Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“Gylly ended things with Swifty!? I’m so gonna pay 1.29$ for the song that comes out of this.” Sounds more like a .99 song to me.

90 Responses

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  1. Chris says:

    Sure it shouldn’t be a free demo?

  2. Charlie McDowell says:

    I had to google both names just to understand what they were talking about.

  3. Lequia says:

    I love that they talk as if the couple were friends of theirs…. :p

  4. Lalalalizzie says:

    I thought Gylly ended things with Swifty a while ago….

  5. Lequia says:

    Oh, and Charlie today I thought I saw you at my work and almost had a heart attack. Then I realized…
    …you live in LA. I live in Arizona. :(
    Needless to say…I got sad.

    .end of random comment.

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      How do you know I didn’t fly to Arizona early this morning, walk by your cubicle, and then fly back home to send out this post?

      • Maria says:

        thats what i would do.

      • Karen says:

        it doesnt sound like this person works in a cubicle, more like a coffee shop or something…no offence, thats just what i gathered.

      • Lequia says:

        Because…then I’d have to kick myself for missing the opportunity to shake your hand. :p

      • Lequia says:

        And no Karen, I don’t work in a cubicle. But not in a coffee shop either. :p Its embarrassing (in regards to this thread of conversation) so I won’t say.

  6. feesh says:

    Thanks for making my otherwise dreary day a little better. It’s good to know the ignorance flows freely up and down the west coast

  7. Theresa says:

    Yeah, Charlie could totally be some cubicle stalking ninja.

  8. Belle says:

    I read all these comments and felt really weird that I recognized the names right away.

  9. Sasquatch says:

    hi im 12 how iz dis funneh?
    i dnt understnd sumwan plz tell me ty*~

  10. Bree says:

    Is it toally sad that I completly understood this post? :)

  11. Jillian says:

    I’m shocked that they didn’t know that Gylly and Swifty broke up! This is old news, girls. You’d think this would be the one thing they were knowledgeable about: celebrity relationships.

  12. Kat says:

    “Swifty” was pretty easy to deduce, but Gylly? That’s pretty out there. I still find this totally hilarious.

  13. Wenderbread says:

    Jake Gyllenhaal was WAY too good for “Swifty” anyways. :P Justsayin’.

  14. Elizabeth says:

    I understood the post after several minutes of contemplation…
    I’m not sure whether I should be scared that I’m that slow or glad that I didn’t have to use Google.

  15. julieeee says:

    im exactly like these girls. i totally got that.. its not such a bad thing to be like them, ignorance is bliss isnt it?

  16. Emma says:

    I’m terrified that I actually knew who they were talking about…

  17. Maria says:

    Dear Charlie
    I like your beard.xD
    Sincerely, this is probably overplayed.

  18. Renee says:

    i agree with them; the song coming out of this will be ttly worth it

  19. Jordan says:

    I thought they were talking about SwiftKarateChop from YouTube…

  20. Alicia says:

    The girls can’t wait for “Swifty’s” new song,
    I agree with them, and I hope it won’t be long.
    Unfortunately for Charlie,
    That’s probably all he’ll here,
    Then he’ll hum it at a party,
    And be forced to drink light beer.

    (Which would suck by the way if that happened a second time!)

  21. MandyMassacre says:

    Ugh… I hate Swifty… and I’ve already heard the song… a long time ago. Keep up, fellow Americans.

    • DylanRae says:

      Swifty irritates me. She made me like kanye west.
      I didn’t think anyone could make me like him either.

  22. angel says:

    Lol. Swifty plus breakup song led me to figure out that Gylly meant Jake Gyllenhaal.

    hey… I kinda like Taylor Swift.

    and Charlie, did they actually say this like two weeks ago and you kept it in the store of “GAM lines to be put up on the blog” or were they really just slow?

  23. Becca says:

    Alicia, not to be rude, but you used the wrong ‘here’…
    It should be ‘that’s all he’ll hear’.

  24. Becca says:

    But it was really cute! :)

  25. Diana says:

    Charlie, you should make a like button.
    I feel it would be helpful.

  26. Alexandra says:

    Hahahaha! You better hold on to your I.Q points Charlie, looks like 2011 has reached a whole new level of dumb.

  27. Mr. Coffey says:

    I had no clue what was going on until i read the comments, and being a first time commenter but long time reader, i love your poems alicia!

  28. Sasquatch says:

    hi im 11 lol*~
    u all dnt knoe wat trolling iz lolzlolzlolz
    rules 1 & 2 newbz

    • Anna Recsik says:

      Shhh. Don’t tell them that.
      I like hearing their responses to a troll.

      Especially this one!
      “My goodness! Learn how to spell! I’m also twelve, and I have better grammar and spelling! I’m also worried about this generation… -_-”

      Everyone knows it’s actually spelled gramer.
      And with that I leave with a link to an idiot’s picture.
      You have been warned.

    • Ryan says:

      Rules only apply to raids. Back to your corner.

      Also: love this site!

    • Sam =] says:

      I thought you were twelve?…Or is this a whole new person?

  29. Brett says:

    I would like to be Alicia’s new best friend. And regardless if you agree or not, I’m telling everyone I know that you are in fact, my new best friend. Even if no one I know wil know what I’m talking about. =[:{). ‘.’)>#. And Kirby giving away a waffle. Just for fun.

  30. Lauren says:

    I really do love how nice everyone is to each other on the comment section here. I do believe this is the most pleasant website I’ve ever seen. :) Way to bring all the wonderful people of the world together Charlie!

  31. Spinx says:

    I’m with Lauren – I nearly died laughing reading the comments of this post, just as much as the post itself almost caused me to asphyxiate xD

  32. Shleelee says:

    Not to be a Debbie Downer, but unless the song is very cleverly disguised, there isn’t going to be one. “Gylly” is a very private person (as private as a celebrity can be, anyway) and “Swifty” promised him post-break-up that she wouldn’t write one this time. At least that’s what the radio’s been saying.

  33. ChelsLynn says:

    well, us girls can be very clever when needed though. I read these to my husband every day (or every time there’s an update) and he just shakes his head and says “Poor guy. He’s got neighbors that are stupider than ours.”

  34. Sam =] says:

    Haha it took me a while to figure out who the people were till I read the comments…Thank you for clearing it up in the comments.

    Also little after thought….Anybody beside me watching these poor pathetic people getting their dreams crushed on American Idol????

  35. This is a great bit of humor, put a smile on my face today! ….

  36. TSWIFTLOVER! says:


  37. MBT Shoes says:

    Because of reading your blog , I decided to write my own. I had never been interested in keeping a blog until I saw how fun yours was, then I was inspired!…



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