Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“I had a nightmare that I was getting raped but he couldn’t get it up. It was scary but super offensive.” I wanna feel bad for you.

106 Responses

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  1. Alicia says:

    There’s no way I can write a poem about this.

  2. Mao says:

    Hey Charlie do you think when the comedy airs, that the GAM might finally find out about your tweets? (Hoping they don’t…) :P

  3. Xylia says:

    I’m pretty sure that you are the coolest guy on the planet. Shazam.

  4. a guy named John says:

    What’s it going to be called? I haven’t heard about this yet.

  5. Lexi says:

    Are you still going to be posting here?
    And you should play yourself, even if you can’t act.

  6. Lequia says:

    I wanna feel bad too…
    …but I laughed anyway. :p

    I wonder if he was from the Projects….? *ponders*

  7. ASchmalz says:

    You rock my world….

    Had to be said….

  8. Fliss says:

    Wow. Just.Wow. That wouldn’t be a nightmare. I mean. At least she didn’t get raped.

  9. Carly says:

    Hahaha! I think this is my favorite.

    • Carly says:

      Dear Charlie, Are you going to have open casting for GAM? Haha. I would love to play one of these airheads.

      • Amyyyy says:

        I really hope that there aren’t any girls – we never meet them, they are just Voices from Above, and hilarity ensues.

  10. Charlie McDowell says:

    My writing partner and I are writing the script. Hopefully CBS will like it and make it into a show. Fingers crossed.

  11. TanTan says:

    She should sue the guy at dream court.
    On a different note, Freud would have such a field day with that dream….

  12. Eliza says:

    These people need help. That’s all I can say.

  13. Theresa says:

    brrr it’s cold out. sorry…lol random thoughts…

  14. Alicia says:

    A show! A show! There’s going to be a show!
    About the Girls Above Him (A.K.A. the stupid hoes)
    We’re all so exited and very glad indeed,
    That we get to watch a comedy about our Charlie.
    Thanks to Ashton Kutcher, he’s really very kind;
    Ratings will be great: you’ve got all of us on your side!
    Hopefully the girls won’t find out anytime soon,
    Because if they do, this site is surely doomed!
    But no need to worry, I’m getting ahead of all this,
    Lets just enjoy today and this news filled with bliss.

    I personally think that was way better of a subject to write about.

  15. Steph says:

    There’s going to be a show? What’s the name? And will it be shown in Australia? Love the site Charlie.

  16. Laurbugg says:

    She would have a dream like that.

  17. Charlie McDowell says:

    If the show were to be picked up, it will be called Dear Girls Above Me. It was really hard coming up with the title.

    • Michael says:

      I just found this site today and Charlie you are a legend and I really want to see this movie/show thingy. this is fantastic and has Blasted my mind. I really hope you do get make a movie out of it, it’d be legend… wait for it…..

  18. Madison says:

    You need a theme song to go with the show. It’s only necessary!

  19. Lexi says:

    I think it should be a Hilary Duff song haha

  20. Ariana is soooo ninja says:

    Alicia’s poem should be the theme song for the show.

    • Alicia says:

      Well not that particular poem. I would be more than happy to write a jingle, though.

      • Jacky Faber: Midshipman, Fine Lady, and Lily of the West says:

        I agree. Alicia, you’d be perfect for a little diddy to introduce those two airheaded twits.

      • Alicia says:

        Why thank you, Jacky. When and if the time comes I’m up for the challenge.

  21. Lock says:

    At first I was like, “I can write a non-icky poem just for Alicia today!” but the subject matter… staying away from it with a very long pol–crud. Arm’s length.

    Keeping it at arm’s length.

  22. CHLOE says:

    Hah, or maybe Miley Cyrus could sing the theme song.
    Her IQ level is about the same as the girls above you.

  23. Louisa says:

    Ha ha theme song = stupid girls by pink

  24. Maren says:

    Please tell me these girls have not finished junior high.
    Then I would at least feel bad for them.
    Makes my day better, at lest.
    Charlie, I hope none of you ever move.

  25. Emily says:

    Do the things they say ever make you feel gross just for hearing them? Because I feel gross just for reading that one…and the one about the BEP

  26. hehehe... says:

    I’m guessing both of these ladies are blonde.

  27. Shelly says:

    I have mixed feelings about this TV show. Owing to what I read on this site, they must watch quite a bit of TV meaning that they would eventually stumble across your show, but unless they decide to look it up they would still remain oblivious. Unless they had a smart moment and looked it up…. That would be this site screwed.

  28. Sarah says:

    I think the girls would find and watch the show and then Charlie would hear them commenting on either how awesome the girls on the show are or how stupid. Either scenario would be comedy gold. I cannot imagine them ever catching on.

  29. Leila says:

    I have a feeling that if they do somehow stumble across the show, they would be commenting on how they say those same exact things and how AWESOME that somehow, a tv show came up with the same exact things they say. except for the REALLY stupid things they say. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear them commenting on how stupid that was. But they would probably be convinced that their lives are just like a tv show. Which would be hilarious.

  30. Jordan says:

    If you need a theme song, shouldn’t it be by The Black Eyed Peas? ;)

  31. Wenderbread says:

    If the girls found out about the show/site, I wonder if they’d even realize they’re being insulted–they’d probably be distracted by their fame.

  32. alexaluvs says:

    Charlie when you get the show (I have no doubt that you wont) I think you should play yourself your clearly qualified

  33. Prosopagnosia says:

    Even if they do find this site, it’s not like they’ll have the wits to find out that this blog is entirely about them.

  34. Nana says:

    LOLLL. Words cannot describe how much I love this.

  35. Lola says:

    Alternatively, maybe all blond women living in apartments everywhere are freaking out because they think some dude downstairs is writing about them…

    • Maren says:

      This just makes you look stupid…
      Blond is also a state of mind(or rather the lack of)

      Soundtrack for the show: It would be epic if you could record them singing a Black Eyed Peas song.

  36. Sam =] says:

    Alicia, want to write an onomatopoeia poem for so I can you it for my english assignment?…I can’t do it.

    • Sam =] says:

      …”so i can you it” I meant use not you

      • Alicia says:

        If I was one of those people who abhored cheating and strongly disagreed with it, then I would say no. But I’m not. Haha what’s it have to be about?

  37. Sam =] says:

    actually it’s not an onomatopoeia….I don’t know apparently it has to be a famous persons point of view and i have to give them a speach problem or some problem…But you really don’t have too haha…..I’m like failing english

    • Alicia says:

      Oh, alright. Good luck in English class; just pay attention as much as you can. It’ll pay off in the long run :)

  38. tigercock says:


  39. Ciara Thompson says:

    Dear Comment Above Me,
    Firstly, That’s Unlikely As I Assume That Charlie Has A Penis ( “COCK!!!!”) Of His Own, And Has Not Of Yet Stated His Homosexuality.
    Secondly, Don’t Be So Desperate. I’m Sure There Are Plenty Of Other Men Who Would Be More Than Happy To Participate In The “FUCKing Of Your COCK!!!!!!!”
    Lastly, You Should Consider Using Spellcheck.

  40. jmoody says:


  41. Ciara Thompson says:

    Also , Charlie, I Would Like To Make A Suggestion For The Theme Tune Of Your Show. I Would Recommend Using Images And Music That Would Repulse The Girls, So That If They Were To Happen Upon Your Tellyboxshow They Would Immediately Change To “Jersey Shore”. Here Are My Suggestions:
    Music: AC/DC, Beethoven, Cat Stevens ( His Muslim Music Would Work Well, But Will Offend Muslims.)
    Imagery: Eldery People Kissing, WW1 Footage, Chuck Norris Slideshow.
    Hope This Helps.

    • Aaaaah says:

      Also, Ciara, I would like to suggest that you stop capitalizing the first letter of every word you type. It breaks some grammar rules and it is kind of annoying. Thank you.

    • Lequia says:

      Actually, all he really should watch out for is that the show DOESN’T get picked up by the same network that Jersey Shore plays on. :p

  42. Kayli says:

    I’m using the lack of continuing comments as reasonable evidence that it got a little awkward in here..

  43. Kayli says:

    As refers to tigercock’s earlier comment of course.

  44. Niamh says:

    I wonder if these girls ever got high school diplomas…

  45. Ciara Thompson says:

    Not Awkward, I Just Went Asleep. And By The Way, Capitals Help Me Find The Beginning Of Words. You’d Understand If You Had Glasses As Thick As A Crusty Monkey Between To Bread Vans. And Yes, That Is A Saying.

  46. Ciara Thompson says:

    “Crusty Monkey Between Two Bread Vans.” Sorry, My Computer’s A Mac.

  47. Anna Recsik says:

    do u eva feel lyk a plastic bag

  48. Ciara Thompson says:

    Nice…. But Will The Swine Flu Still Be Around?

  49. somegirl says:

    NOT HILARY DUFF!! she’s my girl. miley, sure. hil, NO

  50. Polkadot says:

    Hey Charlie, love the site. Read it every day. Fingers crossed for the show.
    In response to the theme song ideas, I’m just going to throw one out there: bad rapping, to the tune of the fresh prince of bel air.
    Intro: the clatter of heels walking around upstairs
    Now this is a story all about how
    Charlie’s life got flipped, turned upside down.
    And I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there,
    I’ll tell ya how Charlie’s life became unfair.

    Iiiiin Hollywood they were born and raised,
    in the mall is where they spent most of their days.
    Chillin’ out, waxing and relaxin’ all cool,
    and all perving on themselves out by the pool.
    These couple of chicks, opposite of good,
    started movin’ in on Charlie’s neighbourhood.
    Now he hears all their flaws,
    And Charlie got scared.
    He was now in the hell known as blonde air heads.

    He banged on the ceiling, he covered his ears,
    he played Moby so loud that it bought them to tears,
    If anything, these girls were frontal cortex impaired,
    But he thanked those two the night his tv show aired.

    He twittered and blogged about the things they said,
    who they liked, hated, and who they took to bed,
    Charlie gets all the goss, it’s juicy and free,
    but what would he do without those dear girls above me?

  51. Ciara Thompson says:

    Love. Absolutely Love.

  52. Michael says:

    I just found this site today and Charlie you are a legend and I really want to see this movie/show thingy. this is fantastic and has Blasted my mind. I really hope you do get make a movie out of it, it’d be legend… wait for it…..

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  54. Ylva says:

    Though I bet the show won’t come to Sweden, sounds a bit too good to be true.
    But, basing on what you’re writing, it won’t even matter if they find this page (and manage to realize that it is them). They won’t be able to stop anyway…

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  56. Andie says:

    In an M. Night Shamalan-style twist, the girls aren’t real after all, and Charlie was dead the whole time, his ghost just doesn’t realize it, yet. :D

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