy’ phase in about 10 seconds flat!

  23. Matti says:

    Just think of all the dog related posts you will get to make. It will expand your audience.

  24. Renee says:

    Of course, if it is Inception, and you plant the idea in their head that they don’t need a dog…who knows what they’ll get instead!

  25. Isabel says:

    If you are in Inception, maybe you should go in and steal the idea out of their heads? That way they won’t consider it anymore!

  26. blueberrysocks says:

    How are they in college?! Their combined I.Q. wouldn’t even have one person passing 1st grade!! Also, Inception FTW. :) Love your site!!

  27. Carli says:

    First off you should definitely get yourself a totem just to make sure you’re not dreaming, Charlie. And second you should also get them a FURreal Friend (a stuffed dog that makes noises) itll confuse them.

  28. teensyhope says:

    You should dress up in a puppy suit and see if they buy it. Then you could get even closer to them and do some super-recon!



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