Charlie covering his ears
Two annoying girls moved into the apartment above me.
I'm forced to hear every dumb thing they say.
These are my letters to them.


“Egypt is nowhere near Hawaii, right? Oh thank God, cause I really wanna go there this year…to Hawaii.” Ya, we got it.

110 Responses

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  1. Liz P. says:

    At least we know that The Girls are getting some form of real news (No TMZ doesn’t count).

  2. Eden says:

    o.m.g! I feel like I’m losing brain cells just reading this one…

  3. Cedar says:

    haha wow. its like how Sarah Palin thought that Africa was a country….

  4. Sara says:

    Maybe you should anonymously leave them a world map for President’s day.

    • pb says:

      i was going to suggest buying them a children’s atlas.

      • Liz says:

        ooh. my mom found this great kids’ atlas for my 6 year old cousin (who perfectly pronounces countries that i can’t say). maybe i should send it to them?

  5. Tigerr says:

    Going off at a tangent… I used to refuse to believe Chinese and Japanese people when they said they were Asian. I assumed Asia was made up of only India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. I used to have the IQ of a GirlAboveYou :P

  6. heidi says:

    these girls are such humanitarians.

  7. Charlie McDowell says:

    I’m thinking about inviting them over for the Superbowl. Thoughts?

  8. Krysla says:

    I wish I was your neighbor.

  9. Bex says:

    oh dear god. Lets not worry about the strife and the misery in Egypt, lets just worry about your holidays. And you should totally invite them over for the superbowl. think of all the material you would be able to get!!!!

    • Reba says:

      hey i do worry about Egypt because my boyfriend is over there now…but when they had the phone and internet cut off i was so scared that something happened to him. but all is good now

  10. Raji says:

    GO PACK!

  11. Louisa says:

    I love their geography :)

  12. Melissa says:

    Forget the Super Bowl. I would like to see your DGAM girls and this poor thing compete in a battle of wits.

  13. Theresa says:

    Oh hell yes. Please invite them and somehow document it.

  14. Ann C. says:

    Heaven forbid that something like an actual problem interfere with a vacation in Hawaii.

  15. Janna says:

    Just invite one of them, it will drive the other crazy.

  16. Kingsley Shacklebolt says:

    Be careful how you word the invitation… if you use “Superbowl” and “Black-Eyed Peas” in the same paragraph, they might think you’re inviting them over for soup.

  17. cheerdiva says:

    You should definitely invite them!

  18. Kayla says:

    I’m glad she clarified that she meant Hawaii because that wasn’t completely clear what-so-ever.

  19. Lucie says:

    Definitely invite them over!! And conceal a voice recorder somewhere to record the whole thing!

    • Bennie says:

      Don’t do it! Voice recording in CA is illegal without permission. Totally invite them though and you should talk about the half-time show, don’t want to mess with their gaydar.

  20. says:

    those poor girls, why are they safe but not anderson cooper?

  21. Lonely Girl says:

    Yes! Invite them over! It would totally make my year!

  22. Chloé says:

    Yes; Hawaii is in Africa, abouut five miles East of the Sphinx.

  23. Theresa says:

    Did you honestly think anyone would say not to invite them over?

  24. Gina says:

    my jaw seriously dropped reading this one…did they ever go to school???

  25. Public Service Announcement. says:

    Fact: Hawaii, as we speak, is slowly floating toward the coast of Egypt. As future Egyptians, the Hawian people are protesting along side their future countrymen. Due to these conditions it is not recommended to travel to Hawaii until the protests have ended.

  26. YogaGurl says:

    I feel ya man I have psycho housemates and a blog about them!
    check it out

  27. says:

    Hahaha! That is all that needs to be said.

  28. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by giuls990, basmamostafa. basmamostafa said: 2011-02-04 « Dear Girls Above Me […]

  29. Alicia says:

    I want to see the look on Cathy and Claire’s faces when you invite them over for the game.
    If they say yes, record everything they do, even if you think it sounds lame.
    I hope they don’t think you’re being a creeper, but you kind of actually are,
    You sit in your sink and write down what they say so strangers can make fun from afar.

  30. Alice says:

    For some reason, you kind of remind me of my clay teacher…not really sure why…

  31. LonelyNerdGirl says:

    Lol i love reading this, I actually did use cathy and claire for my story :P if you want to read it:
    I referenced the post from late january when Claire couldn’t pee because Cathy was mad at her :)

    • Alicia says:

      You are an amazing writer! I read the story for the link you put up, and it is really good!! I chuckled when I saw my name even though I’m sure it wasn’t related to me in any way. Can’t wait for you to add more to it! Keep at it, because I assure you it is really good!

      • LonelyNerdGirl says:

        That means alot coming from the one and only Alicia :)
        And i was thinking of you and your incredible poems while i was writing that so I think I’ll be borrowing you too :P i might post another part completely about the girls but im not sure yet

      • Alicia says:

        Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure it will be amazing :D

  32. Sara says:

    Wow, this kind of depresses me that they don’t know their geography. Though, it sounds like something my roommates would say so I should be use to dumb comments. haha

  33. Cygnus says:

    Suddenly it makes sense why so many people believe that Obama was born in Africa… Hawaii=off the coast of Egypt= Africa. Now I get it. Well not really.

  34. Emm:) says:

    What makes me sad is i just had a GAM moment. I was thinking “Why do they care about how close Egypt is to Hawaii?” After a while it finally hit me.

  35. Tobia says:

    Huh, you know what is weird, my uncle Hany, great aunt Dalol, and cousin Nataliy just left their home country of egypt and went to hawaii. they got there today… they really didn’t want Nataliy to grow up in a country that is so unstable, especially right now!

  36. Liz says:

    Of course, this post made me think of this comic:

    Except, sadly, the people who worked on the map were smarter than the comic author had wished… I bet it would’ve been a lot better if those Girls would have done it. xD

  37. thefrog says:

    just blasted through every single one of your letters in a half hour. have regained hope for mankind.

  38. Fliss says:

    *stares in while everyone is eating sunchips*

  39. Wayne C. says:

    Not often I go to this extreme…but I have to honestly say your site is a complete waste of bandwidth. I hope life improves for you.

  40. Sam =] says:

    Charlie I am depressed because my emojicons don’t show up on the site :(

    (The little pictures. It’s an app on my ipod.)

    And i needed them so I could give you your ring :( :)

  41. Mina says:

    are there really people out there who are this stupid?

  42. Jordan says:

    I love this site so much! I’m starting to feel like I’m in your little family.. Bring on the Sunchips, poems, and the long stories!

  43. On The Bright Side... says:

    At least they keep up with current events.

  44. Leah says:

    Hey, I live in Hawaii! Maybe they’ll come to my island :)

    • Angie says:

      I wouldn’t look forward to them coming if I were you. But if they do come, the GAMs will be the ones looking for a blue alien that thinks it is a dog. Or maybe they will be the ones that are under the impression that grass skirts are normal attire. Probably both. Someone should remind them what an island is so they don’t try to drive to California or Mexico. :)

    • Cygnus says:

      I would love to read the DGAM Hawaii edition. What say you Charlie, up for some sunscreen and volcanos?

  45. Ashton Aubrey says:

    Turns out there are a lot people who do not know geography. My sister this weekend asked me if Virginia was near Oregon?! Not related. Check out my blog. My job is to observe classrooms in a middle school… Due to budget cuts… geography has been thrown out the window.

  46. Jr says:

    Yo Mcdowell,
    I’ll lend you my atlas :D

  47. Great post. It seems that most of the steps are relying on the creativity factor….

  48. Wonderful post. I want to thank you for this informative read, I really appreciate sharing this great post. Keep up your work….



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