Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


Typical Sunday afternoon: watching football on mute while listening to you guys sing You’re Beautiful by James Blunt to each other.

67 Responses

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  1. Leila says:

    Do you often watch tv like that? I probably would with all of those gems that comes out of their mouths!

  2. Maheen says:

    So…do they have any singing talent? More over….do they even understand what James Blunt means in the song?

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Let’s just say they wouldn’t make it to the “Hollywood round” on American Idol.

      • Fawkes says:

        On the topic of American Idol… why the hell is it still around? Like couldn’t they take a hint? Even Simon left

      • Kamella says:

        I have a feeling they watch american idol and fight over who should win. True or False, Chuck?

      • Lequia says:

        Charlie, since you’ve resorted to muting the telly to listen to them is it safe to assume you moved the TV into the kitchen so you can sit in the sink while listening/watching? :) lol

      • Maheen says:

        Well I guess if they do what James does in the music video and the strip and then jump into a body of water, it’ll serve you some entertainment.

  3. Sarah Dani says:

    I’m curious too!! Can they sing? Or does it sound like dying cats??

  4. Elizabeth says:

    …I’m sure football is interesting to watch with that in the background.

  5. Jessica says:

    That sounds like a really entertaining way to watch football. Though I am concerned about the quality of their singing.

  6. heidi says:

    i would prefer to hear them sing something of the metal genre.

  7. Nemesis says:

    You’re beautiful Charlie. It’s true.

  8. April says:

    *changes name to Charlie*
    Why thank you kind stranger.

  9. Lock says:

    Mm, this is a sweet one.
    You know, most people couldn’t pull this off: silencing their homes while they listen to their pre- neighbours, all the while documenting their daily lives in absence of their knowledge – without coming across as alarming. I think that counts for something. One could call you the most socially-acceptable stalker there is!

    *That was full of compliment, right up there*

  10. Fran says:

    Charlie, you should pray they go see The Roommate when it comes out. You could have some serious fun playing on those fears… like, more fun than wifi names.

  11. Lequia says:

    Its funny, of all the songs I’d imagine them singing I was almost positive they’d be warbling out Ke$ha songs…like “We are who we are”.

  12. Anna Recsik says:

    I do this all the time.

  13. Anna Recsik says:

    I totally would but tomorrow is Monday and I’m procrastinating doing a culminating project worth 15% of my mark that was already due this past Friday but here I am making a useless DGAM comment about it while wearing a big sweater and a black beanie because I always wear beanies for some reason but especially this red & white one my grandma knitted for me this one time ‘cuz I was Waldo for Halloween because she’s the coolest g-ma ever and she calls me Paige-Dawg and I call her G-Money except not really because I just made all this up and this is an atrocious run on sentence and if you’ve read this far then I congratulate you and feel It’s necessary to give you a prize redeemable by sending me a reply of just the word ‘whippersnapper’ and then I will give you a prize except I actually won’t because I’m not rich and you should be happy with what you have and African children would die to have the food you just had for supper (my dad always says this) but actually I disagree because if they died for the food then they would be dead and wouldn’t need the food any more that’s like saying someone would have unprotected sex for a condom or they would decapitate themselves for a hat like no one would ever do that, anyways I’m going to go back to writing my assignment again then finishing my screenplay (did I mention it was on global warming) and go back to reading Al Gore quotes then contemplating on whether or not to mention manbearpig in my project but I don’t know if my teacher would get it, then again she’s really young so she might but she seriously looks 13 and I think she’s an 8th grader but STOP THE TYPING it’s 9pm so I better get crackin’ again. Holy Christ on a cracker coloring with Crayolas do not click submit comment.

  14. Lauren says:

    You really don’t need to listen to the game to know what’s going on if you understand football, but I do hope they chose a better song for you next time.

  15. Hillary says:

    These two girls sound identical to my friend and I.
    Except for the fact that we live on the other side of the country.
    Maybe this is a nation-wide phenomenon?

  16. Helewidis says:

    You know, it starts to sound like you are in a sort-of relationship with them, now that you watch football in mute to listen to them… Know what I mean?

  17. ashley says:

    This is awesome :) it makes up for one not being posted on my birthday!
    Who do you think will win the super bowl charlie, the packers or the steelers?

  18. Nemesis says:

    I know my names not charlie, but, STEELERS.

  19. Alicia says:

    It’s a love-hate relationship with the girls and Charlie.
    He puts his TV on mute just to hear them sing loudly.
    Then he turns to his computer to make fun of the things they say,
    And we all come on to comment and laugh at them every day.
    And even though they’re idiots, I’d be sad if they ever moved,
    I look foward to reading the stupid things that they say and do.
    I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say I hope this never ends,
    As well as laughing at the girls, I feel like I’ve made some friends.

  20. ChelsLynn says:

    Double Like!

  21. Kenzie says:

    Are they ever in the apartment alone? Wait, they’re Siamese twins right?

  22. Anonymous Hippopotamus says:

    I think Charlie should try to get a recording of the girls singing and youtube it for our amusement. It’d be like watching a failed auditon for American Idol!

  23. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lyric Gantt, sgnewsfeed. sgnewsfeed said: 2011-01-23: Typical Sunday afternoon: watching football on mute while listening to you guys… […]

  24. nellie says:

    If your Girls Above Me = GAM. Then to us they are Girls Above You…which makes them GAY. Just sayin’.

  25. Katherine says:

    That’s actually pretty creepy….honestly you’re creeping me out now.

  26. Makayla says:

    this is the bomb :) love it!

  27. Woohoo, made it to level 4 of 8 : -) Nice write up man….



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