Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“This might be a stupid question–” Girls, there’s no such thing as a–“Do fish, like, drink water?” Never mind, stupid question.

64 Responses

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  1. :D says:


    I asked that question just the other day.

  2. Liz says:

    Aww crush their dreams, why don’t you…haha XD

  3. Justin says:

    My nephew who is 5 just asked that question. But did not start the question with “This might be a stupid question”. So if you have to ask if the question is stupid….look it up on google instead.

  4. Rosey says:

    It is “Ask a Stupid Question Day”.

  5. Killer. says:

    Dear :D, please dont demoralize this site by starting the “FIRST” posts. No. Body. Cares. Really, we dont. Anyhow… Now is a good time to guess that at least one of these girls is a blonde. Do fish drink water!? I mean…do Black people eat hot sauce!? Lol. Jk, jk. Before anyone complains, Im Black sooooo I can say that. =)

  6. ThisGuy says:

    For the win.

  7. Bonzai says:

    Well do they? Don’t leave me in suspense. It’s torture. (jk)

  8. Kate says:

    I can sort of understand why she would ask. It’s a pretty weird process. :P

  9. Meg says:

    Once, this girl in my class asked “So, yaknow how cows have milk? well, is that their pee?” (but with worse English…)
    I never thought i’d see the day when your girls were out-stupid-ed

    • jessica says:

      I have one to top that, or at least equal it. a girl once said to my teacher, “so, silver come from the groung right? so we could plant it?”

  10. Kat says:

    Wow. Girls. Wow.

    (I had an honors student ask me what an earthling was. Proved the point my “Earthlings are idiots” t-shirt I was wearing was making. So, you’re not the only one dealing with dumb people. Hang in there!)

    • vampiresquirrel says:

      “And be advised that a walk through the ocean of most souls would scarcely get your feet wet.”

  11. Anna says:

    I wish this website had a “like” button.

  12. Cyn says:

    “Do fish drink water?” isn’t a stupid question. Now, “Do fish, like, drink water?” is another story.

    (I just started reading these letters the other day. Amazingly stupid girls featured in amazingly humorous letters…!)

  13. GoodKitty says:

    I think I had a run-in with these girls once. I worked at Bath and Body Works, and this chick comes in one day, looks around, then asks me, “Do yall sell lotion here?”

    …nope. Fresh out.

  14. Hunter says:

    *Angry Fish Sound*

  15. Mic says:

    The other day I had to explain to my sister that most people who are deaf are also mute, which that alone is sad. Then she asked me, “But then, how do they hear themselves talk?”
    Sometimes it just amazes me how stupid people can be.

  16. Bekah says:

    Just in time for Ask a Stupid Question Day!
    Maybe they were just celebrating?

  17. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Larisa Ross, Maddie Thompson, Selena Reid, meaghan robinson, Lowri Jones and others. Lowri Jones said: 2010-09-28 « Dear Girls Above Me […]

  18. Tyson says:

    The phrasing of the question might be stupid, but it’s actually not a retarded question. You need to think about fresh water vs salt water fish and the concentration of water in the fish relative to the environment… I kind of think 95% of the population wouldn’t be able to give the right answer.

  19. Olivia says:

    actually yes, fish do drink water. i have a book that answers that question

  20. April says:

    “Freshwater fish do not actively drink water, but absorb the water through their skin and gills. On the other hand, saltwater fish do actively drink sea water.”

  21. Arielle says:

    That’s not really a stupid question, I’ve wondered it. I even have a book of random facts called Do Fish Drink Water.

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  23. Capitol Barbie says:

    So whats boggleing my mind is…what did the other girl respond to that?

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