Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“You wanna know what’s worse than a mushy banana?” Let me guess, an uncircumcised– “An uncircumcised penis.” I know you so well.

94 Responses

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  1. Alena says:

    I don’t understand why an uncircumcised penis is so “gross”

    • Alex says:

      The reason you don’t understand is because the reasoning these girls use is most likely completely irrational.

    • Nick says:

      I’m guessing it has more to do with hygiene. An uncircumcised penis requires more maintenance, lol.

      • Morgan says:

        It’s definitely the hygiene issue. Think about where exactly the appendage is going. IT NEEDS TO BE CLEAN!

      • Karen says:

        I agree with it being hygiene thing, HOWEVER I see no problem with men being encouraged to bath more often. Especially those part of the 25 and under set that haven’t quite grasped the concept of soap yet.

    • Ambar says:

      I don’t see the reason either. I don’t see them as disgusting.

  2. Charlie McDowell says:

    Nothing’s worse than a mushy banana. Maybe soggy bread, but that’s about it.

  3. Devyn says:

    An uncircumcised penis IS gross. I’m with the girls on this one.

    • Daniel says:

      Why? I just want to know?

      • Kelli says:

        Hi Daniel,
        I cannot speak for all the ladies (or all uncircumcised men) but in my opinion they are gross because of the potential for “stuff” to collect in the flap and folds. It takes a meticulous man to keep those areas clean and some barely stay in the shower long enough to hit the larger money spots let alone do the fine detail work.

      • Trippetta says:

        I gotta agree. The chance for infection is actually much higher with an uncircumcised penis.

      • Bob says:

        A woman has more folds to worry about and my experience is that they are only slightly more hygienic.
        Any man that carries out a proper regime of cleaning is of roughly equivalent likelihood of getting an infection, circumcised or not.
        These days, circumcision is usually done to satisfy the religious beliefs or other whims of the parents and rarely serves any medical function.

      • Trippetta says:

        Touchy subject for you, eh bob? Yes, some women get yeast infections all the time. I was not comparing men to women. An uncircumcised penis is more likely to get infected than a circumcised one. Also, there are cases where the foreskin doesn’t grow as a boy becomes an adult, and the penis must be circumcised later in life.

      • Emma says:

        Plus, an uncircumcised penis just looks gross. I’m a girl, and from my experience, I just think like a circumcised penis looks much more appealing.

      • Annette says:

        Three cheers for my meticulous man!

    • zackery0 says:

      yea, im a guy but im circumcised, uncircumcised penises are just plain gross, moms have to clean it when your a baby, but they would have to….play with it to make u hard. yea and then it would be easier because it would be hard

  4. Jamie says:

    They’re not gross, they look like sea cucumbers… or fraggles… Just imagine Fraggle Rock playing in the background.

    • Savannah says:

      I sincerely hope the men I’m with for the rest of my life are circumcised now. I’m never going to be able to see an uncircumcised penis again without singing the Fraggle Rock Theme Song.

    • überRegenbogen says:

      Terrible terrible parody concept there. ;P

  5. Amy says:

    I disagree, mushy bananas are WAY worse. I refuse to eat a banana unless it’s slightly green.

  6. Ginny Weasley says:

    I’m not a fan of soggy bread either…

  7. Michelle says:

    I think that you should try to yell responses to their questions at some point. They’d probably think there were ghosts in the walls haha

    • Jess says:

      oh my, that’s hilarious. xD from what i see, they’d probably be too dumb to figure out it was just him.

      • Lia says:

        It would be hilarious. But if there is even a slight chance that they could figure it out, and I admit that it the chance is very very slight, Charlie shouldn’t risk it. Because what would we all do without this website?

    • Alex says:

      Or even better, you could pretend to be a psychic. You know, saying what they’re thinking. I mean you know them well enough, Charlie.

  8. Meg says:

    hrmmm but mushy bananas lead to banana bread/muffins

    • Bertie says:

      Oh! Yes!
      I have a great recipe from a Sesame Street book “Bid Bird’s Banana Bread”
      The instructions tell you to get an adult like Mr. Hooper to turn on the stove…
      I also disagree with the girls above Charlie.

  9. allana says:

    XD hahahahahaha

  10. Vivian says:

    I don’t understand what the big deal is with an uncircumcised penis. I personally enjoy them, it’s a turn on. :)

    • Elena says:


      • Amy says:

        same – I don’t understand what the big deal with circumcision is. Personally I think it doesn’t look nearly as good as an uncircumcised man and if a man has even a basic sense of hygiene he should be able to keep it clean! Its not that hard, and medically there arn’t really many benefits any more…. tbh I don’t really care much either way :)

  11. Jewles says:

    Didn’t you say in an earlier post that they didn’t know the word “circumcised” was? They called it “cirque du soleil” … Carlie, are you starting to actually correct them to their face?

  12. Megan says:

    I’m just going to throw it out there.. there is no such thing as an attractive penis. Or a good mushy banana.

  13. Sara says:

    If they’re talking about penises does that mean the ban on men in the apartment is over? Or is this a typical conversation topic for them?

  14. RaeVynn says:

    Look! it’s wearing a hoody!!

    Okay… is there a big deal about circumcise/uncircumcised? I’ve “dealt with” both… and, personally, I think lack of mushiness is more important. *grin*

  15. Terry says:

    Personally, I have no real preference for cut or uncut penises, but I do think that it’s unethical to circumcise babies because they can’t consent to it. For the record, I’m female. :]

    • Abby says:

      I agree. I am 100% against genital mutilation. A child that cannot a make an informed decision, should not be circumcised.

  16. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jephy Lattiboudeaire, sgnewsfeed. sgnewsfeed said: 2010-11-11: “You wanna know what’s worse than a mushy banana?” Let me guess, an uncircumcised… […]

  17. Kenna211 says:

    An uncircumsised penis is not gross just not as nice to look at it, and let’s face it ladies-sometimes we’re down there and have to take a look. What is gross is that women are sleeping with men who get infections on their penis. He doesn’t have an infection because of his uncircumsised penis, he has an infection because he is nasty and doesn’t take the time to properly clean himself and if you are sleeping with someone like that it makes you nasty, as well.

  18. Rachel says:

    I just ran across this blog the other day and in the past two days I’ve read every page of it! This is hilarious!

  19. Chuck Norris says:

    real men get their penis circumcised

  20. Ria says:

    I disagree, I’ve seen an attractive penis…and it was uncircumcised >_>

  21. Kira says:

    Come on girls, don’t you know that uncircumcised is better? More skin slipping and sliding around inside you, more friction. Feels so much better.

  22. Harry Potter is the greatest.

  23. heretogloat says:

    My son isn’t circumcised. Needless to say I’ve done the right thing. Why should boys be punish by circumcision, and girls aren’t?? Sound fair? The wholy reason was to punish boys for future masturbations. There is a history how this got started, and it wasn’t by religious reasons.

  24. Vyolet says:

    If only these girls knew what a massive can of worms they were opening with their… musings. Charlie, what have you unleashed!

  25. jdt says:

    After foolishly putting this under the wrong post, I would like to add:
    I fully disagree. Circumcision was historically done because people in general weren’t as ape-shit with the showers and cleaning as we are now, and the invagination of skin in the uncircumcised penis is a great place to collect “stuff.” The vagina, on the other hand, does not actually have blind pouches, just folds.
    On top of that, uncircumcised boys can get more infections, a build up in the glands around the penis head, and if the tip doesn’t come out enough, they can get adhesions to the tip that require circumcision at an older age that will traumatize them more (I’ve never heard of men needing trauma therapy for their circumcision). On top of that, the skin that is removed with circumcision can get too tight, and instead of being able to slide on and off of the tip with ease, can get stuck down and literally inhibit the tip of the penis from getting enough blood flow, causing that tissue to die.
    Female and male circumcision are COMPLETELY different from my perspective. Male circumcision is done to keep the male more hygienic and prevent further penis injuries, which I think every non-lesbian can get behind.
    Female circumcision was ONLY done to keep the female from attaining orgasm, something that NEVER occurs with male circumcision.
    I don’t think it’s a problem for parents to choose for their kids any more than choosing to have little kids get their ears pierced or parents to choose the name they will (usually) spend the rest of their lives with (unless they want to pay to change their name).

    Now, away from my pedestal of self-righteous knowledge… I (still) love this website!

    • Sarachka says:

      I agree with you except for where you said “female circumcision WAS only done…”

      Female genital mutilation is alive and well in many parts of Africa and the Middle East. If anyone ever tries to tell you that circumcision of male babies is the same as FGM, laugh at them and then tell them to do their research. It’s a horrible ordeal that scars young girls physically for life and leads to many, many health problems.

  26. Kira says:

    Oh come on it’s not the stone age. Yes circumcision makes it easier for boys to be more hygienic. But really it’s a 5 second difference in between washing, or pulling the skin back and washing.

    jdt did you know that circumcision actually reduces male sensitivity in that area. The tip has to callus a little bit when circumcised to deal with being rubbed against clothing. And the issues you mentioned are incredibly rare. And the real reason the vagina isn’t constantly infected is because it is incredibly acidic, and very difficult for microorganisms to survive there. I still say being with an uncircumcised male is so much better. And I still say its incredibly cruel to put a young newborn male through that pain. And yes, it does hurt the baby. What mother would mutilate her child and cause him so much pain when he is only a few days old.

    • jdt says:

      Kira, I don’t care who or what you like sex with & I don’t know that it plays a large role in the issue.
      Infections & problems with foreskin may be rare, but common enough that I would want to save my child any issues.
      I still maintain that male circumcision is on par with kids getting their ears pierced, & while there may be some desensitization due to clothing rubbing, I don’t believe many men experience issues with being underly sensitive & that interfering with their sex life.

      • Terry says:

        I’d rather teach my son to wash himself than disfigure him for life.

        For the record, I’m against getting a baby’s ears pierced, too. My mom didn’t get my ears pierced because she wanted it to be my choice, and I didn’t do it until I was 19.

        I don’t consider ear piercing and circumcision to be comparable AT ALL, though. Piercings are only really semi-permanent, as you could always take the earring out and let the piercing heal. It will probably leave a scar, though. Circumcision, however, removes a part of the natural anatomy permanently, causing a drastic decrease in sensation that you can never get back. Comparing the two is absolutely ridiculous, but I’m still against both! A person’s body should always be their own business.

  27. Nyr says:

    For the record, I read bushy banana.

  28. shakaykay says:

    I read this while eating a mushy banana, now I feel much better about it, thanks.

  29. Lovísa says:

    We can argue all day about the medical pros and cons when it comes to circumcision, but really, it comes down to one fact: uncircumcised penises are just uglier.
    That’s it.
    And the fact that they tend to smell a little… well, less pleasingly shall we say….

    • Terry says:

      I don’t think it’s ugly at all, and I also don’t think my boyfriend’s uncut penis smells the least bit unpleasant. Maybe you’ve been with some really dirty guys. XD

  30. liliputian says:

    just gonna throw this out there…

    Since the baby boy is so young, he wouldn’t remember a thing. not the pain or anything. & if he’s circumcised when he’s a baby then when he’s older he won’t know anything different so it won’t matter that he’s little less sensitive down there.

    My own personal opinion is that it doesn’t really matter. Different people like different things. You make do with what’s been given to you, so if a man was circumcised as a child that’s it, he’s circumcised & there’s no point in making a big deal out of it. If he’s uncircumcised, it’s his choice whether to go through a ton of pain so as to not have to deal with any extra time in the shower or just leave it how he’s had it all his life.

    My goodness this whole discussion is extremely asinine.

    • Terry says:

      The discussion is not asinine. People should not be making decisions about other people’s bodies. If people gave babies nose jobs, they wouldn’t remember the pain or know the difference, either, but does that make it right ?

    • Terry says:

      And for the record, I DO know men who wish they weren’t circumcised and are angry about it.

      There are also risky and painful techniques to regrow foreskin:

      Why would anyone do something to their infant’s body that serves no real purpose, deprives them of pleasure that they might otherwise have, and they may resent?

  31. Scarlette says:

    Okay, Just putting this out there.

    Many families have their own views and reasons to circumsize their child, and whatever it is, IT IS THEIR OWN BUISNESS. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion and frankly, everyone can be right.

    I found that having any sort of bodily “alterations” let’s say, are better done at a young age BECAUSE they don’t remember. If a male was forces to have a circumcision later in life, it would be more painful, and I know a few guys who said that they wish they had been circumcised at birth.

    Like I already said, everyone has different opinions and what you think is great for you (as long as you’re not lying to yourself)and EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS DIFFERENT. Just because you disagree with someone doesn’t make them wrong and it doesn’t make you better than them.

    • Terry says:

      It should be a man’s business whether he wants to be circumcised, not his parents. It may be painful to be circumcised later, but it’s possible. It’s much harder and more dangerous to regrow foreskin.

      Unless it’s medically necessary, which is rare, it’s cosmetic surgery and should be treated as such.

  32. Min Fy says:

    Hoh, Good job on the writing for us what the Serious DEAL is.

  33. the dude says:

    having an uncircumcised penis is no different than a girl’s swampy vagina. sure, uncut guys may have stuff collect sometimes, but girls….theres way more places to collect stuff down there, and ya’ll dont grasp that fact.



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