Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“I knew Kevin was in love with me when he said it was ok to pop his back zits.” Did I just hear the opening to your wedding vows?

131 Responses

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  1. Katie says:

    O.K. ewwwwww

    • Trina says:

      ew indeed… i didn’t know true love consisted of THAT. i’m glad of being single then.

      P.S. first time commenter. this deserved it. these girls? IDIOTS.

  2. justcourt says:

    Kevin’s a lucky man.

  3. animal_crackers says:

    Oh boy… lines have been crossed.

  4. Charlie McDowell says:

    I guess I’ve never experienced true love. Time to dirty my back.

  5. Stephanie says:

    Um. Wow. Nice. That’s…true love right there. Let me just go tell my husband that if he truly loved me he would let me pop his backne. We’ll see how that goes. O.o

  6. Jillian says:


  7. Alicia says:

    The first thing that popped up in my head was “Two girls, one cyst”.

  8. sabrina says:

    haha, Studyhall is not as boring as I thought. But i’m surprised that she would find that charming. I’d imagine that she would be really grossed out; I know I am… lol

  9. Angelica says:

    oh dear God! I think this is another post that requires the mind bleach!

  10. Tobia says:

    this reminds me of the time a magical fairy offered to trade me megan fox’s phone number if i pop’d his back zits… then i pointed out to him that i am not a lesbian… he got angry and next thing i knew, i was waking up in the back of a van crossing the border into guatemala and my name was Tobia…. weird…. whatever :)

  11. Tigerr says:

    Screw the flowers and chocolates, whose for back zits?

  12. Bertie says:

    Yuck, I have friends and a sister who love popping zits. I’ve never understood…

  13. bri222 says:

    ewww eewwww ewwwwwwww EEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! that is so hackin nasty!!!

  14. Lizzy says:

    *Flabbergasted Face of HORROR*

  15. Ann C. says:

    Because true love is popping out your other half’s back zits.
    (Obligatory long time reader, first time commenter sentence.)

  16. Sherona says:

    Ew. Maybe you should have kept this one to yourself.

  17. Ellen says:

    One of my cousins was talking about doing that with her boyfriend- I guess they must be in love!

  18. Kirstie says:

    Hi! I’ve read the comments and the blog for a while now, but this was the first entry that compelled me to comment. So, here is my comment: EWWW! Nasty! I mean, really?

  19. Ashers says:

    Gag much? Do they hear themselves when they talk?

  20. Beth says:

    dats nasty. just sick and wrong! i knew these girls had some issues but ummmm they might need somm seriuos help…. and eduation…

  21. la la lee says:

    hiiii!! another long time reader 1st time commenter…. i justhave to say ewwwwww >.< thats nasty

  22. Taylor D says:

    Romance and bliss filled the air of the apartment above,
    because one of the girls seem to have found true love.
    It appears their Prince Charming is a man named Kevin.
    He truly must be a gift from heaven.
    Cathy or Claire knew that this was it,
    because unlike most men he let them pop a zit.
    To some that may sound very gross and stupid,
    to the girls it was like being hit by the arrows of Cupid.
    Could it be that wedding bells are going to chime,
    at least for now she’s found a hobby to occupy her time.

  23. Andrew says:


  24. Anna Recsik says:

    That’s so attractive.

  25. Sasquatch says:

    lol dats luv rite dere*~~ <3

  26. Kamella says:

    My dad makes me pop his back zits…

    • notforyou says:

      when my dad sees that i have a back zit, he practically attacks me to pop it.
      But i don’t let him. I win.

  27. Prosopagnosia says:

    She should get a sharpie and play connect-the-dots with his back zits.

    • Sofa says:

      ^^Like! :D

    • notforyou says:

      once my older brother circled all of my back zits…

      and there was a kid in elementary school who called me “connect the dots” because he used to say that if you connected the dots on my face (freckles) they would spell out ‘loser’

  28. Ali says:

    Dang… That’s how you show true love? I’ll have to talk to my boyfriend about this. The ductape bouquet he made by hand just doesn’t compare. :C
    As a longlonglong time reader, and a second time commenter (Figured I’d make a introduction (if only a small one) before asking,) may I pleasepleaseplease be a part of this superduperfantastic family, too?! That would be so awesome! :D

    • KimeeFace says:

      I didn’t bother asking to be part of this family. I’m slowly trying to pry my way in with a crowbar.

      • Taylor says:

        Me too :)

      • Ali says:

        Hahaha, I considered that, but something inside of me just said I had to ask and be accepted. Ha. C:

      • Lily Luna Potter says:

        That was my plan too… although I have been a commenter for a few months now. Maybe not a daily commenter or the writer of the daily poems (Which are AMAZING), but a commenter just the same. SO, does that qualify me for the house?

  29. Kelly says:

    What a great Dear GAM for my birthday.

  30. Alessandra says:

    How about a guy getting up at 7 o’clock to bring you coffee at 7:40 and attend your 8 o’clock OChem Class with you? Yup, I’m the lucky one in this case.

  31. Lucie says:

    A guy letting a girl pop their back zits is a new way of showing love now? Gross.

  32. Nemesis says:

    Ha. I don’t care if all of you find this nasty. It’s humorous nonetheless. Lol.

  33. Bella says:

    Some people declare love over a kiss or a look in their eyes, but no, not in this case, she has established love over back zits. Boy am I jealous . . not.

  34. Sarah says:

    Are you trying to make us stop reading. ‘Cause really, that mental picture was too much

  35. Taylor says:

    That is so freaking gross!!! That seems like the opposite of love to me… haha

  36. music=life says:

    oh wow… :P

  37. Jenn says:

    Now there’s a wedding I’d love to go to

  38. KimeeFace says:

    I think for the first time since I found this website and started reading I actually had to re-read it to double check that it said what I thought.
    I wonder if ‘will you pop my back zits’ is going to become a new sort of valentine’s day pick-up line.

  39. Noir says:

    I’ve got to say this post surprised me. If one of the girls doesn’t mind getting with someone with backne, then they obviously aren’t as superficial as I thought.

  40. LonelyNerdGirl says:

    wow, this site makes me laugh everyday, but thats rather gross… You know I need two girls for one of my stories, maybe ill base them on claire and cathy :P

  41. Christina says:

    ok wow this is really gross

    this is the first time ive read any of these and let me tell you what …theyre great
    i never knew someone could be so stupid about …well everything

  42. Charlie McDowell says:

    Wait, it’s unclear, were people grossed out by this post?

  43. Bee says:

    I love visiting this site after a long day at work… specially when I feel like I’ve been extra stupid. Checking out the girls’ latest gems reminds me that I’m not as dumb as I feel (most of the time!).

  44. CaseyMacey says:

    wow. i would like to be at that. just because it would be immensely entertaining. Charlie, do you think the backne would be popped during the ceremony? as a symbolic moment and reminder when they first realized their love was true?
    ew :P

  45. CaseyMacey says:

    wow. i would like to be at that wedding. just because it would be immensely entertaining. Charlie, do you think the backne would be popped during the ceremony? as a symbolic moment and reminder when they first realized their love was true?
    ew :P

  46. Heather says:

    Wow, what a perfect post for my anniversary. I just showed this to my husband, and his response was a vomiting noise. So…obviously we’re not in love.

  47. lalalalizzie says:

    I was talking about this a week ago with my younger sister asking her, if her boyfriend, the “love of her life”, would let her do this. She replied with a very disgusted no.

    Three minutes ago she called me to tell me to check today’s DGAM. I definitely like this way better than what Punxsutawney Phil had to say today.

  48. Elizabeth says:

    Hehe sorry.
    I have nothing to say.
    Pointless comment. Yup. xD

  49. Shay says:


  50. Lord Voldemort says:

    Awww…… that reminds me when I was young and in love <3

    • KimeeFace says:

      ….I just had a really really hard time imagining Lord Voldemort in love…gimme a moment. I can visualize it if I try hard enough.

      • Sarah says:

        Do you need a link to AVPM?

      • Elizabeth says:

        AVPM? Where???
        Sorry, one of my favorite musicals of all time. So funny. Gotta love Team Starkid xD

      • KimeeFace says:

        Haha….I adore AVPM. Once me and a few friends dressed up as hogwarts students [eighty dollar plus shipping and handling for each cloak] and we acted out the “Harry Freakin’ Potter” scene.
        Suspension was so worth it.

  51. Alicia says:

    What a great wedding vow that that statement would be,
    It’s obviously love if you can pop his back acne.
    He must be a real catch to date a girl like you,
    I wouldn’t ever to that, but maybe he’s dumb, too.
    If you’re so in love maybe he’ll put a ring on your hand,
    But I’m sure you’re over reacting and it was just a one night stand.

  52. Eileen says:

    I think Kevin needs a new girlfriend and a new dermatologist, preferably two separate people this time.

  53. ChloƩ says:

    I have to give them credit: they’re not as superficial as I thought they are.

    • Slim says:


      Love isn’t marveling at your mate’s flawless body, it’s caring about them so much you’re not grossed out by their backne, or compulsion to pop your backne.

  54. karlibell22 says:

    haha I think I’m the only person here who wasn’t grossed out by this. I was super happy when my boyfriend was comfortable enough with me to let me pop his zits..

  55. Jake says:

    Sweet dreams are made of this
    who am I to Disagree?
    I’ve traveled the world and the seven seas
    Some people like poppin back acne

    some of them want to pop you
    some of them want to be popped by you…

    • Liz says:

      Hm… I feel like ‘seas’ and ‘acne’ rhyme too much… We learned in class today that the point of the Eurythmics was to totally throw out all conventional rhyme schemes, which is why ‘disagree’ and ‘seas’ rhyme (ABBC).
      Other than that one odd comment, I really love it.

      Also… I find it most odd not that they like popping acne, because I know lots of people who find it intriguing, but rather that that’s the definition of love. If only love were that easy to define…

      • Jake says:

        Thank you. I felt the same way about the rhyming scheme, but decided I might as well keep a large chunk of the song together so that people caught the reference. Unfortunately I couldn’t back my comment up with song beats, or I would have dinked around with it further.

        I agree with you about their definition of love. Sort of.. I have a few friends who are avid poppers of zits. Its not an unheard of compulsion. Is it a mark of love? some people would say that allowing your significant other that level of intimacy certainly is a marker.

        What weirds me out is that one of these girls has used a stuffed animal for a sex toy in years past. This shades me to believe that it might not be a new level of intimacy as much as an off the wall sexual fetish. But who am I to judge? Everybody IS looking for something, even if it is someone with a dermatological playground on their back.

      • Alicia says:

        I’m looking for a guy to hold a boom box outside of my window.

    • Jake says:

      Everyone is

      • Jake says:

        Wow, major fail as that comment was meant for face book.

        I’m sure there is someone out there with a boombox waiting for you, Alicia

  56. Elle says:

    Hahaha these posts always make my dayyy!

  57. Jake says:

    Anyone else wonder if this is the same guy who was caught at “Peep boys’?

  58. TinaMadrigal says:

    There was an article on the newspaper the other day about The best/funniest things people follow on Tweeter and this site was mentioned as the funniest. I hope those girls never move away or stop talking… this site gives me a sure laugh everyday.

  59. Christina says:

    How romantic…..

  60. laurad says:

    Apparently my two best friends are in love then, she always likes to pop his backne.
    I’m glad its her and not me though;D

  61. Imogen says:

    Thought I’d pop on here for some giggles whilst eating a late breakfast, big mistake.

  62. Megan says:

    THIS is what you’ve been living under for the last year? I’ve been reading for a long time now, and I have to wonder, how do you sleep at night with THESE girls above you?

  63. Sarah Arthur says:

    I have nothing funny to say–But I’m so glad that Charlie and so many of you do!

  64. Eden says:

    wow! I can’t imagine her telling the rest of her family this…or her future kids. But that’s definetely unique… Charlie,you should meet them. The girls upstairs I mean. Your practically friends,I mean you did give them your beloved Haylie Duff pillow :)

  65. J-Lo says:

    Eww! My mom does this to my dad though. It’s quite gross.

  66. andrea says:

    My sister would do this with her husband and my one year old niece would try to “help”. They thought it was cute but it really wasn’t.

  67. ASchmalz says:


    love it. thanks for that.

  68. africanandeuropeanswallow says:

    Zit fetish?

  69. Savannah says:

    My mom pops my dad’s back zits… Is my mom a GAM? Is there a support group?

  70. Alexandra says:

    My guy tried to pop mine once and i freaked out and told him no. He even said i could pop his if there were any and i almost hurled. Why do guys ask us to do gross things?

  71. Janna says:

    I just threw up in my mouth a little bit ! Do these girls know about your website?! They are retarded but I love that you’re doing this, I just found your site on stumbleupon the other day, and its hilarious! YOU RULE

  72. xarvaln says:

    This reminds me of the song ‘If you really loved me’ by Tim Minchin..

  73. YogaGurl says:

    Your blog inspired me to write letters to my housemates for their horrible doings!

    Dear Annoying Housemates,



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