Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“My little brother just called to find out the exact location of a girl’s G-Spot. He’s so cute!” Replace cute with VERY CREEPY.

57 Responses

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  1. Ali says:

    I hope this little brother isn’t as “little” as my initial thinking…

  2. Beth says:

    Oh. My. God. I’m too shocked to say anything else :O

  3. Kyle says:

    Oh dear lord! How young is this child?

  4. being nice says:

    aww come on. maybe the lil bro is just a year younger. i always call my twenty two year old bro – my little brother.
    but a brother telling her that. yes. creepy indeed.

  5. being nice says:

    aww come on. maybe the lil bro is just a year younger. i always call my twenty two year old bro – my little brother.
    but a brother telling her that. yes. creepy indeed. LOL

  6. Justin says:

    Their family needs years of counseling

  7. Charlie McDowell says:

    My siblings never helped me with this. As a result, I’m still looking for this supposed G-Spot.

    • Ciaran says:

      I have yet to find it either. I don’t think it exists.

      • Kami says:

        trust me its there,guys just are too blind to find it.

      • Momentie says:

        Some women don’t have one.. but most do. Actually, the size and location differ ever so slightly with each individual woman which is part of the reason it’s so had to find. There is no “exact” placement for it.

      • Trippetta says:

        Who cares if you ever find it? The fun is in trying! ;D

      • Alfredo says:

        WRONG! the g-spot is a Women’s urethral sponge, and is inside, and up. It exists in every girl, and is not just a randomized spot, where poking is orgasmic. The whole “g-Spotyness” is seen, when the urethral sponge is stimulated, filling with mucus, and if done right, leads to a squirting orgasm. Noobies.

  8. Michelle says:

    It’s on a cello.

  9. Louisa says:

    If my bro asked me this I would punch him in the face.

  10. Emma says:

    haha that is such a messed up family

  11. Jena says:

    That’s just nasty! How old is this kid? I guess she is practicing to be a MILF already. So let’s see, 1 taboo so far!

  12. Jena says:

    Just had another creepy thought….I seriously hope she didn’t show him where it’s at.

    and if you were the GF, how creeped out would feel when you happened to find out exactly how he learned? *shudders*

  13. mike says:

    well where did she say it was Charlie?

  14. holymuffins says:

    My brother is 20 and he tried calling me up and saying this..
    the next day I went to his house and slapped him. LAWL.
    you dont ask your sister that. it is just gross and even though he’s 20, i still dont wanna think about him having sex…

  15. Grace says:

    Oh goodness, there are GAM (should it be GAY, girls above you? ;)) siblings. This is not good. Not good at all.

    • Bex says:

      Yeah, it is GAY, so your comment should read, “Oh goodness, there are GAY siblings. This is not good. Not good at all.” Of course maybe GAM sounds better..

  16. Melissa says:

    I’m not sue what’s more… interesting… Her little brother asking, or my the fact that my roommate just yelled, “It’s three fingers below your belly button on the inside. I just learned that at a sex party last weekend.”

  17. Orchid says:

    OMFJ!!!!!! That is sooooo creepy! I would kick my bro where it really hurts if he tried to ask me that!
    I hope he’s just a year younger!
    @Melissa: I’m stunned at that comment! I didn’t even know there were such things as sex parties!!! :-O

  18. tiger lily says:

    first …OMG
    secondly ….don’t believe this happend and that you heard of it
    thirdly : if 2nd point false, then really ewww!!
    fourthly : Charlie, your family can’t help you find the “spot”, if they had that would be CREEPY!!
    Fifth: sorry for Charlie’s girlfriends for his lack of knowledge!!! (:

    ps Are you still planning on filming Fighting Jacob at some point??

  19. K says:

    I’m speechless….. :0

  20. Lama says:

    My brother would also get slapped for this question.
    then I’d tell him to google it, maybe he’d get grossed out by the pictures of nasty vags and he’d be scared gay then never need to know the answer to that question.

  21. O.o says:

    dear lord, i scared for that boy

  22. lovesit says:

    haha I live in New Zealand and am making sure the other three and a half people who live here know about and love this site it’s brilliant. I’m a student but my part time job involves some overnight shifts. This is what keeps me awake and gets me through. Thank you.

  23. Elin says:

    i bet her brothers pretty hot….. just sayin

  24. Brit says:

    Haha. It’s 3 of the girls fingers above the girls pubic bone on the inside.
    You can’t blame the little bro too much, there’s no way he’s asking whatever girl he’s doing, and he knows that his sister knows.
    Though, somewhere along the line I think they’re parents may have made a mistake… like not using a condom….

  25. Irin Black says:

    So….It actually doesn’t exist. Placebo effect?

  26. T says:

    For goodness’ sake, this is what Google is for: Avoiding awkward sibling conversations. It most certainly does exist, but varies in position slightly (not while you’re looking for it; from woman to woman). All you have to do is feel for it!

    • Ci says:

      According to his sister’s reaction, I’d say the conversation wasn’t “awkward” so much as “completely fucked up.”

  27. I think this site is cool, I plan on checking back for more!

  28. oh says:

    I heard there is a male G-spot as well.

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  30. Carly says:

    According to Wikipedia, Charles McDowell died on the 5th :)

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  37. Cat says:

    Wow…she finds it…cute??

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