Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“I wonder if Martin Luther King ever had a wet dream? If so, I wanna hear about THAT one.” I totally question his priorities as well.

64 Responses

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  1. p1p says:

    at least it’s slightly relevant to the day….?

  2. David-O says:


  3. Emma says:

    Hey Charlie were you at the Golden Globes by any chance last night with Rooney Mara?

  4. Alicia says:

    You and the girls agree on something for once! Besides the orgasm thing, that is…

  5. Momentie says:

    Ya know, most of these I can honestly imagine happening. It’s just something about this post that makes me question it’s validity. It’s not so much a question of intelligence as much as I can’t imagine someone seriously making that statement. >.> Are you sure you don’t make some of these up?

    • Emma says:

      I had the same reaction.

    • Bruhhh says:

      I’m ALWAYS wondering if he’s making some of these up. I mean, how can people say something so perfectly stupid every day?
      Nothing against you Charlie, I’m just a natural cynic haha.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I think the same thing! I generally only question it because it’s hard to believe that some people are actually that unintelligent (even though sometimes I feel like I’m surrounded by them every day, hahaha).

      • Miles says:

        I wou;d think the same thing, except I know people who are that stupid. At one point she asked what Obama’s last name was, along with Hitler’s last name.

    • Trippetta says:

      Ya know, people asking so often if these posts are real is starting to annoy me. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. The posts are still enjoyably funny, so it’s a moot point. If Charlie ever bothers to post that they are real, you won’t believe him. And if he posts to say that they are fake, then that just ruins the entire site. Does it matter to you that much if they’re fake?

    • a guy named John says:

      well idk. i mean he doesn’t post one EVERY day, just most days. and there are some people in the dorm who say things stupid things that shock me. so idk. they’re still fun to read anyway.

    • Justin says:

      Anyone who doubts that a human being could say so many ridiculously idiotic things on a daily basis has clearly never enrolled in an elementary education program.

      Let stupidity ring
      From the curvaceous peaks of
      California, amen!

  6. Lucy says:

    Hey Charlie, did the girls watch the Gloden Globes last night?

  7. Maren says:

    Charlie, do you get any kind of compensation for living under these 4thgraders? this blog, maybe? Do you ever wish they’d just move. I mean, the people living over me always have to let out the biggest moan after flushing the toilet and decide to have a knife-fight right outside our door, but this blog just never gets old? I wonder what’ll happen the day they run out of stupid things to say…

  8. Emily says:

    I doubt we’d be having a day off for his birthday if he told us about his wet dreams.

    Happy Birthday Robert E. Lee today as well :)

    • Rachel says:

      HEY NOW! No Robert E. Lee on MLK day.

      • notforyou says:

        Why not?

      • Rachel says:

        Because MLK fought and died so that all people, regardless of their race, were treated equally in this country and Robert E. Lee led the Confederate army so that people in the South could keep their right to own slaves? So they’re philosophically and ideologically at odds?

      • notforyou says:

        I am well aware of who Robert E. Lee is. Because he led the Confederate army doesn’t mean he personally thought that slavery was ok. The civil war had more reasons than just slavery, contrary to popular belief. I bet you didn’t know that many of the soliders from the North had family from the South, and others fought alongside each other in previous battles. Another point, people in the south just did that because that was what was being done. My ancestors owned slaves. That doesn’t make us bad people. That doesn’t mean that we don’t agree with what MLK jr did.

      • Rachel says:

        Mmmmm…. not really. The Civil War was about the Southern states secession from the Union, which was a reaction to a trend in the Federal government to limit the continuation and spread of slavery, which was the basis of the Southern economy. The Vice President of the Confederacy said himself “The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution — African slavery as it exists amongst us — the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted.” Blah blah “The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution — African slavery as it exists amongst us — the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted.”
        So, by leading the Confederate Army, Lee was, through his actions, siding with slavery.
        And you by being descended from slave owners (like most of us) are not by definition a bad person, but people who own slaves are. Its morally unambiguous.

      • Rachel says:

        After blah blah it’s supposed to say “(Jefferson’s) ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. … Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner–stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition.”
        Which is the second relevant quote from the Cornerstone Speech, rather than the first quote repeated.

      • notforyou says:

        Im not saying that slavery wasn’t a reason. It was, just not the ONLY reason, like most people think. If I am correct the South felt that they weren’t getting heard because most of the government was from the North and didn’t understand or care about the issues of the South. They thought that they should be separated because they had different needs that weren’t being met.
        Slavery being one of them.

      • kat says:

        Don’t be dense and totally reliant on what today’s public school history books would like to preach as the start of the civil war. IT WASN’T STARTED OVER SLAVERY. Abe Lincoln brought slavery into the conflict later in the war. It began because the South didn’t want to be run by the North. Also, slavery was quite popular in the North as well. It’s just more commonly associated with the South so get your facts straight. What MLK did was just, courageous, and all around incredible. Stop trying to play the poor slave blacks card. The majority of the time in today’s society blacks are treated completely equal if not better than whites. I’m not saying always, but mostly. Plus, it’s ok to say white, but if anyone tries to make the distinction that a person is black, even without the use of vile language, people get offended. So stop acting like the Southern whites are ignorant and racist. God bless MLK.

      • notforyou says:

        Also, slavery was long gone by the time MLK jr was protesting rights of African Americans.

      • Emily says:

        Charlie, it’s official. The girls above you know about the site. In fact one of them commented on this post. Her name is Rachel and she knows nothing about the Civil War.

      • Hannibal Lecter says:

        *applauds Kat* *combusts*

    • Jessica says:

      today’s just MLK day observed, Saturday was actually MLK day.

  9. Padma Patil says:

    I have been having a really shitty day, but you just made me laugh Charlie. Thank you.

  10. Lock says:

    I just don’t understand how these two could put those things together. Where is the correlation? How do their minds work?

  11. shannon says:

    Perhaps if MLK had a wet dream, it would be an interracial one? “I have a wet dream that one day black boys and girls will do the dirty with white boys and girls . . .” (too soon?)

  12. Hipar says:


  13. feesh says:

    wowzers, who wouldn’t?

  14. Lizzzzzz says:

    Thank you for making finals week a little more bearable!!!!

  15. KimeeFace says:


    Sometimes, I wonder if these girls realize how very wrong and/or idiotic most of what comes out of their mouths sound.

  16. Maggie says:

    I bet Charlie’s had a wet dream about the girls…

  17. EnterAmazingAliasHere says:

    Dear Girls Above Charlie, have YOU ever had a wet dream about MLK?

  18. Fran says:

    If you’re reading this comment, congratulations on successfully navigating the unneccessary and completely unrelated racism-through-the-ages argument above without spontaniously combusting.

    • Hannibal Lecter says:

      Yes, I must say that it was rather drawn out, too much for my- *spontaneously combusts*

      • Maria says:

        that whole convesation made me feel really stupid, i didnt think it was so complicated
        North: no slavery
        South: slavery
        that was what i thought. Apparently i was wrong?):

      • notforyou says:


        it is much more complicated than that, i would elaborate, but i get the feeling that most of the people on here don’t want to hear it

  19. Olive says:

    Can you people please stop being so bitchy?

  20. Mr. Adam says:

    Hey charlie are you going to sundance?

  21. TheOne says:

    I keep wondering what Charlie thinks about the randomness that appears on the comments sometimes, such as the Civil War Debate/Schooling which took place above.

  22. allana says:

    these girls get creepier everyday

  23. Steph says:

    Seems they’re getting wittier, these gals!

  24. Sasquatch says:

    hi im 11 i have wet drems 2 lol*~

  25. Alicia says:

    “I have a dream!” Dr. King cried out.
    But what was that dream actually about?
    Was it really about equal rights,
    Or was it a crazy chick fight?
    Whatever it was, I solute you Martin Luther King,
    You were a huge part of the end suffering.
    We’ve come a long way from where we were before,
    Unfortunately we have yet to get rid of stupid whores…

  26. ChelsLynn says:

    Sadly people can be this dumb. I actually convinced a girl once that rocks have children.

    • Emily says:

      Today we had mid terms and this girl next to me was trying to get her mechanical pencil to produce more lead, but she was clicking it holding it upwards. I turned to her and said “Let gravity work with you.” she replied: “I am! Why do you think I’m holding it up?” I tried to tell her that gravity works by pulling downwards. that’s why we stay in place. she refused to believe me, her rebuttle? “The clouds would float away. Duh!”



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