Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“Superheroes are seriously sexy. Why can’t they be real?” Meet Pinkman: folds a dozen shirts in 1.2 seconds.

130 Responses

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  1. Laurenn says:

    ahaa. wow charlie, you know what every girl wants ;)

  2. Lauren says:

    lol, I wish I could find a superhero to do my chores so I could get some studying done.

  3. Charlie McDowell says:

    1 sec, a picture is supposed to be attached.

  4. miruna says:

    where did you get that costume? I!!

  5. robot says:

    Two of my dreams just came true. Thank you.

  6. brenda says:

    hahaha man that would be an awesome superhero! nice costume by the way. . . ;)

  7. Blueeyes says:

    oh charlie… i dont even know what to say….where in the world did you get this…. and if you already had it…. why????!

  8. CJ says:

    I’m kinda curious as to why you would own a hot pink full body spandex suit….but then again, if you can do as you say and fold clothes that fast, tell me what signal to flash in the sky and you can dress however you want (or not at all)

  9. Alex says:

    Reminds me of the Zipco Closet Organizer skit on SNL awhile back.

    You’re folding shirts in the name of good!

  10. Greta says:

    I love you.
    Will you wear this when we get married (soon) ?

  11. GBoy says:

    damm… you look hot… even in pink…
    wish we could remove the body suit, and see what treasure is hidden down there ;)

  12. Willow says:

    i love that you have a head to toe pink leotard and that you posted a picture of you in it!! crush just escalated from tiny to little! :)

  13. Kori says:

    You just need a cape.

  14. Christina says:

    Wow, I’m blinded!! Haha. I actually burst out laughing as soon as I saw this. The expression on your face is priceless.

  15. sam says:

    hot damn! jaja

  16. Taylor says:

    Lol! You should totally make Pinkman the Movie.

  17. melanie says:

    omg! You put the S * E * and X in spandex! Whew!

  18. kate taran says:

    maybe you do have a chance with them charlie!

  19. Laurenn says:
    best suit ever! ever!
    i take it all back. perfect superhero ;)

  20. Caulene says:

    So much love!! I laughed alot, heck I am stil laughing! Thank you I needed this GREATLY! Charlie you are one amazing man

  21. anonymouse says:

    ahhh!!!!! my eyes!!! Funny pic though.. Jeesh, though, you should tone down on the gamma rays there.

  22. Sienna says:

    Pinkman: Saving the world from dirty closets everywhere.

  23. Katie says:

    Finally, a super hero I can actually utilize! Wanna help me fold my laundry? It’s just piled on my bed at the moment and I lack the motivation to even stuff it in a drawer. If only Pinkman lived in the Midwest!

  24. Inimitable says:

    I bet you and Greenman get along well.

  25. Emmie says:

    wow I can’t believe you have a pink morphsuit!

  26. Meg says:

    …..i love you. particularly since you pull off the outfit amazingly.

  27. april says:

    Bahahahaha. I love it!! :D

  28. Franny says:

    can u actually fold that fast?

  29. Charlie McDowell says:

    By the way, I do birthdays and bar mitzvahs.

  30. Kara says:

    …I. LOVE. IT!

  31. Sarah says:

    um, this is fantastic.

  32. Emily says:

    I am not even kidding when I say that I wrote an essay in high school about my ideal super hero being one that did my laundry for me.

  33. Taylor says:

    Charlie- my birthday is next week, will you come dressed as the superhero?!?

  34. Arielle says:

    Lmao Charlie! Come do my laundry. Come ooooooon.

  35. Caraaaa =) says:

    id tap that o.O

  36. Joanna says:

    nice boner Charlie! i love you

  37. Megan says:

    I’m not sure that you’ll ever be able to get out of this suit, but that’s oddly alright with me.

  38. Bellatrix Lestrange says:

    haha, way to rock the spandex charlie!! it takes a true man to wear that much pink

  39. ScarletteLyn says:

    If only those girls could see you now! im sure they’d hire you for their party, wink wink ;)

  40. Tansy says:

    Hilarious!! Funniest thing I’ve seen all day. Definitely made my birthday better! hahaha Happy Birthday to me!

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      A very happy birthday to you. If I could pop out of a cake for you dressed as Pinkman, I would.

      • Tansy says:

        Thank you! hahaha. it was a great day, even though Pinkman was not present. If it’s really you replying, I feel like a big deal! love the website!

  41. cugirl says:

    super sexy ;)

  42. Ashley says:

    Hmmmm….odd that on It’s always sunny in philadelphia the character Charlie wears a greenman suit…two charlies in colored spandex? amazing…

  43. Emma says:

    Damn all of you ignorant asses. It’s called a UNITARD.

    p.s. Charlie,
    You are a beautiful man.
    Pink really brings out your….. eyes.

  44. LezaVavomo :D says:

    OMG that made my birthday the awesomest thing ever. now if only you lived in the bay…
    You should fly out to the bay. :D

  45. Sophia says:

    Ever considered heading to NY? Can’t beat our bagels and rapist senators…

  46. Toya Lah says:

    I can see your pink bits.

  47. Trigger says:

    I cannot help but wonder why you own the suit of pink spandex…all the same, it’s totally awesome.

  48. A TRACEY McBEan COMPANY...Yes we comment on things. says:

    you are hilarious! where the hell did you find this suit??
    i love reading this blog. people always wonder what the hell I’m laughing at.
    nice work.


  49. Glenna says:

    Haaaahahaha, it was super hero day at school today for spirit week (:

  50. Sarah says:

    Why aren’t you smiling Charlie?
    Don’t tell me you’re one of those guys that doesn’t smile in pictures!
    You seem too humorous for that.
    However, this post as proof, you are a pretty complex guy, huh?

  51. Elizabeth says:

    Can you say “desktop background?” :D

  52. Becca says:

    I wish I lived below you. So then I could make a site about all the cool things you’ve done. :]

  53. Mitchell says:

    I need your help, Pinkman!

    Awesome. Just plain awesome. :D

  54. Taylor says:

    I <heart3 this.

  55. Toast_yumm! says:

    Oh my gosh Charlie! You always seem to make my bad days into great ones!! thank you!! (:

    BTW: nice suit!

  56. awesomeselflover says:

    like greenman but pinkman!

  57. Quinchles says:

    I love how a post with a picture of you wearing pink spandex gets about 5 times more comments than your other posts.

  58. Jane says:

    What I love is that you are clearly in a public laundry facility. Did anyone see you and if so what did they say?

  59. K®istY says:

    I’m so turned on now!

  60. Jaci says:

    Oh dear… I do love the fact that this post is all female comments. Apparently the guys out there aren’t down with the pinkman?

  61. noel says:

    let’s see … just follow this link here and …….MY EYES!!!

  62. Brittany says:


  63. Abbeh says:

    You should get your own feature film.
    A full 2 hours… Titled ‘Laundry Day’ *sigh*
    I can smell an oscar nomination on the horizon!!!

  64. Meaghan says:

    Charlie, this is the exact reason that I remain celibate. So when we actually meet, I can marry you without hesitation.

  65. Anderson says:

    Ridiculously awesome! Maybe instead of fighting Greenman, you two could pair up and fight laundry crimes and other crimes together. I’d watch that show!

  66. Leigh says:

    if you can fold that fast, can I hire you to do my laundry? *pink spandex is not required, but would result in a hefty bonus!*

  67. Brit says:

    All right I want a video of pinkman folding a dozen shirts in 1.2 seconds. Also how fast can pinkman hang clothes?

    I echo everyone else’s question. Why do you have a pink bodysuit?

  68. Chelsea says:

    You are adorable and I love you.

  69. r says:

    it is apparently “disruptive” to burst into laughter during class… thanks for the detention charlie.

  70. Keri says:

    This is awesome.

  71. Erinaaa says:

    im currently trying to figure out how the hell you got into that thing…

  72. Paige says:

    Is San Diego too far away for a birthday?

  73. Rhiannon says:

    What…the…heck?? Where did you get that, WHY did you get that, and HOW did you get IN it??

  74. sophie says:

    Even from UK this is funny … Maybe you could just pop over to london in that morphsuit miracle

  75. Katie&Robbie!:) says:

    Is that real?! :o hahaha

  76. Kara L says:

    Oh, Charlie, You are so comitted, and funny too! (cool points if you get the referance) :0

  77. Grace says:

    Can you like adopt me?

  78. Kelsey says:

    I totally have the same suit in purple..minus the head part. I’m using it as a wondertwins costume for halloween haha :)

  79. Laura says:

    Oh my god you look like the closet organizer on SNL. hahahahaha but pink!

  80. Djinnyeh says:

    OMG… did you have ‘loads’ of fun with this or what?

    P.S. I think I’m in love

  81. Fluffeh says:

    I love how so many people are hitting on you, to think of how many dates you’d get if they lived near you Charlie.

  82. Lyndsey says:

    ..right click, set as background.

    nothing more needs to be said. it’s clearly the most awesomeness awesome.

  83. CygnusWomyn says:

    What is it about unabashedly being one’s self that is so appealing. Thanks for the continuing belly laughs and the tiny spark of belief in mankind you help keep alive.

  84. Rae says:

    Epic. Win.

  85. The Epitome of Eccentricity says:

    Are you useing one of those new cameras that can focus in greatly in one area and show everything behind that spot in less detail?

  86. kelly says:

    you are a beautiful man.

  87. jane says:

    ahahah tiny junk

  88. J. C. Rew says:


  89. Sarah says:

    sexy :-)

  90. Lexi says:

    Oh charlie, this is just one more reason why I want to marry you.

  91. Lahela says:

    WHERE did you find a suit like this, and where can I get one?!!

  92. Lord Voldemort says:

    Cathy: OMG! Claire! Were did all of those clothes go? Ya know the ones we took off after taking turns screwing that guy? Claire:OH NO! I HAVE NO IDEA! *Knock Knock Knock* Claire:OH NO! ITS THE POLICE! *door busts open* NOOO! ITS bunnanananananananana PINKMAN! And I have your clothes!!!! Cathy: Like, THANKS PINKMAN!
    Your first comic is done. VOLDEMORT OUT BITCHES

  93. Liz says:

    I wish my laundry room was half as exciting as this one right here.

  94. Rylee says:

    I was seriously sad when I came on this site, and Charlie, you cheered me up. Thanks for making my problems disappear for a little while(:

  95. kelsey says:

    what were you thinking you should have got a costume that showed off your six pack …lol jk i love it your my hero

  96. Emelia says:

    well thanks charlie…
    now i have to break up with my boyfriend
    because im in love with pinkman!!!
    You just made my day actually :)

  97. liz says:

    eww. I usually like your blog, but this picture is too disturbing.

  98. Sammikins says:

    Dear Pinkman,
    Do you ever pull out a load of freshly dried towels from the dryer then proceed to wrap yourself in a soft fuzzy warm burrito or clean laundry, or is that just me?
    Deliciously toasty,

  99. Cezyo says:

    Echoing everyones inquiries into why you have a pink morphsuit, how many odd looks did you get walking around in a pink suit?!
    love the blog and hello from Wales =]

  100. Lauren says:


    They need more guys in the world like you :)

  101. Anita says:

    This is all I have to say:

    :) As soon as I saw this, I thought of this song- Geek in the Pink.

  102. Pookie21 says:

    OMG!!!! I just had a major flashback to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia! Charlie was Greenman! Two Charlies in in brightly colored full-body spandex suits! What could be better!?!? Well, except for three Charlie’s in brightly colored full-body spandex suits. Hey, Charlie! Do you happen to have a twin? You could call him Orangeman!

  103. FutureMrs.Grint says:

    the best part? the look on his face! how is he not cracking up?

  104. Annie says:

    Tune in next for Pinkman; The incredible “man”
    Will he ever fold all the shirts that the “ladies” over him use? Will he ever meet another one that folds pants just as great as he folds those shirts?
    This and so much more in tonights episode of Pinkman; The incredible “man”

    PS; Loved the pink!

  105. nora says:

    where did you get the pink spandex suit???? it’s amazing and i want one.

  106. liTTLE rEDd says:

    number one reason why all the other superheros wear underpants OVER the leotard…lol….you look like a bright pink condom…so either your gay…or a very strong man….Well done!!!!

  107. Jilllllllllllllllllllllllian says:

    0.o I think I love you even more than I already did….. Please marry me?

  108. linz says:

    O my fucking god!! Just 2 sexy my lad, way too sexy ha ha ha xxx

  109. Miss Grace says:

    I’m a trying very, very hard not to burst into laughter in the middle of this quiet, conservative bookstore. I’m going to get a hernia.



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