Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


I know you’re going crazy but stop Googling “someone who kills birds, Los Angeles.” Try replacing the battery in your smoke alarm.

101 Responses

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  1. Shelly says:

    lolz They’re idiots :)

  2. a guy named John says:

    I don’t get it, did they think there smoke alarm was a bird or something?

  3. Angieissocoollike says:

    Don’t understand… Oh and THIRD!

  4. cheerdiva800 says:

    They just keep getting stupider… don’t they?

  5. Bex says:

    Well, Im sure googling that would produce some… interesting results. Not quite sure that they would want to explain that to anyone who happened to see their browsing history

    • Trippetta says:

      hmm, with that search they’d mostly get info on all those bird kills. The seemingly isolated flocks of birds, thousands of miles away from each other, that died for an unknown reason. That might scare them, to be honest

  6. TanTan says:

    Are these the same birds that migrate to Southern France? Just wondering…

    By the way, I feel a little left out on being greeted into the family. Hi, everyone!

  7. Cygnus says:

    You have to keep us updated if they figure out it is the smoke detector. I am dying to know their response to the arcane mystery of a square battery with exotic round clamps and wires attached to the top. Will they fear it a bomb? One can only hope!

    • Tobia says:

      That reminds me of the time my cat, Sally, swallowed an obnoxious watch. My nefew came over to my apartment and, as he is very attached to my cat, quickly ran over and gave her a hug (ssomething my cat admitibly appears to loathe). Well, anywho, he quickly ran over to me and said “Aunt tobie! Quick! Sally is gunna explode!” Well, i thought to my self “oh silly cat, what did you do this time”. Well, my nefew brought me over to her and told me to listen, and sure enough, i heard a soft and muffled *tick*-*tick* coming out of her abdomin. Well, fearing what it was that she had gotten herself into, i took her to the vet. The vet took an X-ray and told me she swallowed what apeared to be a watch, and cave me some medication that would make her cough it out. So, i gave her the pills and, sure enough, some watch i have never seen before came out, although, now i dont think anyone would want it back…. I still have no clue where this thing came from… awell.

      • angel says:

        ok, i love cats. but the thought that your nephew thought your cat was going to explode coz she had a ticking timebomb inside of her cracks me up.

  8. hagenson says:

    haha, that one took me a moment..
    but! super funny!!!!!!

  9. Emily says:

    Wow. Charlie that chirping has to be driving you nuts too, I’m so sorry.

  10. Ally says:

    I’m not gunna lie, I just had to google it. Incase you’re wondering,the results are not helpful.

  11. Taylor(: says:

    The smoke alarm was beeping,
    The girls thought It was a bird tweeting!
    Driven insane, they searched, but in vain,
    For someone to kill said birdie(:

  12. Alicia says:

    Haha it took me way longer than it should have to understand this post.

  13. Fermata says:

    This reminds me of that episode in Modern Family when the dad couldn’t figure out which alarm was beeping.

  14. Prosopagnosia says:

    They thought… the fire alarm… was… a bird? *headdesk*

  15. Kayla says:

    I figured it out right away, but only because my roommate had a similiar reaction to theirs. But had that not happened I’m pretty sure I would have been just as confused lol.

  16. Fachento says:

    So… leave a “Bird Exterminator” flier on their door – charge them $50 for an estimate, then come by later to ‘exterminate’ the offending foul, and just happen to notice their smoke-detector’s battery is low, and charge them an extra $10 to change the battery? “It’s immoral to let a sucker keep his money.” – Canada Bill Jones

  17. Chloé says:

    If it was dead, it wouldn’t be making noise anymore. It would just be dead.

  18. Christina says:

    How they know what dying birds sound like is what I want to know…

    • Lucie says:

      I JUST got what the post meant @.@
      They’re looking for somebody to kill the “bird” because it keeps chirping. Not a bird dying

  19. Tina says:

    I only stumbled upon this blog a few days ago and I knew at once that I loved you Charlie. Thanks for being so fantastically awesome. Also, maybe this valentines they will get a battery for their smoke alarm…though they might be confused with a battery for a present.

  20. Alicia says:

    “Claire! Do you hear that sound?”
    “There must be a bird flying around!”
    “Quick! Get online!”
    “I’m way ahead of you this time!”
    And so to Google they went,
    To browse the internet,
    For a guy that would kill this “bird”
    That they had supposedly heard.
    But alas, they were wrong again:
    Their smoke alarm’s almost dead.
    I have not the smallest doubt,
    That they will never figure this out.
    I bet Charlie also hears this beep,
    I just hope he can get some sleep!

  21. Fran says:

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  22. Emma says:

    Someone has a little too much time on their hands…

  23. alexaluvs says:

    Ha how have the not driven you crazy yet Charlie?

  24. MacKenzie says:

    I think Charlie should be nominated into sainthood for this. There is only so much stupidity one can take before they themselves feed into it.

  25. Lonely Girl says:

    I hate to admit that this confused me as well. My tuition dollers at work, ladies and gentlemen.

  26. Ann C. says:

    The Smoke Alarm Finch is an endangered species native to the L.A. area. It migrates to the south of France in the winter.
    I suggest you get in contact with PETA, Charlie. Bird killing is a criminal offense.
    ((Can I be accepted into the wonderful DGAM commentary family?))

    • Prosopagnosia says:

      Bird that sounds like an alarm… birds that migrate to the south of France.

      Maybe these girls really aren’t that stupid…

      PAHAHA Who am I kidding, they’re lost causes.

    • Prosopagnosia says:

      I JUST realized that you made up the “Smoke Alarm Finch”…


    • Elin says:

      HEY THERE!!!! welcome, were so glad you joined us. I feel as though you and us have a special connection so now you and us are now just us !

  27. Sarah says:

    So how exactly is your show going to work? Will they being doing stupid stuff then it will show your reaction?

  28. africanandeuropeanswallow says:

    It took me longer than it should have to get that. Can I be in the family?

  29. africanandeuropeanswallow says:

    This was the 1st entry on Google by the way

  30. Shay says:

    HA. These always crack me up

  31. Public Service Announcement. says:

    Fact: Millions of houses are burnt down for fear of bird infestation due to confusion brought on by fire alarms. Kinda ironic when you think about it…

  32. Charlie McDowell says:

    It just keeps going…and going.

    • Madison says:

      Go upstairs and say you know how to catch the bird, and get them to leave the apartment then disable the alarm. Problem solved. hah

  33. Ali says:

    I always wondered what there was a bird doing awake all night and day at my friend’s house, just chilling in the walls until she told me it was the fire alarm. That was a shameful day. :C
    I’m sorry it’s come to this. Really, I am. But, I’ve held captive all of the knees from your bees. Until I have been accepted into this family, your bees will be shorter, uncomfortable, and they will not be able to stand properly.
    Sorry it’s had to come to this. I’m a bit of a klepto in the first place, so it only makes it worse.

    • angel says:

      Hi Ali. Sorry it’s not Charlie welcoming you but I thought i should act fast so that the bees can have their knees back. I like honey on my pancakes.

      So yes,


      • Ali says:

        Hi, Angel. You’re not Charlie who has welcomed me, but I appreciate it greatly none the less. C:
        Even if I had to make a ransom.
        So, thank you.

        There’s a lot of freaking beeeeesss….

      • Charlie McDowell says:

        Free the bees!!!

  34. Lord Voldemort says:

    You know, I was never welcomed. You know how I feel? Sad. Im going to start crying now. Now Im crying! The Lord is not pleased.

    • Cygnus says:

      Welcome. Here is your chai and here is your hankie. Why is it that Dark Lords are always so EMO. Must be the troubled childhood. (please read this with tongue planted firmly in cheek and deep affection for all on this site).

      • Jake says:


        And welcome to the family by someone who was never welcomed. I just showed up one day and never left.

    • KimeeFace says:

      I think I’ve mentioned before that I’m just trying to force my way in. Seeing as your the dark lord, and I’m obnoxiously persistent, we should team up to convince Charlie&Gang to allow us in. Or else.

    • Charlie McDowell says:

      Oh, LV, you’re always wanted and welcome.

      • Alicia says:

        You know, I was never “officially” welcomed either…

      • angel says:

        heh. is it weird that when i saw LV the first thing I thought of was Louis Vuitton?

        argh, that reminds me of that post about Chanel (vs channel) and makes me feel like I’m on the same level as the GAMs. That is not a good feeling to have.

      • Taylor says:

        I wasn’t either Alicia…

  35. Alessandra says:

    I’m so confused, how can they not realize. *sigh*

  36. Liz says:

    how long has the alarm been going off? and what does it sound like? i don’t think i have ever heard one that sounds like a bird (although, there may be a bird that can mimic a smoke alarm. some have been known to imitate cell phone ringtones).

  37. Jessica says:

    I have no idea how you could confuse a smoke alarm for a bird flying around. Also, I’m amazed you’ve been able to stand the noise for so long, Charlie. Congratulations on your survival.

  38. Fliss says:

    Let me know when you file that restraining order, so I know to dodge the police ;)

  39. Eileen says:

    fire drill=bird apocalypse

  40. Bellatrix Lestrange says:

    oh. gosh. i wish this site was like facebook sometimes…there are so many comments that i want to like

  41. eltronix says:

    mangina, haha. reminds me of the man-gina episode in carlifornication

  42. Leila says:

    I just have to say, that the comments on here are SIGNIFICANTLY better than the ones on facebook. We’re just cooler. :)

  43. RandomLiteraryName says:

    Poor Charlie has a headache
    from all the stupidity,
    since the brainy GAMs
    think that they’ve caught a bird.
    Did they never realize
    how to change the batteries
    in the round plastic thing
    that keeps them from burning?
    But thank God for Google,
    because otherwise
    they might not know how
    to get rid of their electronic “bird”.

    Sorry, Alicia, I needed to try =]
    BTW, Charlie, how do you know what they were typing? Are you a skilled hacker and didn’t tell us? :C I thought we were a family!

  44. YogaGurl says:

    wow dumb
    reminds me of my stupid annoying housemates, at least you dont live with them, your blog style inspired me to write letters to my housemates for their dumb acts, check it out!

  45. Unnatural post and all very solid info….

  46. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jessica Lada Brownin, Lauren Forrow. Lauren Forrow said: 2011-02-03 « Dear Girls Above Me […]

  47. This is a great bit of humor, put a smile on my face today!…



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