Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“Last night was legendary, best sex ever!” I know! We orgasmed at the same time! Only difference is you had someone else with you.

156 Responses

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  1. Alexis says:


  2. Gretchen says:

    I have to say, this is my ultimate favourite DGAM so far…

  3. Charlie McDowell says:

    My walk of shame just consisted of me getting a glass of water before bed.

  4. Louisa says:

    I also just orgasmed at the awesomeness of this post….tbh though I feel bad for the person you were with lol.

  5. Taylor D says:

    Absolutely hysterical.

  6. feesh says:

    Haha love it! Great post Charlie!

  7. sarah says:

    oh my gosh.
    I can not believe you just said that. lol.
    Did anyone else’s eyes get really big and mouth fly open after reading that?

  8. Alicia says:

    If there’s anyone who wants the honor of writing a very awkward poem today, feel free to do so. I’ll just write two for the next post. I actually feel kind of bad writing them, now that I know some people like them more than the post itself. Sorry Charlie :(

    • catalina says:

      I (like everyone else) enjoy your poems, but no worries, charlies posts will always have slightly higher priority[:

    • Trippetta says:

      Would it help if I said I think your poems are dumb? Because they are.

      • Kiki says:

        I agree with Tripetta, to be honest… the poems are very simple with no sense of rhythym or structure. The syllable counts are almost always wrong, and it makes reading them a chore.
        But I’m an English major, so maybe I’m just ultra-picky.

      • karissa says:

        uhm excuse meee?! why do you feel the need to be rude to MY FRIEND ? i love her poems. (:

      • Alicia says:

        Thanks, Karissa :) And I understand that some people don’t like them. Everyone has an opinion, and I respect that.

  9. Maggie says:


    If you need someone else I’ll be in LA next week! JUSTSAYIN’

  10. Sam =] says:

    I’m sick today and I can barely stand up without passing out But this made my day a bit better =]

  11. Elizabeth says:

    Oh gosh. O_O
    I’m not so sure I should comment xD

  12. Ciara Thompson says:

    The Girl Above Charlie Had And Orgasm So Grand,
    That Charlie Felt The Need To Replicate It With His Hand.

    Short Poem, But Hopefully Effective.

    • Alicia says:

      Hahaha! That was great :) You can have the job of writing the awkward ones lol.

      • Ciara Thompson says:

        Thanks! My Principal Did Always Tell Me I Thrived In Awkward Social Situations, But In Saying That He Was A Pervert. Talk About Awkward!

    • Justin says:

      Charlie got down with
      Charlie when he heard this one
      Stupid girl banged hard.

      • Angie says:

        Woah there Justin! Haikus are too advanced for anything involving the GAM. I can just picture them tilting their heads and claiming that it couldn’t be a poem because it doesn’t rhyme. :D

      • Karolina says:

        Justin, how about another haiku:

        Girl upstairs enjoyed
        her time with a friend unknown
        Charles had fun alone

    • Spinx says:

      *giggle fits* Good one!

  13. Taylor D says:

    Charlie I wish I was as funny as you are. That’s all else I can say.

  14. Alexis says:

    Hey Charlie, I thought you had a girlfriend???

  15. danyboy says:

    yea its really hot wen gurls orgasm. i get off to it 2

  16. Lexi says:

    Hahaha this is my favorite post and I love you’re response to the comments most on this one
    I litterally laughed out load!

  17. Shelly says:

    Sometimes I worry for your sanity. To much information. lol. It did make me laugh though… :)

  18. Joyousness says:

    Looks like one of them found a hobby…

  19. Jonathan says:

    This entire post has made my day! Thank you everybody!

  20. Martin says:

    Charlie, do you have a job? It seems that you are spending more and more time working on this than actually having a life. Don’t be offended or anything, we all enjoy it. [=

    • Taylor D says:

      He’s actually a very talented director who’s also turning the material from this website into a sitcom pilot. So he’s gotta keep doing it for the pilot and to keep the future fans of the show.

      • GStarr says:

        Seriously? Charlie, please do. That. Would. Be. Awesome. I’d actually start watching TV again. x

  21. Jenn says:

    Oh my god, you’re adorable. Voyeuristic, but adorable.

  22. Emily says:

    Charlie do you ever get creeped out by the multitudes of stalkers you apparently have that openly creep on your relationship status? Anyway, nice post, it made me giggle :)

  23. thedestroyer says:

    How have these girls not figured out you have a website devoted to them?? Can’t wait until they watch that show and be like “wow I thats sooo weird I said that exact same thing!”

  24. Alicia says:

    Best post/comments ever today. All you guys are awesome.

  25. Tarynnn says:

    I had a shitty day and this literally made me laugh out loud. Also so did most of these comments! This is my new favorite distraction from work!

  26. Jillian says:


  27. notforyou says:

    One of my partners is being crazy and not helpful and rude and mean, and well the point is, this made me totally forget about her

    Thank You Charlie!!!
    : )

  28. Jen. says:

    I kinda love you. And your hand. A lot. Is that creepy? Well, if it were, you’d be one to talk. :)

  29. Snape says:

    Ten points to Slytherin!

  30. hopsonpops says:

    this one literally made me snort while laughing…

  31. Theresa says:

    Wow. I don’t even know what else to comment. At least you’re honest.

  32. Reba says:

    mmmm fun lol

  33. 500 Days of Kissing My Pillow says:

    Good lord.

  34. Kaitlin says:

    Dear Charlie,

    One day you and your GAM will end up being best of friends cause of this website.

  35. Alice says:

    Increasingly awesome!! The community around your voyeurinsm just gets better and better!

  36. Ciara Thompson says:

    Is THAT What The Kids Are Calling It These Days?

  37. Ilona says:

    .. Now we moved past the shame, I feel like we’ve got to know eacht other on a completely new level! (Not yet as good as after a night of drinking cheap wine, but we’re getting there)
    Although I don’t comment that much, I always read everything you guys say! Keep up the good work;)

  38. AprilYoYo says:

    You know that moment when you’re staring at the computer screen in horror but feeling awkwardly turned on? Yeah. Thanks Charlie.

  39. R2DOME says:

    I expect this from you. XD

  40. Cupcake says:

    Epic Win Charlie – the safest kind of sex………

  41. Sasquatch says:

    hi im 12 what is orgasm

    • Not-a-Ginger says:

      Hon, you’ll find out in health class next year.

    • Ciara Thompson says:

      It’s The Only Thing In Life That’s Better Than Justin Bieber. Apart From Everything Else. I Knew What An Orgasm Wwas When I Was Seven… Are You A Lost Amish Person?

      • Sasquatch says:

        no my mom tld me 2 not lern bout dat stuff yet bcuz she said dat if i do i will give a gurl a cootie when i maek da nasty wit her*~ and get her a big bellie buttn and den my mom tld me she wld crey if i do dat :'(
        so idk wat orgasmed meens. PLZ HELP i promiz 2 n0t tell my mom lol*~ :)

      • Liz says:

        Sasquash, if your mom doesn’t want you to know certain things, it is not the place for a bunch of strangers to go against her wishes. Stop rushing childhood; you’ll find out soon enough.

        Also, are you sure that you should be on this website? How much of the contents of these posts do you actually understand?

        Charlie, I love your blog. I’ve only commented a couple of times, but each day i look forward to seeing what the GAM’s have said/done now. Keep it up!

      • Sasquatch says:

        but plz
        i trust strangers bcuz dey giv me hope n my frend sed dat hope is da best ting in da world so plz share
        n yes i understnd im 12 yrs old i turn 14 nxt month
        im old enuff ok n y not rush childhood u smelly girl i wanna grow up lyk u n my frends on here ok so stop yell at me

    • Anna Recsik says:

      ~One dey, boi n gurl r in luv wit eachother~
      Gurl ses, do u luv me~?
      Boi ses, u no I do
      Gurl ses, I have sumthin to tell you </3
      Boi tinks gurl is brakin up wit him so he walks awae~~
      Gurl duznt see boi 4 too weeks n she is sad
      She sees boi again n ses, ~y u run away boi~
      Boi ses, I thot u werr goin 2 brake up with me~ :'(
      Gurl ses, no but I need to tell u sumthin
      Boy breethes in n ses, wut?
      Gurl: Im actually a boi too
      Boi ses, I still luv u <3
      Gurl unzips pants n shows boi monstrous peenis
      Boi is jelouz n runs away n they never meat again
      ~rePly if u creyed :'(

  42. Boo says:

    Thank you, for the wonderful little bit of information. I’m sure we all feel better knowing that.

  43. Alicia says:

    Dat waz-I mean- That was… great?

  44. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jonah block and sgnewsfeed. sgnewsfeed said: 2011-01-12: “Last night was legendary, best sex ever!” I know! We orgasmed at the same time… […]

  45. Lock says:

    They were rocking to and fro
    Little did those two girls know
    That Charlie was beneath them too
    Letting out the wolf. Awoo!

    • Alicia says:

      Way to go, Lock! I may be traumatized for life with mental images I didn’t need, but that was really funny.

    • Ash Menon says:

      Aaaaaaaand that’s the last time I’ll be able to look at pictures of wolves again, grazie.

  46. Not-a-Ginger says:

    I love how that id up there said… “but I’m 12 and I turn 14 next month…”
    No wonder he doesn’t know what an orgasm is… lol

    Btw, great poems guys, really funny

    • 500 Days of Kissing My Pillow says:

      I love how people get trolled.

    • notforyou says:

      I’m surprised none of the grammar natzi got him on all of that terrible spelling and grammar. Also, a 12 year old who doesn’t know about that kind of thing shouldn’t be on this site

      • 500 Days of Kissing My Pillow says:

        I feel like Liz, Not-a-Ginger, and notforyou have never heard of trolling on the interwebz.

      • Anna Recsik says:

        Obvi, after “hi im 12 what is this” post.
        I herped so hard that I derped.

  47. hi says:

    i just want to see how to make the origami things

  48. Telisa says:

    :) that was……interesting..

  49. Bertie says:

    Has anyone else been noticing the comments lately have just become weird? The professions of love to Charlie and comments regarding the post were interesting, but I don’t know anymore. Strange days.

    Also, was Charlie too embarrassed to post today? You said it yourself Charlie, “nothing’ s creepy anymore”, no need to feel ashamed!

  50. Brett says:

    I didn’t mean to make you stop writing them! D: Actually, that’s kind of the opposite reaction I was hoping for. I look forward to seeing what you’ve come up with everyday, and now we have all these others trying to take your job and I don’t very much like that. >:(

  51. Lequia says:

    *blushes a deep crimson*
    Oh my…..
    …I had to re-read this post several times and now can’t come near the site without blushing. :p Thanks for…well, um..yeah.

  52. emily says:

    WOW… every post of this website gets continually more creepy and stalkerish

    • ann sophie says:

      i totally agree with you!
      i mean why cant the posts just continue like they were at the beginnings of this website when he thought the girls were annoying and stupid, not when he was fantasizing about them and masturbating to them having sex

  53. cheerdiva says:

    Dude, if you don’t know what masturbating, sex, and orgasms are, then there is absolutely nonreason for you to be on this site. Especially if you’re only 12. You don’t need to know that stuff yet. Stay innocent while you can.

  54. cheerdiva says:

    *no reason

  55. ... says:

    well…uh… twelve years old? kid, get off the site. seriously, preserve your innocence.

  56. vanessa says:

    Amazing these girls are really stupid but hilarious

  57. Angie B says:

    Ah hahahaha, oh how I love you most completely Charlie:)

  58. Marcie says:

    OMG, This is great! I love it and love your posts. Keep it up please. I love all your posts. Although i must say that i think this one is my favorite by far!

  59. Elisha says:

    Too fantastic. I can’t wait for whatever production is the result of this site. You ought to get (more) rich and (more) famous asap and get this show on the road.
    The responses should make up at least 1/3.

  60. This is exactly what i was looking for. thank you for the instructive berth and keep up the good work! ….

  61. christina says:

    this is seriously hilarious
    i wish i was capable of synchronizing my orgasms with other peoples’

  62. You have numerous nice points here. I made a research on the subject and discovered nearly all peoples will agree with your blog ….

  63. Fellowdude says:




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